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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Finally got around to watching Guardians of the Galaxy. Went browsing on Netflix and it popped up.

Pretty good watch, loved the intro with Chris Pratt dancing to his 80s mix, using the wee alien as a microphone. First Marvel film i've watched that I knew absolutely nothing about previously.

Characters were class, Groot esp. Batista was a lot funnier than i expected him to be aswell.

Looking forward to the second one now.


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RED starring Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren and John Malkovich.

I've seen it before but saw it was on Netflix so gave it another watch.  Though it was actually better second time around.  A harmless, action-comedy that looks really good in places.  7/10.

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RED starring Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren and John Malkovich.

I've seen it before but saw it was on Netflix so gave it another watch.  Though it was actually better second time around.  A harmless, action-comedy that looks really good in places.  7/10.

Old man my ass!

Watched The Visit last night.

Not really a fan of the genre but it was pretty good with the usual m.night shawodawoddy twist at the end.


Reported for racism or shoddy spelling. Your choice.
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39 minutes ago, Slacker said:

Sling Blade. Absolutely loved it. Have found myself impersonating him for the past half hour though, much to my girlfriend's annoyance. Mm-hmm.

I can see why that would piss her off. I had to switch the film off as all his slurping was getting on my fucking moobs.



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Ghostbusters ( 2016 )

It didn't get off to a good start at all. The first 15-20 minutes just didn't click for me at all, but from that point onwards, things went uphill in a big way and it turned into a pretty good movie in the end. It's basically a Paul Feig movie, which is what I was hoping for really. Probably a couple too many nods to the past, and most of the cameos seemed pretty forced, as did other nods to the past. As for the cast, McCarthy has easily her weakest showing in a Feig movie and Wiig isn't much better. Both pretty drab characters though. Kate McKinnon is the star of the show, and Leslie Jones is also great fun. Thought the villain wasn't on screen enough as he was actually pretty good, and suitably creepy. Chris Hemsworth as the daft as a box of rocks receptionist is a joy as well.


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McCarthy really disappoints me as an actor. I really enjoy Mike and Molly and don't mind her in that as it's a mix between typical American humour but with some drama on top in which she does well.

In St. Vincent she put in an excellent performance in a serious role. The girl is a decent actor yet she continues to go for roles where her size is used as the punchline and she falls over like that useless bint Miranda. I reckon if she had taken a better path she could have had a good career as a serious role actor.

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39 minutes ago, 19QOS19 said:

McCarthy really disappoints me as an actor. I really enjoy Mike and Molly and don't mind her in that as it's a mix between typical American humour but with some drama on top in which she does well.

In St. Vincent she put in an excellent performance in a serious role. The girl is a decent actor yet she continues to go for roles where her size is used as the punchline and she falls over like that useless bint Miranda. I reckon if she had taken a better path she could have had a good career as a serious role actor.

Once you do Golden Girls, there is no point taking any more dramatic roles. That's the peak.

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McCarthy really disappoints me as an actor. I really enjoy Mike and Molly and don't mind her in that as it's a mix between typical American humour but with some drama on top in which she does well.

In St. Vincent she put in an excellent performance in a serious role. The girl is a decent actor yet she continues to go for roles where her size is used as the punchline and she falls over like that useless bint Miranda. I reckon if she had taken a better path she could have had a good career as a serious role actor.

I thought St.Vincent was an excellent film.
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Too Big to Fail - a film about the crash of the US investment banks in 2008.

Absolutely fantastic film, 1 hour 40 mins of tension and jaw dropping moments even if you know the ending and majority of the story.

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The Purge: Election Year

When the first Purge movie came out, I was pretty disgusted with how shite it was due to the great premise. Thankfully it's now been followed by two pretty good efforts which try and do justice to the ambition of the initial idea. Once this one gets some extreme goofiness out of the way, which it does in great fashion, we're left with a movie which tries to yet again explore more areas of the idea of Purge night. Some good ideas even come in for just seconds. The "murder tourists" news report was a nice wee touch. And the election idea is a good main plot to ride with as well. One of the sideplots is absolutely ridiculous but it's swept aside early doors, and we're left with the meat of it for the most part. It's a touch better than the last one, and it's good that after such a horrible opening movie, they continued to make them, and actually started to live up.


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