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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Bruno Ganz, who played Hitler in Downfall has died. Shame that film has been somewhat overshadowed by the meme because its a belter
Came on to post this. Only just saw it. Absolutely exceptional performance by him and the film was as equally good.
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Can You Ever Forgive Me? 7/10

True story of a VERY curmudgeonly middle aged woman writer who is not doing v well after a bit of success and so takes up forging letters from famous people and making loads (but actually a lot less than I would have expected) money from them. Not exactly breaking new ground as a film but I did enjoy this, told the story pretty straightforwardly but also v engagingly. Melissa McCarthy was really great, lol at Richard E Grant getting his Oscar nom for totally playing it like you would expect him to play it (ie just a camper version of every other part he’s done). (cinema)

Shirkers 7/10

Doco about a Singaporean teen making an indie road movie then the weirdo director nicked off with all the film and it didn’t see the light of day again until he died 30 years later. Lots of over saturated footage of teens laughing in open top cars. (Netflix)

Abducted In Plain Sight 7/10

Doco about a megapaedo who manipulated some Mormons into letting him sleep next to and touch up their daughter IN THEIR OWN HOUSE, absolutely batshit. Lots of handjobs. (Netflix)

Alice in the Cities 8/10

Early 70s Wim Wenders film about a hippy-ish German journalist who’s been commissioned to write a travelogue if a road trip up the east coast of America. He finishes up in NY ready to fly home when out of nowhere he gets lumbered with a young German girl that he has to take back to Germany where her mum is going to meet them but she never turns up so he spends the rest of the film driving round the Ruhr looking for her grandma based on an 8 year olds dim memory of what the house looked like (without seemingly anyone caring about a random man hanging on with a small child he’s not related to! Simpler times!). Only ever seen Paris Texas from all his many films so didn’t really know what to expect but this was really great, really bought into the odd relationship between the two main characters and all the outdoor filming was enjoyable to watch (lots of it just filmed through the windows of the car). V big recco. (Mubi)

Keep An Eye Out 6.5/10

French film, kind of a detective drama playing around with the conventions of these sort of films but v much based around a central conceit that you don’t find out till the end, bit daft and didn’t entirely work for me but pretty engaging nevertheless. Shortest film ever! (Like 1hr 5 mins). (Mubi)

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The Perfect Storm

Absolute. Fucking. Abomination. We don't take long to get to an incredibly annoying kid, and some of the worst type of cliche scenes you'll ever see. The worst of which is Ashley Judd running down a pier waving to a ship. 2D stereotypical characters, and almost every interaction is basically some sort of generic shit. There's some great visuals as far as the storm goes, and some great "so bad it's good" scenes are scattered about this mess, but there's not enough of these things, and ultimately, this is a fucking shitshow.


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Just home from the GFT seeing Jellyfish. Anyone else seen it? A low budget English drama by James Gardner. (Me neither.) Gritty, to say the least. Story of a young schoolgirl who is career to her 2 young siblings and her mentally ill mother. It's Ken Loach meets Mike Leigh, but without the joy. Good performances by a cast of unknowns (to me, anyway.) 7/10

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Watched Bohemian Rhapsody on Sky Store tonight. Went to see it when it out in the cinema and loved it, even more so tonight. Rami is brilliant as Freddie Mercury, as are the rest of the cast. Some funny moments and some very emotional moments, especially the Live Aid sequence.


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Last Action Hero(TCM)

One of the worst Arnie films ,I can see what the thinking was ,to parody the very thing arnie was famous for, but it's a mess,none of it comes together and having a kid as a main character turns it into a kids film. 

In fairness there is an idea for a movie in there and you could argue it's the kind of flim that could be up for a remake. 2/10

Edited by Co.Down Hibee
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12 hours ago, Principal Flutie said:

Clooney's overdone "I'm a man of the sea" schtick is ridiculous, but not more ridiculous than everyone pointing out how much of a man of the sea he is, just to REALLY ram that point home.

Add to that him constantly questioning his crew if they too are men of the sea ("Are you Gloucestermen?").

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2 minutes ago, Principal Flutie said:


He really was an unlikeable arse. Most of them were actually. At least William Fitchner's guy was a good laugh though.

I'd like to see them reshoot all of Clooney's scenes with that Teuchter Tory Twat from Peterhead from Trawlermen.

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Finally watched Bohemian Rhapsody.  Fail to see what the fuss is all about, yes, the actor did look like Freddie Mercury but so what? My main criticism is that it just invented things as it went along, especially on the day of Live Aid. Pretending he had AIDS at this point is just wrong. Average film. Bad history. 3/10

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