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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Witch's Sabbath - 2/10 would have been 1, but for the cameo by Ron Jeremy, and the creature at the end which made me burst out laughing, gets a bonus point.

It was horrorotica, so you don't expect much (i.e. they are usually 1/10 efforts, as you have to take them as horror movies) but a wee laugh is worth some points!

Edited by SaltyTON
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Freedomland is, indeed, dire.

Don't Look Now

Pretty atmospheric stuff. Some terrific scenes throughout this movie, including, yet again, another terrific horrifying ending to a 70s movie. Another one of those awesome 70s movies I was talking about.


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Rock Star with Mark Wahlberg and Jennifer Aniston

Quite pish to be honest and seems to be like every other 'band' movie I ahve seen, goes from a nobody to being a big rock star and then gets mixed up in drugs and stuff and then doesnt like the lifestyle and at the end of the film he changes for the good again.


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Freedomland is, indeed, dire.

Don't Look Now

Pretty atmospheric stuff. Some terrific scenes throughout this movie, including, yet again, another terrific horrifying ending to a 70s movie. Another one of those awesome 70s movies I was talking about.


The '88 uncut, or 2002 edited version (certificate 15)?

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Capricorn One

Kind of boring at times, but it's an effective enough film. The stuff in the desert is the main reason behind the film going too long. They don't do anything to make you care about these guys than say "we have families" about six times. Great, we figured that. However, Elliot Gould's investigation is where the good stuff comes. I do have to go high with this one when it comes to the rating, as the investigation does exactly what it's supposed to do. Thrill. The rest ? Not so much, however, you DO have to watch it as it keeps you in the loop.


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No. 1 Gangster

Wow. This sure was a lot of crap. One big streaming pile of crap with one of the most ridiculously rushed endings ever, and some of the worst acting you're likely to see. Paul Bettany was in good form, but Malcolm McDowell was NOT built for this role. I stayed up to watch this crap.


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I've been catching up with the Saw films in preparation for the 4th one coming out. Watched Saw a couple of weeks ago, Saw 2 yesterday and will watch Saw 3 at some point in the next week. None of the films seem to have any form of continuity, but I don't care because I love the psychological aspect of them all, and you can't beat a bit of blood and gore.

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I've been catching up with the Saw films in preparation for the 4th one coming out. Watched Saw a couple of weeks ago, Saw 2 yesterday and will watch Saw 3 at some point in the next week. None of the films seem to have any form of continuity, but I don't care because I love the psychological aspect of them all, and you can't beat a bit of blood and gore.

Will be going to the cineworld on Friday, no way I'm missing the opening day!!

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I've been catching up with the Saw films in preparation for the 4th one coming out. Watched Saw a couple of weeks ago, Saw 2 yesterday and will watch Saw 3 at some point in the next week. None of the films seem to have any form of continuity, but I don't care because I love the psychological aspect of them all, and you can't beat a bit of blood and gore.

Ive still to watch Saw 3 :( since my wife won't watch it, it is difficult for me to get a chance to watch it.

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Aye, oor Joan.

School of rock = shit

Anything with Jack "I wish I was 16" Black and his creepy bitch Kyle is a lot of pish.

You're fucking lucky MattBairn isnt about, or both of us would come and karate kick your ass back to tianamen square for that comment. :(

Edited by Metalface Mark
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No. 1 Gangster

Wow. This sure was a lot of crap. One big streaming pile of crap with one of the most ridiculously rushed endings ever, and some of the worst acting you're likely to see. Paul Bettany was in good form, but Malcolm McDowell was NOT built for this role. I stayed up to watch this crap.


Agree with you 100%

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