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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I was not aware of this. A quick google search has not confirmed it.

Do you have a source, please?

I am interested because I have heard of the various 'local currency ' schemes.

Ummm, the Truck Acts? It's been illegal to pay employees in scrip for over a century.

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So let me get this straight..........

The SFA asked Sevco a couple of weeks ago to provide them with information about who is going to finance the club and if these people are fit and proper. But desite getting an "information pack" from Sevco, the SFA are still none the wiser as they details haven't actually been answered to their satisfaction.

And whilst the SFA are holding probably one of the most important meeting regarding Sevco's future, Green isn't going to be there, instead he's sodding off to Greece with his begging bowl, to a club that has no affiliation with rankers, and then to UEFA to get £3 million of footballing debt wiped out.

UEFA are guaranteed to tell him to piss off. In this financial climate no clubs will want to write off a few hundred thousand pounds owed to them.

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The SFL were offered a "probably committee to look at the possiiblity of restructure sometime in November, maybe". and i think the SPL representation on it was to be 3 v 2 SFL :lol:

Offering £1million was pretty stupid considering the SFL will have the c***s in the SFL for three seasons and can negotiate something better.

Exactly. The SPL chairmen have come out of this looking like complete c***s. They've lied to their fans and tried to get as many buying season tickets while hoping that the SFL would be delighted to see Rangers for a season. At the end of the day, they've tried to take everyone for mugs and got played at their own game. They didn't even commit to reconstruction. What is to say that they wouldn't have waited for Rangers to bounce back in a season before saying "We'll have a top tier of 10 like recommended" before saying "well we've held reconstruction talks and you've failed to co-operate". The SFL chairmen have called this spot on. Only a small number of teams won't get Rangers at some point through their gates.

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Exactly. The SPL chairmen have come out of this looking like complete c***s. They've lied to their fans and tried to get as many buying season tickets while hoping that the SFL would be delighted to see Rangers for a season. At the end of the day, they've tried to take everyone for mugs and got played at their own game. They didn't even commit to reconstruction. What is to say that they wouldn't have waited for Rangers to bounce back in a season before saying "We'll have a top tier of 10 like recommended" before saying "well we've held reconstruction talks and you've failed to co-operate". The SFL chairmen have called this spot on. Only a small number of teams won't get Rangers at some point through their gates.

I'd say certain SPL chairman look very bad. I am genuinely convinced the majority of them genuinely listened to the demands of their support and acted accordingly. But I realise I'm in the minority here.

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AS St Etienne £252,212.39

Arsenal £136,560.00

Chelsea £238,345.43

Manchester City £328,248.71

Orebro £150,000

SK Rapid Vienna £1,011,763.44

Palermo £205,513.04

Green : "Hello (insert club name), I was wondering if you would find it in your heart to just forget about the (insert amount) we owe you?"

(Insert club name) : f**k off!!!

Green : "Hello, UEFA, I asked the clubs nicely and they told me to f**k off (Petted lip). Can you help us, pretty please?"

UEFA : "f**k off!!!"

Edited by PeeTeeJag
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I'd say certain SPL chairman look very bad. I am genuinely convinced the majority of them genuinely listened to the demands of their support and acted accordingly. But I realise I'm in the minority here.

Milne has done well out of it. He's reassured the fans at every stage that there would be no u-turn. Strangely, Michael Johnston has been one of the ones who has come out and simply been honest. A lot more respect for him than the likes of Petrie and Gilmour who have either been trying bypass the wishes of fans behind their backs or slate the SFL clubs for a decision which they showed backbone in making.

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I'd say certain SPL chairman look very bad. I am genuinely convinced the majority of them genuinely listened to the demands of their support and acted accordingly. But I realise I'm in the minority here.

I still believe they would have voted NO, even if they had known the SFL would blank them.

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Would certainly not surprise me if Whyte is still there,up to his neck in it as usual,just keeping quiet and letting Chuck be the voice.

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Ummm, the Truck Acts? It's been illegal to pay employees in scrip for over a century.

Unfortunately this act has largely been circumvented by modern day employment practices of paying "bonuses" that make up a large chunk of the wage. Some even give bonuses solely in vouchers that can only be spent in certain places - the Tommy Shops all over again.

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Milne has done well out of it. He's reassured the fans at every stage that there would be no u-turn. Strangely, Michael Johnston has been one of the ones who has come out and simply been honest. A lot more respect for him than the likes of Petrie and Gilmour who have either been trying bypass the wishes of fans behind their backs or slate the SFL clubs for a decision which they showed backbone in making.

The ICT and St Mirren "statements" make no sense at all. Even if that's what they did feel, the should have just kept quiet.

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Strangely, Michael Johnston has been one of the ones who has come out and simply been honest.

Ummm, no he hasn't. He's lied like a rug throughout the entire affair. He may not have lied in the specific way that many other chairmen did in the quite specific case of the vote (cf. Petrie declaring that sporting integrity was of paramount importance while directly acting to subvert it), but he lied about why he abstained and most certainly didn't tell any truths in the process. His reward for this is a position of authority. The SPL is corrupt.

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it hasn't been swept under the carpet, it was given to the SFL on a plate with a side order of cash. They tossed it away, the SPL chairmen were probably less than impressed. I don't see any chance of change especially in league size in the foreseeable future.

That'll be fine, we've always got room for the smug c***s, see you soon, don't dare cry.

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The ICT and St Mirren "statements" make no sense at all. Even if that's what they did feel, the should have just kept quiet.

I think they were an ill thought out "Come on then" to the fans, trying to push their support into backing the club for listening to them. The timing was poor though!

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I think they were an ill thought out "Come on then" to the fans, trying to push their support into backing the club for listening to them. The timing was poor though!

I think they were genuinely shitting themselves to be honest. I think they bought into Doncaster's scaremongering, which (hopefully) will turn out to be working on behalf of Sky etc to try to honour existing deals. Now that we (think we) know what'll happen, the reality may not be so bad.

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Unfortunately this act has largely been circumvented by modern day employment practices of paying "bonuses" that make up a large chunk of the wage. Some even give bonuses solely in vouchers that can only be spent in certain places - the Tommy Shops all over again.

"Largely been subverted"? I've never heard of anyone being paid in vouchers. So long as bonuses are paid in the denomination of the Realm it doesn't matter if 90% of your pay is in bonuses, as long as the rest is above the minimum wage. Am I just too middle class to have noticed this supposed subversion of the law?

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