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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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So they "believe" the Ticketus debt is £24m, they "believe" that half of the Jelavic money is somewhere in the club, they don't really know who owns Murray Park or Ibrox, but they are "wholly confident" that Rangers will survive and that liquidation will not be an outcome?

f**k me, they'd have been better with Del Boy and Rodney up there,

the ticketus debt is nothing to do with the administrators.

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Reading a wee bit about what Celtic have seemingly said (regarding not needing Rangers), and the financial figures they've posted. Given what is going on there, by all accounts being financially prudent with their projections etc, and when you compare that to the absolute clusterfuck of affairs at Ibrox - then how can anyone come out and say that Celtic are wrong?

I know all the nonsense about reduced TV deal, reduced crowds etc etc - but I'll tell you what, if that was to happen, I'd rather have the Celtic boards way of dealing with it (or indeed Motherwell, or St Johnstone) than whats been happening at Ibrox.

Team : Livingston. Irony meter: way off the scale

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the ticketus debt is nothing to do with the administrators.

Maybe a daft question - seems strange they would refer to it and the amount if it didn't go through the books (ie not for them to worry about). How would they know about it?

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havent seen the questions being asked as just in from work.but have seen the statement on sky sports news.

I see that there is interested parties with a consortium ready to take over.:rolleyes: how long was murray trying to punt rangers before whyte took over? (three years ? ) where were these so called money men then.

i smell shoite

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Maybe it's just me but I thought the administrators were on a hiding to nothing today. I'm guessing the whole situation is a mess that will take some time to unravel so to come out and either promise that everything will be OK or that the shit has hit the fan would paint them into a corner.

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Maybe a daft question - seems strange they would refer to it and the amount if it didn't go through the books (ie not for them to worry about). How would they know about it?

they said they had been through the books, just not with a fine tooth comb, a £24 million liability would be hard to miss. not to mention you would expect to hear from the mob who it is owed to.

i think they probably have a better idea of the bigger picture than they are letting on but they are regulated professionals who are there to do a specific job.

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All these shenangians with Rangers are certainly showing which fans of smaller clubs have light-blue leanings as well.

are you talking about me?

i definitely don't have any leanings expect claret and amber ones. i do have an intolerance for misinformed stupidity.

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No offence mate, but that's pretty sad you went to that trouble.

Yeah, imagine someone actually writing to there MSP about something they feel stronly about rather than only posting shite on a football forum like you do.

Fuck off you arsehole.

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HMRC will NOT cut a deal with Rangers.. Rangers will pay the full amount or they will be liquidated...

I think after listening to the administrators that the threat of liquidation is unlikely to happen. Also there is a lot of interest from outside the club for investment. So having the choice of your unqualified opinion or the qualified opinion of the administrator to take into account i think i'll go with the latter.

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