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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Watched a couple over the weekend:-

1) Da Vinci Code. 7/10

I may be one of the few who can actually enjoy the film. 3 of us sat down to watch it 1) Had read the book, 2) had heard nothing about the film/book really and me, who hadnt read the book yet knew enough to understand the film.

I thought it was an interesting film, great idea of a story and raises some interesting questions. It was well cast, Paul Bettany was incredibly "scary" and Tom Hanks, was well Tom Hanks. The DVD also has lots of extra information in it to help understand the film and the wierd "clues" that are throughout it. Its also obvious why the Catholic church hate the film :lol:

2) Zodiac. 8/10

Its about the Zodiac Killer who had some people in California shitting themselves in the 60s. Based on a true story, and the killer has never been found. Film was an excellent story, and look into the lives of the people in the town who were affected by the killings. It gave an excellent look into how it affected the police who were trying to catch him, with absolutely no clue whatsoever given by the crimes (even today with DNA evidence they have not been able to identify the killer). Very well made film.

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Poseidon 4/10

think of the last 45 minutes of Titanic with a touch of Armageddon and you have Poseidon. Gets 4/10 due to it being short.

The Matador 2/10

Its a Pierce Brosnan film with him being an assassin. Looks good on paper, but the film is absolutely rank. Dont watch it.

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Didn't go to Pittodrie today so being at a loose end I went to see The Prestige.

Christian Bale and Hugh Jackman play two magicians in 19th century London. Michael Caine is a sort of advisor, Scarlet Johanssen plays Jackman's glamorous assistant and David Bowie and Andy Serkis have small roles.

Like one of Christopher Nolan's previous movies, Memento, The Prestige jumps about a lot chronologically. Indeed, the first spoken line of the film is "are you watching closely?" and you most certainly do need to watch closely as the story zips around.

However it is quite excellent and the twist ending has just enough clues leading up to it for you to see it all coming...if you are watching closely. :)

Definitely recommended 8/10

Saw this myself a week or so ago and also enjoyed it. You're right in saying that you need to keep your wits about you otherwise it would be pretty damn confusing. Have to admit though that, despite knowing there was a big twist ending and trying to suss out what it was going to be, I didn't see it coming. I'm not the brightest though.


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Watched Steel Magnolias on Sunday. Very good. Thought that Sally Feild and Julia Roberts where superb in it 8/10

On Saturday night watched Just My Luck and Imagine You and Me.

Lindsey Lohan in the first one she looses her good luck by kissing some unlucky guy. 4/10

Imagine You and Me, British film where girl gets married but realises in love with girl, spends film fighting it and in end leaves husband for girl! 4/10

Ok Saturday night in with the girls films.

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I went to see Pan's Labyrinth on Saturday, it's a fantastic film. It is about a little girl who has to go to live with a Fascist army captain (her step-father) in the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War. They go from their life in teh city to a creaky old house in the countryside, where amid the battle between hardened Republican guerrillas and El Capitan's Fascist troops the girl enters a magical world of fairies, fauns and magic. She is told she is the reincarnation of a magical princess and must complete three tasks to prove her worth.

The storys of the battle between the Fascists and the Republicans and the girls quests are intertwined and told alongside each other - the contrast between the magical fantasy characters of the girls world and the brutal realities of the Franco dictatorship is brought out but the stories have parallells as well. The girl's struggles in her quests can be seen as metaphors for the Republicans struggles in the 'war'.

All in all, I thought it was a fantastic film, great performances from each area of the cast. Normally child actors are about as appealing to me as smallpox, but the girl is magnificent, never prissy or sentimental. The Fascist captain is magnificent - the whole construction of the character embodied facism, from his costume, to his lines to his performance. Superb.

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I went to see Pan's Labyrinth on Saturday, it's a fantastic film. It is about a little girl who has to go to live with a Fascist army captain (her step-father) in the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War. They go from their life in teh city to a creaky old house in the countryside, where amid the battle between hardened Republican guerrillas and El Capitan's Fascist troops the girl enters a magical world of fairies, fauns and magic. She is told she is the reincarnation of a magical princess and must complete three tasks to prove her worth.

The storys of the battle between the Fascists and the Republicans and the girls quests are intertwined and told alongside each other - the contrast between the magical fantasy characters of the girls world and the brutal realities of the Franco dictatorship is brought out but the stories have parallells as well. The girl's struggles in her quests can be seen as metaphors for the Republicans struggles in the 'war'.

All in all, I thought it was a fantastic film, great performances from each area of the cast. Normally child actors are about as appealing to me as smallpox, but the girl is magnificent, never prissy or sentimental. The Fascist captain is magnificent - the whole construction of the character embodied facism, from his costume, to his lines to his performance. Superb.

Excellent - going to see it on Sunday. It's been universally acclaimed with gushing praise, which is always a worry!

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