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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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They deserve no response to their inane posts Bendy .. the posts speak for themselves and I am sure the forum needs no condemnation from me simply because I was a serving soldier. However neither do I make excuses for them ... and therein lies the difference between you and I ...

Now away and continue with your wee meltdown ...

So distressed at having to face up to being a soldier bhoy and supporting an 'all welcome' IRA fest of a club you don't even know who you're replying to these days?

Wee soul...

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Sexism now?


Just how desperate are you? Is this a case of randomly lobbing any old shite and hoping that something will eventually stick?




FFS.  :lol:


PS: Thommo leathering the sporting wing for IRA love is hardly missing the point - it's in his article. Did your eyes glaze over or can't you process his anti-sellik rhetoric?

"boot face"? And you previous for insulting this journalist based on here appearance. Sexist pig imo.

Tommo was rightly 'leathering' the MOD for allowing troops to become 'sectarian cheerleaders'. He acknowledges vile sectarian chants are prevalent at both grounds of the OF. So let me get this right, the fact your fans are just as bad as 'ra sporting wing' is some kind of victory? :wacko:

Truly disgraceful scenes on Saturday but we shouldn't expect anything less from this shameful club, but we should expect better from our armed forces.

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I've just watched this clip on newsnetscotland. Rather a lot of right arm waving going on from the military types.

Must be ...........er, can't think of anything.

Oh, I know, just demonstrating that they aren't left handed...........or left footed.

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To be honest this is a bit of an over reaction as I doubt the brass imagined they would be stupid enough to act like performing seals ...


Chimps at a tea party also springs to mind ..

The brass should have instructed them to go on, soak up the applause, and march off. Just as much to blame imo.

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MOD has responded taking of possible police action and military disciplinary action after events at Ibrox on Saturday.

Dignity. :rolleyes:

Oh dear ... In the Scotsman (seems the Scottish Media is catching up)

Will the SFA take action against sevco for this ? or will they just get the big brush out again ?

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does this mean that none of the other 41 clubs have to abide by the rules either?

Sevco has special exception from these and many others when it suits them. We could end up in a situation years down the line where FIFA or UEFA ban teams from playing in Europe or Internationally for failing to police their own game in the face of clear wrong doing.

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"boot face"? And you previous for insulting this journalist based on here appearance. Sexist pig imo.

I'll come back to the rest of your pish later - but, in what world is calling someone a boot sexist? I readily accept it's a comment on the Haggerty aesthetic appeal - as intended - but sexist?

Using your 'logic' would it therefore be sexist when people refer to McCoist as fat? I'm going to say no - because he's fat. Over to you, fhud.

You could tell me she's not ugly - just as Stevie Wonder might tell me that McCoist is slim. I'd have to correct Stevie.

Over to you and your straw-clutching.

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I'll come back to the rest of your pish later - but, in what world is calling someone a boot sexist? I readily accept it's a comment on the Haggerty aesthetic appeal - as intended - but sexist?

Using your 'logic' would it therefore be sexist when people refer to McCoist as fat? I'm going to say no - because he's fat. Over to you, fhud.

You could tell me she's not ugly - just as Stevie Wonder might tell me that McCoist is slim. I'd have to correct Stevie.

Over to you and your straw-clutching.

Really not firing on all cylinders today, are we, bigot?

Twice now you've referred to this woman in unflattering terms. fair enough if she was a beauty pageant contestant. But she's a journalist - what does her attractiveness or otherwise have to do with her abilities in her chosen field?

Or is it just because you and yours got your arses handed to you when you tried to discredit her qualification for her profession?

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One of Mac Goebbels many homes - sure to be fair and balanced when addressing Rangers. Has he one for every name and identity? He's 'Mick Derrig' on Slug.

Dhensest citing the anti-semite Galloway earlier and now linking to a home for known IRA sympathisers.

All welcome at 'RA sellik family.

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Their wee publicity stunt has spectaculary back fired and has been seen for what it really is, pleasing

I may be reading a bit too much into this but this event seems to have very sinister undertones.

I don't live in the UK. I enjoy living in a republic where in all the years I have been here nobody has, yet, asked my religeon.

I think that the British army know full well what they are doing here.

I have always believed that Scotland might one day be a fairly well run little independent republic.

But I think that what the MOD brass were doing was letting us know, that if we achieve independence, then the täig and other minorities rather better behave, or the coalition of choristors that we witnessed yesterday will be taking there rightful position which is, over.

When you have a blindly loyal and blindly hateful majority so closely linked with the army, then as history has frequently shown us, it could be cattle trucks and showers at the ready.

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It's entirely self-evident. Destined for diddy mediocrity from here to eternity. And content with it.

According to MT - deliriously happy with it in fact.

You claim that they have no ambition that winning the Ramsdens Cup last season pumping out ra gers should be considered unambitious right ?. :huh:

You self deluded cunt :lol:

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Personally I'll still be buying a poppy and paying my respects. Remembrance Day is to remember all those brave soldiers that died in the war for our country's freedom. It has f*** all to do with this nonsense.

Which is why the Forces should really avoid that cesspit.

Stupid Chunts. End of.

I haven't bought a poppy for twenty years, neither do I contribute Help for Heroes. There are other charities, IMHO, more deserving - if only because those serving in the Forces understand the risks when they join up. The real scandal is that a so-called civilised country cannot look after those who are injured, or the relatives of those who die while serving.

There should be no need for these charities. A minute fraction of the expenditure on replacing a nuclear deterrent (which the UK cannot unilaterally use) would render the necessity for these funds unnecessary at a stroke.

But then, we might not look like a Global Power - and that would never do.

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Really not firing on all cylinders today, are we, bigot?

Twice now you've referred to this woman in unflattering terms. fair enough if she was a beauty pageant contestant. But she's a journalist - what does her attractiveness or otherwise have to do with her abilities in her chosen field?

Or is it just because you and yours got your arses handed to you when you tried to discredit her qualification for her profession?

Hi, WKR, you hate filled arsehole. I'm beginning to think it much more likely your own faither telt you to get to f**k away from him than you turning at 6 and outing him as a hate filled bigot as you previously claimed.

However, I may well refer to Haggerty in unflattering terms again. And will almost certainly laugh repeatedly at her wee diploma's. They have, after all, pyoor dead qualified it to rehash edit Mac Goebbels blog into a cash-grabbing novella for the very hardest of thinking.

Did you buy a copy, WKR, did ye, aye? And do you think boot-face is dead good tae?

WKR © Dhensebhore. Lest we forget...

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