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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Even allowing for the ignorance of the weegia I find it incredible that we are seriously discussing a sub £20m offer for RFC(IA). This would barely be enough to buy diddy AFC fron Stewarty Milne if you take the value of the assets (nae a lot!) and the level of the debt that he covers with the bank. They're having a laugh. I think the issue needs to move into the real world rather than keeping the fans and the likes of fat sally fed with platitudes.

Skeletons in cupboards have a cost value, that is why :o Especially the ones you don't know about yet. ;)

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Just as an aside, and this has been bugging me for a while now. I see the word 'clusterfcuk' used quite a lot. Is this a breakfast cereal, or an unreleased AC/DC track?

Thanks in advance.

I believe it's a spoonerism for flustercluck. Originally used in the poultry industry to describe the noise made by chickens when ignored by a cock, it's now used to describe the sounds emitted by Ally McCoist when the SFA or the Press don't treat him as the lovable cheekie chappie he's convinced he is.

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Skeletons in cupboards have a cost value, that is why :o Especially the ones you don't know about yet. ;)

Exactly my point, the bids are not real, any continuation of the orcs into next year is just putting off the real issues; tax and dual contracts included.

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I believe it's a spoonerism for flustercluck. Originally used in the poultry industry to describe the noise made by chickens when ignored by a cock, it's now used to describe the sounds emitted by Ally McCoist when the SFA or the Press don't treat him as the lovable cheekie chappie he's convinced he is.

Excellent, however I prefer my vision of AC/DCs Brian Johnson pulling his cloth cap to one side, microphone in the other, and screaming to 'Rangers diehards' Angus & Malcolm Young "You're in the middle of a clusterfcuk!"

I definitely need stronger medication.

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News of the World - was taken out of circulation by the owner, who himself has now been found guilty of its doings through negligence and wrong doing.

Which then formed the media equivalent of a newco club with the Sun on Sunday.

We're doomed.

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Poor stuff from Leggo today, some drunken rant about Peter Lawell and nothing about Rangers.

Only thing of note is that the timing of all of his posts have mysteriously changed from the middle of the night to seven or eight in the morning.

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Here's a question that requires answering regarding Neil Doncaster, who appears to be going out of his way to bend the rules to keep Rangers alive against the fans wishes and spouting an awful lot of what appear to be downright lies over the ins and outs of Newcos joining:

1. Is Doncaster's salary or bonus linked to the size of the TV deal and other such contracts negotiated?

2. Is Doncaster's salary or bonus linked to average SPL crowd sizes - which are of course artificially inflated by the Old Firm derbies?

3. Is Doncaster's salary or bonus in any way linked to SPL club progression in Europe?

In short, does Doncaster in any way have a vested interest in keeping Rangers alive and maintaining a two-team hegemony for the lining of his own pocket - a conflict of interest.

If so, he is not a fit and proper person to be presiding over the fate of Rangers on ANY committees or panels.

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Poor stuff from Leggo today, some drunken rant about Peter Lawell and nothing about Rangers.

Only thing of note is that the timing of all of his posts have mysteriously changed from the middle of the night to seven or eight in the morning.

I think you'll find it's because the boy he steals his stuff from has changed when he submits it to RM as they clocked that all Leggo was doing was cutting and pasting vast tranches of material.

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Here's a question that requires answering regarding Neil Doncaster, who appears to be going out of his way to bend the rules to keep Rangers alive against the fans wishes and spouting an awful lot of what appear to be downright lies over the ins and outs of Newcos joining:

1. Is Doncaster's salary or bonus linked to the size of the TV deal and other such contracts negotiated?

2. Is Doncaster's salary or bonus linked to average SPL crowd sizes - which are of course artificially inflated by the Old Firm derbies?

3. Is Doncaster's salary or bonus in any way linked to SPL club progression in Europe?

In short, does Doncaster in any way have a vested interest in keeping Rangers alive and maintaining a two-team hegemony for the lining of his own pocket - a conflict of interest.

If so, he is not a fit and proper person to be presiding over the fate of Rangers on ANY committees or panels.

Another question is what kind of majority would the SPL chairmen need to sack him, to stop him voting for the Newco share transfer against their wishes?

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I think you'll find it's because the boy he steals his stuff from has changed when he submits it to RM as they clocked that all Leggo was doing was cutting and pasting vast tranches of material.

So he is a journalist after all.

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we should go that step further and bring Dundee back to suit Dundee United, St. Johnstone and to a lesser extent Aberdeen. St. Mirren can have Morton, Killie get Ayr back, Hamilton reappear for Motherwell's sake etc.

I like it. No relegation, franchise system. I'd also advocate player drafts, an equal spilt of revenues, an across-league kit deal, no shirt advertising, and a competitive, and genuinely interesting sport where any dog can have their day - if they get the mix of players and tactics right, are motivated, organised, and believe in themselves.... Go Broncos.

Wembley here I come. Rams v Pats, let's get it on.

Before a game is permitted to kick off, each match should officially open with Jim Spence singing Anarchy in the UK, a cappella. Imagine the drama, poor Spency being flown around the country, his little Arab heart pounding a little harder with every emotion-filled rendition.

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Which then formed the media equivalent of a newco club with the Sun on Sunday.

We're doomed.

It's not over, there are criminal prosecutions to come and his business interests in the States are reacting to the news. Twitchy erses all roon' wink.gif

Edited by chrismcarab
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MG02 form filed at Companies House - looks like Miller deal going through. Let the fun begin!

Ignore this, apparently it's some money they owed the BoS from 2004. Not paying bills even then...

Seious question. Bill Miller has been involved in some questionable business ventures in the past including one where he was a co-defendant in a 50 million dollar lawsuit (it was settled out of court). Given this will the SPL do a 'fit and proper person' test on him BEFORE he is allowed to take over the club?

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Before a game is permitted to kick off, each match should officially open with Jim Spence singing Anarchy in the UK, a cappella. Imagine the drama, poor Spency being flown around the country, his little Arab heart pounding a little harder with every emotion-filled rendition.

What's the former England manager got to do with it? :unsure:

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Seious question. Bill Miller has been involved in some questionable business ventures in the past including one where he was a co-defendant in a 50 million dollar lawsuit (it was settled out of court). Given this will the SPL do a 'fit and proper person' test on him BEFORE he is allowed to take over the club?

Why would they? He is a BILLIONAIRE after all.

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Seious question. Bill Miller has been involved in some questionable business ventures in the past including one where he was a co-defendant in a 50 million dollar lawsuit (it was settled out of court). Given this will the SPL do a 'fit and proper person' test on him BEFORE he is allowed to take over the club?

Key phrase there is "settled out of court". I'm sure this stuff is being pushed by TBK to undermine Miller's bid. However, I would expect the SFA to at least google his name this time around..

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