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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Doesn't the Singapore dude want to liquidate the club?

I love the way a club that have already been shafted by 2 previous owners and an administration duo who spend their day playing Tetris and updating their Facebook are now about to get screwed over by a foreigner this time.

Strap yourself in guys the entertainment is about to start getting tasty again.

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<br />See this £500k thing? Is that not a bit Conor Sammon'y? Surely the 'preferred bidder' should be the consortium that has the best bid on the table for the future of the club? Not just a bidder that can stump up £500k....>

Did anyone see Watchdog last week? The "Rogue Traders" section was about letting agents who demand a £200 reservation fee from prospective tenants who believe this fee takes the property off the market. Only, said agent takes the fee for each property from multiple sets of tenants and then the bum fight starts. All very interesting! Relevant? Maybe not.

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I love the way a club that have already been shafted by 2 previous owners and an administration duo who spend their day playing Tetris and updating their Facebook are now about to get screwed over by a foreigner this time.

Ideal scenario: Ng moves to liquidate the club, only for the fans groups to back resident publicity whore Paul Murray (who I doubt will quietly step off from his soapbox). Ra peepul split into Ra Peepul's Front of Ulster and Ra Ulster Peepul's Front. Instead of a fully operating newco by the creation of the fixture lists, we have two squabbling clubs and neither get in.

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Where are folk getting the idea that Ng wants to liquidate the club? Has he not been pretty vociferous to a tune of the opposite direction? His bleatings have all sounded rather Moonbeams-esque with promises of warchests and other such financial weapons.

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Ideal scenario: Ng moves to liquidate the club, only for the fans groups to back resident publicity whore Paul Murray (who I doubt will quietly step off from his soapbox). Ra peepul split into Ra Peepul's Front of Ulster and Ra Ulster Peepul's Front. Instead of a fully operating newco by the creation of the fixture lists, we have two squabbling clubs and neither get in.

You forgot Ra Front of the Peepul of Ulster. :lol:

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Where are folk getting the idea that Ng wants to liquidate the club? Has he not been pretty vociferous to a tune of the opposite direction? His bleatings have all sounded rather Moonbeams-esque with promises of warchests and other such financial weapons.

It depends which media outlet you read/listen to.

Only in the scottish papers is Ng talking about players coming into the club and money being made available. In the rest of the world all he talks about is how this deal will benefit Singapore. ie rankgers will be a feeder club for Asia where their players will go into the "shop window", be sold for a few quid extra and it will wind its way back to singapore.

Ng has a personal fortune of about £40million (or so it seems). My bet is the club as we know it will go to the wall, but he is more interested in the name than anything else.

And as for him being such a huge fan, how come if he is a multi millionaire we are only now hearing about him when the club could have done with him 2 or 3 years ago????

Ahhhhh now I see it...........................raNGers!!!! He's going to buy the r a e r s in the auction and keep them for himself. :)

Edited by PeeTeeJag
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As for that Daily Record article:

PAUL MURRAY was last night preparing to concede defeat in the battle to rescue Rangers - after being turned over by the firm who funded Craig Whyte's takeover.

That opening paragraph tells you all you need to know about who's in bed with whom in the Scottish Media. It's really quite pathetic how partisan coverage of this has been, even for a comic like the Record.

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"We dont do walking away" laugh.gif

Duff & duffer ruling out the yanks, the previous board members who played some part in previous f**k up now walking away that leaves Bill NG who according to this link isnt very happy with the SPL laugh.gif

My link

cant wait to hear all the backers if the blue knights now...Smith,RST, RSA ....etc etc

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So Paul Murray & The Barren Knights (soon to be house band at the Loudon) are not walking away, but appear to be shuffling sideways looking embarassed.

The yank Bill Murray (know that not is his surname but they need a Murray in board and its another Groundhog Day) appears to be not favoured by Haudit & Daudit which leaves,

Bill Ng (Singaporese for Murray) is in and wantd them as a European feeder club for Asia but on has £12M for the creditors which is singles figure pennies in the pound and would be refused by HMRC, Rapid Vienna and i would hopea few more

and SFA got them up before the Headie today

Been away trying to catch up. Hope i not summarised too badly

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