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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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043 -- Son of a Gun (#14 in the A24 series) Low-rent Aussie crime drama with Ewan McGregor. Teenage minor crim (not McGregor) gets sent to a maximum security prison where he comes under the protection of a famous armed-robber (McGregor) and is coerced into helping him break out and going on a heist-spree. Very by the numbers and overall kinda dull and feels like it's about three times as long as it actually is. 4/10

044 -- Revenge of the Green Dragons (#15 in the A24 series) Some films are just plain shit, but some you can see what they're trying to do and you can get an idea what they could've done with more money. It's a Chinese Goodfellas set in Flushing, Queens in the 80s, an area of New York that's more than 50% Asian, and the story of two kids who get caught up in the gang lifestyle and rise up through the ranks. Pretty brutal in places, mental throughout, and it's a decent enough story but the acting from a cast of unknowns is so bad is really difficult to emotionally connect with the characters, and the director seems to have a thing for close-ups that gets on your tits after a while. Amazingly, Martin Scorcese was Exec Producer, and Ray Liotta's phones it in for a bit, so it probably should've turned out better. Still, benefit of the doubt etc 6/10.

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16 hours ago, BFTD said:

It's highly amusing how Weyland-Yutani are still determined that there's a profit to be turned from the killer aliens, no matter how many times everything goes tits up.

Edit: they should try a xenomorph safari park. That'll definitely work out OK.

Its like the umbrella corporation in resident evil, 

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On 24/04/2022 at 01:57, bennett said:



Lacks diversity and has no strong empowered female characters, it must be cancelled immediately.  


The Northman’s 10th-century society appears to be uniformly white and firmly divided along patriarchal lines. Men do the ruling and killing; women do the scheming and baby-making. Its hero, played by Alexander Skarsgård, is not a million miles from the “macho stereotype” Eggers complained of – a brawny warrior who settles most disputes with a sword and without a shirt. Skarsgård’s love interest, played by Anya Taylor-Joy, could be the far-right male’s dream woman: beautiful, fair-haired, loyal to her man and committed to bearing his offspring.

On the face of it, some images of Skarsgård in The Northman – bare-chested, pumped-up with battle rage, wearing a wolf’s pelt as headgear – are uncomfortably close to those of Jake Angeli, AKA the “QAnon Shaman”, the abiding mascot of the 6 January assault on the US Capitol. On that terrifying day in Washington



Who wrote that verbal diarrhea?

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Falling For Figaro (2020)
Caught this on Netflix, decent enough but pretty formulaic story of a wannabe being taught by nasty foul mouthed teacher. Here it's Danielle Macdonald as a high flying Fund Manager in London who quits to try and become an opera singer. She enlists a former opera diva played by Joanna Lumley who is in a small village somewhere in Scottish Highlands. Has it's moments but the love interest with rival pupil played by Hugh Skinner doesn't work too well but Danielle is a good actress and mostly carries the film.

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Silence (2016)

Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver are the handsomest  Portuguese 17th century Jesuit priests you'll ever see who go to Japan to track down their mentor Liam Neeson who has been AWOL since the Japanese wisely decided to start persecuting Christians. A film so well made that it overcomes the A star leads and the preposterous language issues to build up to a gripping finale where Scorsese gets to pose (and answer) some big questions. The Japanese cast are superb and although Garfield isn't believable for a second as a Jesuit he still manages to turn in a memorable performance.


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Heart Of Glass (1976)

Seen this a couple of times before but watched it this time with Herzog's commentary to understand it a bit better. It's all very absurd, at times bizarre with a local prophet in a Bavarian late 18th century village predicting disaster and when the foreman of the local glassworks dies without revealing the secret to the famous Ruby Glass the whole village descend into collective insanity. Herzog says that he hypnotised the actors before filming their scenes and you certainly get the feeling that some of them seem to be in a trance, you also realise that this is very much experimental with an underlying philosophical message.


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“Cache” or also called “hidden” 2006 , one of the best films ive seen.A family starts to realise they are being watched. Everything is good in this movie and its worth rewatching. Movie making at its best. 

Another movie i rewatched recently “Hollywood shuffle 1987” , written, directed and starring Robert Townsend. Its about a struggling black actor in LA trying to get work. Very funny at times, well acted and with a big message.  Should have got more credit than it did. 

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Octopussy (DVD) - that Bond laddie flits to India after 009 in a clown suit is killed nicking a Faberge egg.

Umm...yeah, this was more engaging than I remember, but I'm afraid my mind drifted off somewhere and never quite came back. The Soviets are selling Faberge eggs to fund something, but some of them are fugazi, and a rogue general is trying to kick off an invasion of Western Europe by detonating a nuclear warhead on a train housing a travelling circus, and there's this lassie called Octopussy for no good reason other than another terrible pun...just all a bit of a mush TBH. Might just be me finding it hard to follow 'cause I was tired, but it seemed OK for what it was.

Not sure if I posted anything after we watched For Your Eyes Only, but thank Christ Bond didn't f**k the 16-year-old ice skater. Felt like it was touch and go there for a while  :shutup

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Watched Cape fear for the first time last night. Decent movie and De Niro is great in it, but all the whacky camera spinning around stuff with the boat at the end ruined it a bit IMO. Also the weird colour sequences were stupid as well.

I like how accurate the simpsons parody was now I’ve actually seen it.

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On 24/04/2022 at 12:09, Detournement said:


It's a good film because all the characters are believable as part of 10th century Viking or Slav society. There is no BBC style modern influence beyond making it tame enough for a 15 certificate. 

Skarsgaard's character is the hero but the film isn't afraid to show him as stupid and violent.

I knew Ethan Hawke and Willem Defoe were in it. It took me a few minutes to recognise Hawke. Didn't pick up on Defoe at all. 

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25 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

I knew Ethan Hawke and Willem Defoe were in it. It took me a few minutes to recognise Hawke. Didn't pick up on Defoe at all. 

Ethan Hawke and Nicole Kidman being Alexander Skarsgard's parents is an interesting casting decision. 

Also Skarsgard's 45 year old action figure bod is making me think my 40th birthday present to myself should be HGH and testosterone. 

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Just seen the newest Batman film. Not bad. I liked how they didn't bother with any origin stuff and almost no back story. Also liked how they used the villains, and that the main one wasn't the fucking Joker (so, so overused; saddened by the hint of him near the end).

Next time it gets remade, in about 10-15 years, I'd love to see them do the Knightfall story, be it 2 or 3 films.

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Special Correspondents (2016)

Written and directed by Ricky Gervais this is a decent enough comedy about a sound engineer (Gervais) and a radio journalist played really well by Eric Bana who are sent to Ecuador to report on some civil unrest and end up being 'kidnapped'. There's a fair few laughs and some really cringey comedy from Vera Farmiga who plays the wife of Gervais with Kelly Macdonald as the love interest. America Ferrera is also good and didn't realise she was Ugly Betty until I saw her name in the credits. Not a classic but worth a watch.


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045 -- Laggies (#16 in the A24 series) At 25, Keira Knightley's character is having a crisis as she watches her friends marry, settle down, and begin to have kids of their own. When her boyfriend suggests he's about to propose, she panics, and in an attempt to cling on to her youth she befriends a high school student (Chloe Grace Moretz), whose dad (Sam Rockwell) is very suspicious of the relationship. You can see where this is going even before Sam Rockwell shows up, but it's funny, has a bit of heart about it and deals with its signposted twists and turns in a pretty entertaining way, especially once you decide to ignore Knightley's accent. 7/10 

046 -- A Most Violent Year (#17 in the A24 series) On the surface, a movie about the distribution of heating oil in New York in the 1980s doesn't sound particularly interesting, but with Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain in the lead roles, it's something of a triumph as straight-laced Issac does his best to protect his employees by fair means while Chastain is more open to other drastic measures. It's a smoldering, atmospheric piece, maybe a little slow but all the better for it. Bit of a surprise looking back to see it managed to avoid a single big award nomination. 9/10

047 -- The Bad Guys -- On the spectrum of anthropomorphized animated kids movies, this is much closer to The Nut Job than it is to Zootopia (or whatever that was called in the UK). A pretty stellar cast of voice talent is singularly wasted in this dull, by the numbers, morality tale. A Wolf, Snake, Tarantula, Shark, and Piranha are the titular Bad Guys, untrusted by society so become bank robbers to make ends meet but during their biggest job, they're caught and challenged to turn over new leaves. The animation is quite nice but there was nothing much else to hold interest and judging by the unsettled kids in the cinema, there wasn't much to keep them hooked either. 2/10

048 -- While We're Young (#18 in the A24 series) -- Ben Stiller and Naomi Watts are an uptight documentary film-maker and his wife, feeling adrift from friends who are having kids and settling down and totally older versions of the couples in Laggies. They meet Adam Driver and Amanda Seyfried, a more free-spirited younger couple who also make documentaries, and all of a sudden Ben Stiller is wearing a hat and they're all going to mystical Peruvian cleansing ceremonies while their old friends look on a shake their heads. I'm not sure if it's played for laughs, but everyone sucks here to greater or lesser degree, mostly greater, which left me hoping for an out-of-the-blue meteor collision to put them all, and me, out of our miseries. 4/10

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049 -- Cut Bank (#19 in the A24 series) It's a dreary kind of thriller based around the premise that providing evidence of a crime against a postal worker can result in a six-figure reward, which gives the characters here an idea. Blood Simple it isn't as it crawls from one cliched moment to another. The cast list, Liam Helmsworth, Billy Bob Thornton, John Malkovich, Bruce Dern, and the effort they put into this is far better than it deserves. On the positive side, it made me think of my own trip to Montana and Glacier County, so I guess there's that, even though it was filmed in Canada. 4/10

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