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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It is most pleasing reading the Sun article q couple of pages ago but I have to ask the people who post on here AND buy the Daily Ranger - why are you wasting your brain cells and money on this sorry excuse for journalism.

I don't buy them, but I'd imagine they're probably worth getting just for the Phone-in columns alone.

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And yet that's precisely what happened. There's no way of knowing how many SPL chairmen would have voted yes had they not been assured by the people at the very top of the SFA that the stitch-up was assured.

I partly agree. The vote would have been very different.

If anything I imagine the SPL chairmen are madder at Regan and Doncaster than we are. Gilmour may very well deserve what he gets for being complicit in this, but there's no doubt that the SFA's failure here has cost him a metric fuckton of personal wealth.

I don't agree with this though. Anyone stupid enough to accept at face value an impossible promise, based on the votes of people they have no control over, deserves all they get and have no right to be angry at anyone.

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The notion that SPL chairmen were banking on Sevco going into the first and that we are all now fucked because NOBODY THOUGHT THEY WOULD GO INTO THE THIRD, is one of the most nonsensical things I've ever heard.

"We're all f*cked" bit may well be nonsensical, but the other bit clearly isn't, given recent quotes from Stewart Gilmour (particularly) and Kenny Cameron.

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I don't believe for a minute that every single one of them gambled on them getting into the first. If the vote was unanimous for not allowing them into the SPL then why expect the SFL clubs to do the complete opposite? It makes no sense.

And now we are expected to believe that they'll suddenly all change their minds and put Sevco straight into the SPL? Absolute desperation.

I think all the clubs received 'assurances' that Rangers would be voted in to division 1 by the SFL, probably from Regan and Doncaster. That would certainly explain the blind panic of Gilmour and Cameron (who then went away, spoke to sponsors/backers and realised they still had their support and swiftly made a u-turn on his statement).

You're right though - it is just blatant desparation. There's no realistic way that Rangers will be in the SPL next season, although the season after (with the correct 'reconstruction') is a different matter all together.

I get the feeling we could be in for more scraps during this season.

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? for anyone thinking the newco can survive in the 3rd division,have a look at these figures below.

Even if the newco sold 50,000 tickets twice a month at £15 will bring in it is less than £1.5 million a month in revenue,the running costs at Ibrox for running costs alone is around £1.15 million a month even in the 3rd division without a match day income.Now look at actual 3rd division maximum pricing £12 if memory is correct ! becomes less than £1.2 million ! and the running costs at Ibrox regardless of match day income ? £1.15 million A MONTH :blink:.The footballing calender lasts around 9 months but the wages and tax last 12 months regardless :o.

Factor in the wages of any players and policing for match days and how much do you think the newco will earn on match day and policing bills ain't cheaper because they are a 3rd division side ?.Add in some sponsorship money at 3rd division prices as well ! it don't look good.

also ! what fucking quality player will sign for a club still in danger of disappearing of the footballing map forever because it has no money and in the bottom league ?.

Greens master plan is completely fucked ! SPL footy for the newco coz they ara peeps.

:blink: Admin twice in less than a year for rangers fans by looking at the finances of them in the 3rd division ............ is this Christmas again already ?.Serves them right as they seem to think they will celebrate the death of other SPL clubs on their way to the title at a canter in 4 years ! the B@STARDS :angry: the newco will not survive in the Scottish 3rd division FACTOMUNDO.


Mondays vote is going to be the biggest and most hardest meeting the SPL members will ever face.

CLUB12's place will be filled by either Dundee,Dunfermline and also the inclusion of the newco because Friday the 13th's vote was a nightmare ha ha !.

Maybe expect a vote to be called just gauge the fans sentiments and when that is a massive fail they will vote Dundee or Dunfermline and then watch Charles Green do a runner and sink the SS TITANIC NEWCO on an orcberg on her maiden voyage.

This my friends may actually be the death of a sectarian football club before Christmas in the making.The club has become so big that even 1st division football would have killed it if it didn't get the SPL promotion spot after it's first season in it.

Too big to fail or too big to survive the aftermath ?.

The only thing I can realistically think that will make everyone forget Rangers ever existed is ! a new name on the SPL trophy this season kicking off ! Celtic won feck all in season 2012/2013,or more like 2 teams took Celtic to within about 5 games left to conclude the title.Also based on last years results 3 teams won a major trophy in Scotland AGAIN :D and any Rangers in name team won feck all or even close to a final :lol:.

As a real fan of football I wish that the newco will die for the sake of sporting integrity or as we know it real fan power,if this was Celtic's position as the Rangers just now I'd have already bought a sason ticket to watch Pollok juniors as my big team ? may consider Queens Park as the closest team in professional league footy .... OHHH I can't decide hee hee.

Whilst I generally think you correct I think you running costs figure is actually far too low.with turnover from full houses at spl and Cl ticket prices,spl and Cl TV money and sponsorship etc they were losing over a million a month even with a reduced squad. I would guess the real running costs are two to three times your figure....which is why the suits were desperate to avoid sfl three. Ah well I'm sure hughies investors will still turn a proft from the property

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The Sunday Mail apparently claimed that Aberdeen, Celtic, Hibs and St Johnstone are also 'unequivocal' in their original decision to refuse the newco a place in the SPL.

If true, it seems that Saints have done everything we could have asked of them (apart from improving their PR and being more clear about their intentions on the official website). Season ticket may be getting purchased later today.

Edited by The Real Saints
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Mr Regan’s Email of 23/6 – Smoking Gun? Should He Step Down? Will He Try the Sevco Rescue Again?

In which I have a look at the masterplan disclosed in Mr Regan’s email on 23rd June, and wonder if the SPL teams were happy to refuse to vote Rangers FC into the SPL, because they were fully aware of the plan and had been assured by Messrs Regan, Doncaster and Longmuir that an SFL1 solution was in the bag.

Maybe a reporter could ask the SPL chairmen arriving at Hampden today for the AGM what they knew, and when, about the Regan plan?

Rod Petrie of Hibs definitely knew, as he was part of it. Did his Board know and when?

What about Mr Gilmour of St Mirren? Had he received the nod that SFL1 was all but delivered, thus explaining his anxiety, and similarly that of Inverness CT, when the SFL vote went in favour of SFL3?


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So if Sevco FC go to the wall as many are suggesting and in the words of Walt Disney "that's all folks" what should happen to Ibrox & Murray Park ?

Would do the National team I'd say.......although I'm sure someone in the know will point out that its not as simple as that !

Be a shame to lose what is a terrific stadium.

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Who would be kept within our MSM ?

Richard Gordon

Tam Cowan

Stuart Cosgrove

Tom English

Graham Speirs


Spiers is a contrarian wee shitebag. If you're just looking for a "good guy" list here then you'll need Jim Spence added.

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Well, today's the day where Sevco fans and the weegia grasp at the final straw of desperation and hope that SPL chairmen do a "dramatic u-turn" and put Sevco in the SPL.

The notion that SPL chairmen were banking on Sevco going into the first and that we are all now fucked because NOBODY THOUGHT THEY WOULD GO INTO THE THIRD, is one of the most nonsensical things I've ever heard.

If you're a chairman of a football club and you staked everything on Sevco going into the 1st then you shouldn't be allowed near any business, ever again.

They staked everything because they had been assured the result was fixed.

I'm amused by the whole Get Regan campaign by Sevco fans. They are dressing it up as a move for integrity, in reality it's because Agent Regan failed in his mission to get them in to the 1st Division.

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I'm amused by the whole Get Regan campaign by Sevco fans. They are dressing it up as a move for integrity, in reality it's because Agent Regan failed in his mission to get them in to the 1st Division.

I remain awestruck by quite how many people think this was orchestrated by Celtic. This is CFC's worst nightmare.

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So if Sevco FC go to the wall as many are suggesting and in the words of Walt Disney "that's all folks" what should happen to Ibrox & Murray Park ?

Would do the National team I'd say.......although I'm sure someone in the know will point out that its not as simple as that !

Be a shame to lose what is a terrific stadium.

Wasn't it Porky Pig who said that?

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Who would be kept within our MSM ?

Richard Gordon

Tam Cowan

Stuart Cosgrove

Tom English

Graham Speirs


Don't forget Jim Spence! Spencey has been been a mainstay in this whole saga who has asked all the right questions, and has generally been the voice of the people (ie us).

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If Gers fans are so bothered about sporting integrity then they should campaign for Rangers to be stripped of all the titles and cups they won whilist using EBTs etc.

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They staked everything because they had been assured the result was fixed.

I'm amused by the whole Get Regan campaign by Sevco fans. They are dressing it up as a move for integrity, in reality it's because Agent Regan failed in his mission to get them in to the 1st Division.

You're giving them too much credit. It's because anyone who doesn't agree with them 100% on every issue is a suspect tarrier and an enemy of ra peepul.

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The media continue to spin their backwards crap of bringing in so called 'experts' such as Billy Dodds in the herald for example is showing just how quickly they are falling behind.

The Daily Record's tweet earlier on about Sell out Saturday is the epitmone of everything that show's up their hypocrisy. The fact that they are now spinning a campaign in which their original would have all but been the fallacy of it happening now should things have went their way has me surprised that people are still even buying their newspapers, unless toilet roll has become more expensive of course.

Also, I'm a little bit curious to why Gilmour was expecting clubs to vote Newco into the first division. Anyone who runs a business of any sort could not originally in my eyes concieve in doing anything other than planning for the worst(in their case). It's like he and a couple of other clubs voted Newco out of the league because their fans wanted it, and not for the more moral reasons that they wanted it themselves. I commend the SFL in their handling of telling Rangers, Regan and Doncaster all to f**k off with their agenda spun tripe and now even force the possibility of these people being voted out of power. What will right now, and will continue to annoy me is that Rangers got voted in without giving any chance to any other club to put forward their application. Fair enough I understand that it costs money to apply, and Rangers for their infrastructure and fan base would have still been the logical choice, it was the fact that clubs like Spartans and Cove Rangers were not even given a moment's thought. Rangers should consider themselves lucky here, and although the three years of accounts are not necessarily a rule, it was still something of a guideline that should have at least of been acted upon rather than cast aside. Maybe the fact that everything as been delayed for so long that it would have been impossible to admit another club and their respective leagues in with their fixtures already announced and in place.

Lastly, the matter of Doncaster. His TV prophecies have probably hampered the chances of getting any decent TV revenue out of the deal has probably fucked the SPL more than anything. His pleading of saying how much money we would lose has not only put the SPL in the worst bargaining position imaginable, but the fact that he expected the top 10 clubs to breakaway into said system with bites of the cherry being arguably as negligable as it has ever been, not to mention his hypocrisy from earlier statements of what was, and is relevant to league structure now, deems him arguably the most unfit chairman I've ever seen of a league and should be punted accordingly(or painfully as is morally possible).

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Who would be kept within our MSM ?

Richard Gordon

Tam Cowan

Stuart Cosgrove

Tom English

Graham Speirs


Glen gibbons he was one of the few journos who took mccoist to task for the sfa tribunal rant. Whilst we are all rightly unhappy at individual journos and 'columnists' sports editors are the guys who decide the agenda and slant the paper will take on a commercial basis and these anonymous gits should be taken to task too. BBC kind of got some accuracy eventually but for the most part they have been a disgrace as they unlike red tops do not have a commercial agenda so have an obligation to chase the truth. They should be ashamed that it took a commercial TV journo to do their job for them. Major reform required by BBC. I feel

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