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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Watched both the old and new versions of The Wicker Man over the last week.

The original is excellent, hilarious in parts, brilliant musical interludes, and makes some great points about religion and stuff. Plus Britt Ekland's naked dance is fantastic :lol:

The new one is watchable, but seems to miss the point of the original re the religious element, plus it's obvious as soon as he gets there it's clear he's in some wacko commune as opposed to what initially just feels like a small town mentality. Nicolas Cage does actually carry off the annoying character of the polis man, but there's a twist to the tale that is just pure Hollywood rubbish.

I'd give the original 8/10 and the new one 4/10.

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Friday the 13th - 6/10

It doesn't hang about, getting straight down to business with the slicing and dicing. The acting is piss poor (I'll forgive the usually excellent Kevin Bacon as it's his 1st film) but the bit on the boat is great. It's quite a jump from the original to Jason in a hockey mask though. Man, it's dated now as well. The music is hammy, not nerve-shredding and the titles are now cheap and nasty, maybe not as menacing and bleak as intended.

I was more sickened watching Jimmy Bullard afterwards on MOTD :rolleyes:

Ignore the sequels, they are just Halloween rip-offs, that's the Daddy of the slasher-flicks.

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Brilliant scene when the boy is giving it to the burd doggy and Swaze walks in.

What? I'm on my break?

Stay on it :lol::lol::lol:

I loved Roadhouse.

Awful script and acting but highly enjoyable.

Loved the scene where two drunks are eyeing up a blonde's ample cleveage when the husband asks

"Ain't they the best set of attitudes you ever saw?"

"Sure are."

"I tell you what; for twenty bucks you can kiss 'em!"

"Are you kidding?"

Cue several seconds of fondling and groping when the husband becomes impatient.

"Well, are you gonna kiss em or not?" (groping continues)

"I can't!" (groping continues)

"What d'you mean you can't?" (groping continues)

"I ain't got twenty bucks!"

Cue mayhem as husband decks the groper followed by chairs and bottles flying everywhere.


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If you ever fly from here to the US with United then don't look forward to decent films !!

Over the Hedge - fairly entertaining 5/10

She's the Man - not about Lady Boys but about a girl who impersonates her brother so that she can play "soccer", Vinnie Jones 'stars' as the coach - utter pish 3/10

Flight back was somewhat better

The Sentinel - 7/10

X-Men The Last Stand - 7/10

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Watched The Wicker Man tonight again, the real one of course.

I had listened to Dr Mark Kermode's revue of the new one the other week and how he compared it to the old version. He mentioned how someone had thought about making the original one into a musical. I had to re-watch it to find out why. It had never dawned on me before how musical the film is before now, and how good the songs are!

That song at the end, and the dancing, mental!

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Guest Hampden Ton

The Hunt for Red October - 9/10

This was on TV on Friday night. I've seen it a few times and I never tire of it. A cracking movie from start to finish! Perfectly cast and well acted (no, I don't care that Connery didn't bother with a Russian accent, as he played the part well!). The sequels haven't been able to match this - Patriot Games was ok, Clear & Present Danger was good, haven't seen the fourth but I'm guessing its p!sh (after all, we've had Alec Baldwin and Harrison Ford, but Ben Afleck?!?). Special effects do look a little dated now, but doesn't detract from a fab film!

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Watched Cold Mountain last night on DVD. Well shot, but it avoided a couple of issues to do with the Civil War in order to concentrate on one man's love story.

6/10 - Not bad, a touch overlong in the middle - a bit like the book...

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Watched Firewall with Harrison Ford, typical Ford film, good action and a nice storyline. 7/10

Also watched Gun SHy (i think, its something like that) with Liam Neeson and Sandra Bullock. Was very strange at times, (Liam Neeson is an undercover cop, who gets an enema from Bullock and they fall in love) but pretty funny too (guy gets his testicle shot off and limps the rest of the film). Nice entertainment for an evening :) 7/10

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I watched one of the worst films I've ever had the misfortune to see last night.

The Zodiac.

Supposed true story of a serial killer in the USA in the late 1960's who has never been caught.

Slow as a week in the jail, no depth to ANY of the characters, poor acting and the most unsatisfying ending to any film I've ever seen. Oh, and Ethan from 'Lost' is in it, just as wooden as he was in the tv show.

Awful, AWFUL film.


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I think that's being polite. Settled down last night to watch it because I quite liked the first one. Not scary and tediously boring, not a good combination for a horror film. Crock of sh*te. :thumbsdown

Would you not have just chucked the sodding thing on that car that was on fire and burnt it? I would have.

Fucking ridiculous film.

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