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Rangers Fans Unite - Protest Guidelines

2. Self Policing: Ensure you uphold the Rangers traditions set by the gallant pioneers

3. Flags and Banners: If your banner would be deemed welcome inside Ibrox Stadium, then it is welcome at the protest.

4. Songs: if the song is welcome at Ibrox then it is welcome on the march.


The good people of Glasgow's southside that aren't interested in football are about to get their eyes opened.

7. Alcohol: All participants must strictly follow Glasgow's alcohol rules – no alcohol allowed within Queens Park, en route to Hampden, or within the stadium grounds.

Whit! Nae dog by 1.30 on a Saturday? Gonny huv to start ma sesh late the morra min.

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Crystal ball time.... this latest 'bid' from Murray/Kennedy without Ticketus... It'll rumble on until the vote on Monday. Over the weekend, Haudit & Daudit and the bidders (in association with the apologist media) will use this impending bid which will save Rangers as leverage on the SPL decision makers to vote to allow any newco Rangers directly back to the SPL with minimum fuss and/or other punishments. They will attempt to force the vote by making noises about Murray/Kennedy being the only game in town

as I posted earlier, see what happened the last time they relied on the only game in town.....made me chortle all morning when I read this in light of current circumstances


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3. Flags and Banners: If your banner would be deemed welcome inside Ibrox Stadium, then it is welcome at the protest.

4. Songs: Again, if the song is welcome at Ibrox then it is welcome on the march.

No potential for trouble here

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Rangers Fans Unite! - March to Hampden - Saturday 28th April



Rangers Fans Unite - Protest Guidelines

Assembly Point: Queens Park, Glasgow – Victoria Road

1. Marshals: There will be protest marshals/stewards clearly identified by their high visibility vests. These are fellow fans; please follow their instructions at all times. They are there to help you and ensure our ultimate aim is achieved successfully.

2. Self Policing: Ensure you uphold the Rangers traditions set by the gallant pioneers, through to Mr. Struth and more recently by our manager Mr. McCoist. Follow any police directions and assist each other to ensure that this is a peaceful protest.

3. Flags and Banners: If your banner would be deemed welcome inside Ibrox Stadium, then it is welcome at the protest. Hard hitting slogans which get our message across are very welcome. Be mindful that any offensive banners/placards could result in their removal, your arrest and the protest halted.

4. Songs: Please stick to clean anti-SFA songs and Rangers songs. Again, if the song is welcome at Ibrox then it is welcome on the march. Be mindful that there will be families in attendance, supporting our club; therefore be mindful of the language used.

5. The March: Please move quickly along the route to our ultimate destination outside the main doors of Hampden. The protest will be dynamic and may obstruct ordinary people going about their normal business – we must do our best not to disrupt them.

6. Be wary of rival fans, should they be in attendance – do not react to provocation, allow the police to deal with any trouble should it arise. The police presence will be there to ensure that the protest passes off safely and peacefully.

7. Alcohol: All participants must strictly follow Glasgow’s alcohol rules – no alcohol allowed within Queens Park, en route to Hampden, or within the stadium grounds.

8. Safety: Please do not bring flares, fireworks or other such devices to the protest as this would jeopardise the march, as well as the safety of your fellow supporters.

9. Dispersal: Upon completion of our protest, please leave the protest area in and around Hampden promptly and safely once instructed by the marshals.

10. The very best of behaviour is expected from all participants, there will be many families with small children in attendance, so please be mindful of that at all times and show respect and due consideration for those around you.

Have the people who came up with this ever seen "ra peepul" in action ?

This can only end in one of two ways, damp squib attended by a half dozen care in the community types, or Manchester revisited !

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We’re on the march wi’ Ally’s army

We’re heading down to Hampden Park

If you want to know the reason

It’s to find our way next season

When we’ve got the local derby with Queens Park

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Have the people who came up with this ever seen "ra peepul" in action ?

This can only end in one of two ways, damp squib attended by a half dozen care in the community types, or Manchester revisited !

im going to hazard a guess here


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What will happen is you will have 50-100 (at best) true Rangers fans there wth the best interests of the club at heart and the rest will be made up of the Buckie Drinking neds and their 'Burds' who will start of fine then half way along will burst into The Billy Boys/ The Famine Song etc and this is what will be reported. The fact they couldn't even spell Ibrox is neither here nor there.

It is the same with every Orange Walk in the city. The actual guys on parade for the most part are fine..It is Wee Jimmy with the new Rangers toap and the half empty Buckie bottle that causes the problems.

Good luck with the walk but i think i'll go to Aberfoyle for a nice peaceful walk with the family and a bit of lunch

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A couple of things about the march.

1) They are doing this from Queens Park. Not only is Victoria Road populated by several well known Celtic minded boozers, the area itself is hardly a unionist stronghold.

2) Just what is this march intended to prove? Will there be anyone there? QP don't play at home that day (in fact they are down in Stranraer), and other than Partick Thistle's game there isn't any professional football matches going on in the city and as it's Saturday I wouldn't imagine the SFA staff will be in their offices at Hampden. It seems almost as if they are marching to prove they can march.

3) Don't they realise all that will happen is that countless Celtic fans will turn up, line along the march and taunt them?

4) Do they not realise that organising a march like this costs the taxpayers hundreds of thousands of pounds. It's going to achieve nothing and can only end in embarrassment when either violence breaks out, too few people turn up, or they reach their destination only to give a shrug of the shoulders and a "what now?" gesture.

Edited by Ric
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What will happen is you will have 50-100 (at best) true Rangers fans there wth the best interests of the club at heart and the rest will be made up of the Buckie Drinking neds and their 'Burds' who will start of fine then half way along will burst into The Billy Boys/ The Famine Song etc and this is what will be reported. The fact they couldn't even spell Ibrox is neither here nor there.

It is the same with every Orange Walk in the city. The actual guys on parade for the most part are fine..It is Wee Jimmy with the new Rangers toap and the half empty Buckie bottle that causes the problems.

Good luck with the walk but i think i'll go to Aberfoyle for a nice peaceful walk with the family and a bit of lunch

I'll be away playing golf somewhere.

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Have the people who came up with this ever seen "ra peepul" in action ?

This can only end in one of two ways, damp squib attended by a half dozen care in the community types, or Manchester revisited !

Despite all the moral panic about the "riot". The number of Arrests in Manchester wouldn't have been unusual for an Old Firm Game.

This can be interpreted in one of two ways.

1) Rangers fans have been painted in a bad light by an unsympathetic press

2) Old Firm Fans are radge b*****ds on a regular basis not just one off finals

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Why are the police entertaining this shite?

Because they are looking at the long game, like the rest of us they know it will kick off but they also know that will be the death knell of Rangers. In the long run if they can allow a few wee controlled, prepared for skirmishes tomorrow and Rangers die as a result of news headlines and newspaper front pages then it save on future domestic abuse, Saturday night scrapping, post old firm match carnage. You can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

Probably just me being totally cynical but it could be the case.

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In my opinion it is definite that any newco Rangers will be "invited" into next year's SPL and therefore this means that Monday's SPL meeting will be the only chance the "rebel 10" will have of imposing suitable penalties.

Any decision on whether or not a newco will be admitted will be taken by the SPL Board – Ralph Topping (SPL Chairman), Neil Doncaster (SPL Chief Executive), Eric Riley (Celtic FC), Stephen Thompson (Dundee United FC), Derek Weir (Motherwell FC) and Steven Brown (St Johnstone FC).

So what is the likely outcome?

I think that Ralph Topping and Neil Doncaster will be more interested in the business case for the SPL rather than any sporting integrity of the league and will therefore vote to admit. Celtic, no matter what Peter Lawwell says, are joined at the hip to Rangers ( they need each other to preserve the voting structure, they need each other to continue their unique form of rivalry, they need each other for joint sponsorship opportunities) and will therefore vote to admit.

Therefore it doesn't matter how the other 3 vote. If they all vote against then the casting vote goes to the Chairman, Ralph Topping, and therefore Rangers are in.

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