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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Zodiac.  Bit long for me personally, but enjoyed it.
However, that stabbing scene (in spoiler below) is easily the most brutal thing I've ever seen in film.  F***ing hell.  :unsure:

That’s one of my favourite films. There’s a documentary, directed by David Fincher, where the guy who was stabbed and survived says that scene is precisely how it happened.
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Once Upon A Time In Hollywood 7/10

Ive given it a generous 7. Considering it lasts for nearly 3 hours, there doesnt seem to be much happening til the last half hour or so. I enjoyed Leo being transported into The Great Escape but Brad Pitt is the star of this. Would not watch again

Ps Margot Robbie is so attractive that it distracts me from her acting

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20 minutes ago, Twinkle said:

Once Upon A Time In Hollywood 7/10

Ive given it a generous 7. Considering it lasts for nearly 3 hours, there doesnt seem to be much happening til the last half hour or so. I enjoyed Leo being transported into The Great Escape but Brad Pitt is the star of this. Would not watch again

At the BAFTAs last night, I don't think QT was particularly chuffed about this film losing out in pretty much everything it was nominated for bar Brad's performance that won Best Supporting Actor (link).



Edited by Hedgecutter
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5 minutes ago, yoda said:

People rating "Joker" or "1917* above films like "Marriage Story" or "Once Upon A Time..." are (i) why we can't have nice things and (ii) why Brexit happened. 

You get what you fucking deserve.

I just thought 1917 was something totally and completely different that I hadn't seen before. The action and acting isn't great but it was a unique experience IMO.

I like the look of 'Marriage Story', will be giving that a watch later this week.

Speaking of Adam Driver, I watched The Report on Prime a few weeks ago and it was about as boring as a film about torture possibly could be.

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Without spoiling your spoiler you are right. Gravity defying. 
Found Sandler's character infuriating - just want to throttle him for some of the decisions he makes. I'd definitely give it more than 5/10 though. Two and an bit hours of getting wound up. it's almost like a new genre. You watch a horror for a fright, comedy for a laugh and if you want your stress levels to go up and to get wound up at something then this is for you. 

Not to be that guy... but that's the point. You're watching a really pathetic and helpless guy flail around and do pretty much nothing right, which obvs will annoy people but I just found him completely compelling. I thought it was a really, really good depiction of addiction.

That’s one of my favourite films. There’s a documentary, directed by David Fincher, where the guy who was stabbed and survived says that scene is precisely how it happened.

I like it, but for some reason I just can't love it as much as Se7en, The Social Network or Gone Girl. I watched all Fincher's stuff over the past week or so, and Zodiac probably falls in line with Fight Club in that I think it's clearly good but just didn't connect with me. Maybe because of the time span/jumps.

There are some wonderful scenes though: the one mentioned, the opening and the scene in Bob Vaughn's house.
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I've just seen that Uncut Gems has dropped on Netflix - it'll be interesting to see how it translates from being so immersive in the cinema.

Speaking of which...

The Lighthouse (2020):

I'd say this was my favourite-ever "cinema experience", and I'm kind of struggling to articulate why.

First of all, it just bombards you technically. The sound ramps up to 11 at sometimes relevant points, sometimes randomly, and the aspect ratio is used to really make you feel claustrophobic and forces the two characters to occupy the entire frame. Watching their performances go from slightly off to just completely manic is so gripping that I didn't care that I didn't have a clue what the dialogue was actually saying.

Some of the images - my God. It might not be a horror, but there are some things in this that are so damn creepy and disturbing. Probably the two most so, though, were because of the choices in sound.

I have a slight idea as to what I think it's about (which is probably wrong), but it isn't reliant on being solved while also clearly more than a surface-level weird film. In a weird way, I kind of felt that it was like a "puzzle box" in the manner of a whodunnit.

No matter how much I enjoy a film, I usually quite like seeing it end, but this was something that I wanted to go on forever. Mainly because of how good an "experience" it was, but also because it was such an intriguing place with intriguing characters that I felt had so much more to tell (not that I wasn't satisfied).

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Angel has fallen. 

Gerard Butler has done well getting 2 sequels out of Olympus has fallen. Mediocre trilogy. 

watched once upon a time and Irishman fairly recently and wasn’t overly impressed with either. Too long and no much really happening. Last 20 mins in once upon a time was good with the cult though. 

terminator dark fate - expected better with Cameron back involved.  Arnies character explanation was a bit too easy. Hopefully that will be the last and they can leave the 2 originals in peace. 

planning to watch 1917 later. 

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Uncut Gems - 5/10

f**k knows how this managed to garner any kind of Oscar buzz; Netflix must be slipping brown envelopes to film critics.
A slightly above average film compared to those that we've come to expect from Adam Sandler.  
The arse on his bit on the side though is absolutely obscene and the film is worth watching for that alone.


I've just watched it and thought it was excellent, tension right from the start that never lets up. 8/10

Bit on the sides arse 10/10
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23 hours ago, Shandon Par said:

Without spoiling your spoiler you are right. Gravity defying. 


13 hours ago, happysouth said:

Bit on the sides arse 10/10

Glad we all agree on the most important issue. 

Perhaps I was too harsh on the film - think I had been taken in by the buzz around it despite not really knowing what it was going to be about.

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52 minutes ago, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

The Usual Suspects. What's not to like?

Yes, I know Kevin Spacey's in it, but it's a good film.

Kevin Spacey is an absolutely fantastic actor that adds to a film regardless of how much of a creepy b*****d he is in real life.

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