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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Not seen it yet, but noticed there are flyers out for the 'dark is rising' trilogy by Susan Cooper, the first called the Seeker.

The books are like Harry Potter, in the 70's so the film will be like that. Three of my favourite books growing up, so a bit pissed off they are making them into films as well, especially if they are screwing around with the plot (which they have done big style) :angry:

Susan Cooper is not happy at all with film version, so I will avoid them like the plague.

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American Gangster - Instant classic 9/10 (Much better than I thought it was going to be)

Rescue Dawn - Fantastic movie 9/10. Bale puts in an absolutely stunning performance and is fastly becoming a top top actor.

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the day after an 80's tv movie about the effects of a russian nuclear attack on kansas despite the cheese tastic special effects the film gets it's message across quite well and i imagine it would have been some kind of tv event in it's time 6/10 it even has steve guttenberg in it before his police academy fame

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The Prestige.

I judge films above 5 if I dont fall asleep so this was a well deserved 7.5/10.

I thought I had sussed it half way through but I hadnt.

I thought that it was a bit of a mind f**k film but I quite enjoyed it.

They could've done with using Scarlett Johansson a bit more though <_<

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The Prestige.

I judge films above 5 if I dont fall asleep so this was a well deserved 7.5/10.

I thought I had sussed it half way through but I hadnt.

Do you have it sussed? The film doesn't explain it very well.

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I know you arent stupid so I'll take that post as sarcasm!

I wasn't being sarcastic. I was genuinely asking what you made of the ending. I don't think the film explains at all what actually happens. The film does differ from the book somewhat but it didn't need to at all. I have had to explain the ending to just about everyone I have watched the film with, as they don't see the Science Fiction in the story.

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Never read the book, but I caught the science fiction quite clearly, unless it's possible to do what happens for the main trick. Of course, it's not possible. It's fiction, and the nature of it is clearly science fiction. I think the movie did a fairly good job of explaining everything. The book may have gone into more detail. However, I knew all I needed to know.

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Never read the book, but I caught the science fiction quite clearly, unless it's possible to do what happens for the main trick. Of course, it's not possible. It's fiction, and the nature of it is clearly science fiction. I think the movie did a fairly good job of explaining everything. The book may have gone into more detail. However, I knew all I needed to know.

You are quite right. I understood it. I just couldn't quite grasp why others couldn't understand what had happened. They are intelligent. I didn't mind explaining it to my brother, he's a thick b'stard! The storyline was pretty much shown visually, the people failing to grasp what happened probably are't visual learners.

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You are quite right. I understood it. I just couldn't quite grasp why others couldn't understand what had happened. They are intelligent. I didn't mind explaining it to my brother, he's a thick b'stard! The storyline was pretty much shown visually, the people failing to grasp what happened probably are't visual learners.

Alternatively, it was just a shite, hackneyed ending to an otherwise excellent movie.

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Wish Master 3: Devil Stone


By far the funniest film I've seen all year, including the Simpsons, as this was LOL funny.

The djinn, most famous and powerful of all demons, see Helen of Troy and the Trojan Wars to see their power, and the only thing that takes him off his feet is an arm drag by St Michael (who I'm sure was wondering where his naming rights for Marks and Spencer: Simply Food went)

Was hilarious! :lol:

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