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I think there is a sense of fear from other fans at the prospect of Dave King returning to Rangers. Not only from the other fans, but the journalists such as Graham Spiers and Tom English seem to be panicking at the thought that Rangers might get a cash influx.

I suppose that would depend on whether a cash injection of say 20m would be enough to both see Rangers to the end of this season and win the Championship next season. 20m might not be enough for McCoist to win promotion at the first time of asking next season against mainly full time clubs. :lol:

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Can someone please explain this "fear of Dave King" reasoning to me please?

You aren't falling for this wealth off the radar, pouring money into a black hole cos he's a Rangers man pish again are you bears?

Ffs :lol:

Well the way I look at it is, if King was such a bad thing for Rangers, other fans would just laugh about it. It comes across as a positive though as they're fans of Celtic and other clubs who seem overly upset at the very thought. I have seen fans talking about boycotts if King passes the "Fit and proper test", you even have the Celtic fans writing to Lawwell telling him not to pass king on the said test.

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Can someone please explain this "fear of Dave King" reasoning to me please?

You aren't falling for this wealth off the radar, pouring money into a black hole cos he's a Rangers man pish again are you bears?

Ffs :lol:

I rather think they are HT.

Incredible as it seems, I really think they are.

:lol::lol: Oh I know we shouldn't laugh at people that stupid, but it's hard not to at times.

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Impossible. A variety of plastics and diddies have guaranteed our demise long before we get anywhere near season ticket time again...

Reverse psychology used to evoke the defiance effect. It gets you all excited and in a frenzy to chuck your cash at the next saviour prolonging the comedy. It's not just the shysters playing you lot ;)
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By the way, I wish it to be clear that this isn't me posting on the BRALT.

I know that it might look like it is because it's me and I'm clearly posting and I'm on the BRALT and everything, but it just isn't me posting on the BRALT.



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Mibbe we'll get lucky one day and get some really honest suits like the Kelly's or even dermatological Des...

Unfortunately neither are in the "pay £42 million for a get out of jail card" bracket of dishonesty as yet. In that realm, Dave is King!

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I wonder if UEFA are watching?

Do you think they are watching the plastics in sporting wing strips marching through Dumbarton today in support of some murdering IRA scumbag?

I bet these goons would have all sorts of problems with *your kind* soldier bhoy.

All welcome at sporting wing hq you said?

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July 6, 2012 · 7:59 pm
Dave King and Rangers – EBTs and SARS – Guest Post by Jim

Jim has been kind and has sent me a piece about one of the players (and at present going he might need to pull on a jersey) still flitting round the edges of the Rangers Debacle. I have added some information at the end, with some extra comment too.

I now leave the floor to Jim. Take it away!


There are so many strands to the RFC debacle that some are forgotten/neglected when a new one is opened. Just a thought on an old one.

Mr Dave King is a very interesting business person. His ongoing dispute with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) has been going on for many years with no sign of resolution. SARS’ claims are quite revealing.


Dave King in happier times

Mr King has been assessed as owing considerable sums in tax during the period 1990 to 2001. Curiously, “ …….. King’s tax assessment is made up, among other things, ….. his largest single tax claim — R200m income from Rangers Football Club, ………”

Now R200m is not unsubstantial if the above quote is correct. In current UK terms, it is equivalent to £15.75m. I am also unsure from the article if this is the tax only, or the net sum on which tax was calculated. I believe tax in SA is around 40%. If the figure quoted was just tax, then the gross income was circa R320m (£25M).

Mr King was appointed a director of Rangers Football Club PLC (now in administration) in March 2000 (Wikipedia). If the above article dates are correct, and the assessment figures given are from that time period, then it would appear that he was receiving a considerable sum from Rangers Football Club PLC (now in administration) in a very short time period. There is no implied suggestion of any wrongdoing here. I have no doubts that all income, from wherever it came, was earned legally. The peculiarity is that a director should earn so much, when the business was not doing particularly well, allegedly paying large sums to players via questionable EBT tax avoidance schemes, presumably because they could not afford full up front wages. We know that at least one Rangers Football Club PLC (now in administration) senior executive (C. Ogilvie) received EBT discretionary payments.

It would be interesting to hear the answer if Mr King were asked a similar question, purely in the interests of clarity of course.


Thank you Jim.

By way of background, I have included some further extracts below from the article Jim refers to, and after my brief comments on that, an extract from a South African newspaper report last year, with my comments at the end too.


… SARS spokesman Adrian Lackay said yesterday the taxman stood by its tax assessment for 1990 to 2001. “There is nothing wrong with the tax assessments. They are based on benefits King received from the assets — not the assets themselves.”


Not on Mr King’s Christmas Card list

King’s argument on his tax assessment stems from the recent case brought by SARS in the Pretoria High Court aimed at “piercing the corporate veil” to ascertain who owns certain assets in SA, most of which, like a large Sandhurst house, were being used by King.

SARS planned to seize the local assets to settle the tax debt of King and Ben Nevis, a Guernsey-based investment entity that is alleged to owe R1,4bn in taxes for the sale of Specialised Outsourcing shares.

SARS … accepted an argument by King, representatives of Ben Nevis and offshore holding company Metlika Trading, that the assets, as of December 2000, were no longer owned by King. SARS believes that as the net closed on Ben Nevis, its South African assets, worth about R500m, were transferred to King’s Glencoe Trust and then to Metlika, severing links with Ben Nevis and making it difficult for the taxman to get his hands on the funds.

What SARS is questioning, according to Hay, is “whether the transfer from Ben Nevis to Metlika was an improper transaction in the sense of constituting a fraud on SARS as the creditor or future creditor”. Any fraudulent transaction could be declared null and void, making it possible for the taxman to collect on its taxes from Ben Nevis.

King holds that he cannot be taxed on assets he does not own and it is on these grounds that he will take the case to the Income Tax Court. But SARS contends he can be taxed if he obtains benefits from those assets.

King’s tax assessment is made up, among other things, of a R4,8m tax bill on his Sandhurst house, R101,44m on a Falcon 900, R188,47m on a Talacar shareholders loan account, R2,1m on a Ferrari, R17,24m for living expenses and — his largest single tax claim — R200m income from Rangers Football Club, as well as R281,28m in penalties and R20m in taxes on income from the Amazulu Football Club, which King insists he bought for R1 in return for paying outstanding salaries and financial obligations for the club.


Note that last line – Mr King bought a football club for one Rand. He stated he had done so in return for paying debts owed by the club…I wonder who else bought a football club for one pound?

Mr King has his issues with SARS. As was reported last year, Mr King did not impress the judge dealing with his case.


A tax court judgment has slammed the conduct of businessman and alleged tax dodger Dave King, describing the newly appointed executive chairman of listed investment holding company MicroMega Holdings as “a glib and shameless liar”.

Southwood said the court had seen King testify for four days and “are unanimous in finding that he is a mendacious witness whose evidence should not be accepted on any issue unless it is support by documents and other objective evidence”.

“It was remarkable that King showed no sign of embarrassment or any emotion when he conceded that he had lied to the (Sars) commissioner in a number of his income tax returns. In our assessment, he is a glib and shameless liar.”

The High Court in Pretoria heard in 2002 that King’s income tax returns for the years 1990 to 2001 reflected a modest annual income of R60 000 and King had then asked to be deregistered as a taxpayer. Sars launched an investigation into King’s affairs in May 2000 when it became aware that he had bought an Irma Stern painting for R1.76m and could not reconcile this purchase with his declared gross income of R60 000.

King resigned from MicroMega eight years ago because of his legal battle with Sars and his wish to distance MicroMega from his difficulties with Sars, but returned as executive chairman last month. MicroMega’s share price more than doubled during the week in which his appointment was announced.

He said the decision to accept the position of executive chairman, despite the lack of finalisation of his legal battle, was motivated by a settlement agreement he claimed was reached between himself, Sars, and the Reserve Bank in late 2009.


Do you recall the SFA and SPL fit and proper person tests? For twelve years Mr King remained a Director of Rangers Football Club PLC. Every year a return was filled in by the company confirming that its office holders were fit and proper.

Clearly the football authorities conducted in-depth investigations to satisfy them that that was correct.


The SFA “fit and proper” test will make it onto the next batch of “Mythological Things” stamps

Posted by Jim, with help from Paul McConville

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He is a slavering bigot moron trying to live in the past, an utter fucktard of a poster,makes vicky look a decent poster. :blink:

I have to read your posts a few times before getting the gist of what you're actually trying to type out. You certainly don't make it easy for people.

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