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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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About as independent as the SPL using Celtics lawyers.....

Ben, there is just no point in trying to have a sensible with the Strichener. In one of his earlier post he said:

" Only in the world of football can the ruling bodies contrive to create new organisations that don't conform to any legal definition of an entity."

This just shows you how he loves to throw words together that sound like an argument but which actually make not one jot of sense.

I'd love to see him trying to explain that piece of imbilic nonsense but I suspect he'd do the usual diddy act of bluster.

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Ben, there is just no point in trying to have a sensible with the Strichener. In one of his earlier post he said:

" Only in the world of football can the ruling bodies contrive to create new organisations that don't conform to any legal definition of an entity."

This just shows you how he loves to throw words together that sound like an argument but which actually make not one jot of sense.

I'd love to see him trying to explain that piece of imbilic nonsense but I suspect he'd do the usual diddy act of bluster.

To keep it short and sweet. Rangers as existed from 1872 no longer exist.

And sorry to dissapoint you but I have no idea what you mean in the imbilic nonsense that you are posting.

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Well the Stiffler did part quote me in his signature in the first instance, just ignore that in yer big book of double standards ;)

Not talking about Strichener, Pelucia, 116 talking about 94 you ignoring DhenBhoy. Reduced to whataboutery with a Peterhead fan - you are indeed ra peepul. :lol: :lol: :lol:

No offence, any Peterhead fans reading.

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Ben, there is just no point in trying to have a sensible with the Strichener. In one of his earlier post he said:

" Only in the world of football can the ruling bodies contrive to create new organisations that don't conform to any legal definition of an entity."

This just shows you how he loves to throw words together that sound like an argument but which actually make not one jot of sense.

I'd love to see him trying to explain that piece of imbilic nonsense but I suspect he'd do the usual diddy act of bluster.

To keep it short and sweet. Rangers as existed from 1872 no longer exist.

And sorry to dissapoint you but I have no idea what you mean in the imbilic nonsense that you are posting.

Kincardine, firstly, it's quite obvious what Strichener means - to re-use an analogy from earlier today (and one I used months ago), if rangers were a double glazing company pulling the same stunt as your new club, they'd be done as a phoenix company before their feet touched the ground.

Secondly, although I giggled, if you're going to call somebody's input "imbecilic", ffs spell it right. The widest of open goals, and you are better than that. As I'm a reasonable guy, I won't take the piss.

Nah, fuckit. "imbicilic"! :lol::lol::lol:

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To keep it short and sweet. Rangers as existed from 1872 no longer exist.

And sorry to dissapoint you but I have no idea what you mean in the imbilic nonsense that you are posting.

I'll also make it short and sweet. The imbecilic nonsense was posted by you. Let me remind you of what you said:

" Only in the world of football can the ruling bodies contrive to create new organisations that don't conform to any legal definition of an entity."

No one can make any sense of that.

Edited by The_Kincardine
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I'll also make it short and sweet. The imbecilic nonsense was posted by you. Let me remind you of what you said:

" Only in the world of football can the ruling bodies contrive to create new organisations that don't conform to any legal definition of an entity."

No one can make any sense of that.

Sorry, I beg to differ. Don't judge everyone by your own imbilic standards :P

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Only us jazz musicians can hit the wrong note twice to prove that the first one was no mistake.

Hello Shades. How're you doing? Have you a brief for Hampden? OK so it's maybe a month away but I'll predict that a Hibs win will provoke P&B's second biggest thread ever!

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Hello Shades. How're you doing? Have you a brief for Hampden? OK so it's maybe a month away but I'll predict that a Hibs win will provoke P&B's second biggest thread ever!

Not yet, will have one though. Been too busy buying a new house and watching solicitors invent surveys/searches/porn they can charge me for...

Hibs won't win barring a seriously bad Celtic performance or a miracle. That's not any kind of reverse psychology or superstitious pish. It's just the way of it.

I think the BRALT thread will still hold that (world?) record for the biggest thread. This time next year I still expect to read, "aye you are,....naw we're no,....aye you are because this guy said this.......naw we're no because I found a paragraph in this rule......etc...etc....ate but you're a w****r......

How's u?

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We are pleased to confirm that agreement has been reached on all outstanding points relating to the transfer of the Scottish FA membership between Rangers FC (In Administration), and Sevco Scotland Ltd, who will be the new owners of The Rangers Football Club.

Company Bellbhoy.

Clubs are registered with the SFA and companies are registered with Companies House dumb dumb.

The SFA referred to Rangers FC as a member club and not a company so how in your tiny mind does a company register with the SFA if the SFA only register clubs ?.

Further evidence you have fucked up again dumb dumb :)



Now where in the above JPG's does it say company ! it clearly says club Tedi and that's only who they deal with and if you need a nail in your head then look at this from the SFA's official handbook 2013 :lol:


The SFA don't deal with the company you dough ball but only the club.The operator as they put it is the company that runs the club and are concerned on how the company runs the club as they couldn't give a flying feck about the company because companies get liquidated according to their new philosophy.

So according to the SFA they give licences to clubs and companies run clubs for the SFA so technically Rangers FC the club is the property of the SFA and is to them a piece of paper called a licence that Green acquired to say Tedi still supports the same club apparently :lol: .

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