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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Saw the "Dark Knight" at the IMAX...have to say, the IMAX scenes are jaw droppingly good.

That aside, it is a tremendous movie, I disagree with others in that it's too long. Ledger and Oldman were both superb in their depictions.

For an "action" movie, I didn't even do my usual and quibble about the script and action ignoring science because...it didn't!

It's light years away from the Clooney shite.

I haven't enjoyed a film as much in a long time


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Decided to watch it on TV last night. Such a far fetched plot you've really got to wonder why they bothered. You keep hoping it's going to be interesting when the explanation of what's going on kicks in but it's plain (pardon the pun) ridiculous.


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Guest Juninho
Eurotrip was an after it which was not bad, a few laughs here and there and the odd bit of female flesh made it a 6/10

Didn't watch it however having seen if before I agree. I suppose it would appeal to North America and their expectations/stereotypes of the Europe.

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Broken (2006/III)

A film about a woman chained up in the woods by a lunatic, which claims to be along the lines of Hostel and Saw, but really isn't.

The woman is the most annoying person in the history of horror films, and she stays with him for 47 days at the end of which he must have thought of topping himself.

However after she escapes, she kills the guy and finds her daughter only for the booby trap in the hut where the girl was kept to go off and for nails to fly out and kill her in a brilliantly painful death.

The last thing that happens makes up for 85 minutes of annoying bitch.


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saw the dark knight last night at the omni. fucking incredible from every actor/tress. bit shocked when someone dies who i didnt think would - not ruining it for those who havent seen it ;)

but it was awesome and packed with crazed crashes and explosions everywhere

the music was brilliant also and ledger was sensational.

10/10 for me. havent enjoyed a flim so much in a age!

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saw the dark knight last night at the omni. fucking incredible from every actor/tress. bit shocked when someone dies who i didnt think would - not ruining it for those who havent seen it ;)

but it was awesome and packed with crazed crashes and explosions everywhere

the music was brilliant also and ledger was sensational.

10/10 for me. havent enjoyed a flim so much in a age!

Saw it this morning - I agree with every word here, including the score.

Fucking brilliant film.

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Serpico - 10/10 No need to explain!

The Untouchables - 10/10 As above

Narc - 9/10 Never gonna be a classic but still a brilliant film!

IMDB users rate The Dark Night as the Best of the Top 250 list of all time. Not saw it yet but a superhero film compared to the Godfather and Shawshank Redemption, surely this is just the publicity this film has gathered as it was Heath Ledger's last. Not saying it won't be brilliant but the best EVER, highly unlikely IMO!

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Serpico - 10/10 No need to explain!

The Untouchables - 10/10 As above

Narc - 9/10 Never gonna be a classic but still a brilliant film!

IMDB users rate The Dark Night as the Best of the Top 250 list of all time. Not saw it yet but a superhero film compared to the Godfather and Shawshank Redemption, surely this is just the publicity this film has gathered as it was Heath Ledger's last. Not saying it won't be brilliant but the best EVER, highly unlikely IMO!

Says Mr. I overrate good but nothing more than that films. :lol: (Referring to Narc BTW)

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Decided to watch it on TV last night. Such a far fetched plot you've really got to wonder why they bothered. You keep hoping it's going to be interesting when the explanation of what's going on kicks in but it's plain (pardon the pun) ridiculous.


1 thing says "shite" before it even starts. Starring Jodie Foster.

The woman can't act, she's a female David Caruso! (without the sunglasses!)

EDIT: I actually saw another film which is almost exactly the same, sans the plane, about a little girl who "goes missing" but doesn't really exist. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Takes places in the city, and her mother sees her on the swing set near her apartment.

Edited by SaltyTON
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I saw The Dark Knight last night at a sold out Cineworld and it was fantastic. I have never seen any of the Batman films before but everything positive people have said before about this film is true. It was very sinister in parts with Ledger playing the manic Joker to a very high standard. I thought he was outstanding in the film and brought some real laugh out loud moments even though at times you wondered if you should be laughing at all!

The double crossing and plot twists turn the story on its head but they are believable because of the characters involved in them. The stunts and action scenes are excellent as well. Just really, really good! At well over 2 hours long I had wondered if they had enough to drag the story out for so long but I didn't even notice the film being as long as this. Time flew by.

Easily an 8/10 at least. I will be going to see it again with the other half and I wouldn't be surprised if I am as impressed second time round. Will be getting this when it comes out on DVD. Great stuff!

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Last night, I also went to see the new Batman movie.

Having been a fan of Jack Nicholson's portrayal of the Joker, I was sceptical of how much better Heath Ledger could do. All the death publicity made me even more scepticl due to the fact that it would have likely overrated the film in people's eyes.

However, I thought the film was excellent.

High profile cast who put in the performances to match their reputations, big budget, good story, good setting and good characters.

Heath Ledger's performance was truly outstanding, overshadowing good performances from mostly everyone else.

1 small criticism is that there are so many characters to get to know, but I suppose the running time makes up for that. I didn't get restless at any point.

I give it a firm 9/10.

The only thing I'm disappointed about is that its now over and I won't be able to see it for the 1st time again, it was that good!

EDIT: Spelling mistake

Edited by LAGer
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1 thing says "shite" before it even starts. Starring Jodie Foster.

The woman can't act, she's a female David Caruso! (without the sunglasses!)

EDIT: I actually saw another film which is almost exactly the same, sans the plane, about a little girl who "goes missing" but doesn't really exist. Anyone know what I'm talking about? Takes places in the city, and her mother sees her on the swing set near her apartment.

Is it The Forgotten, with Julianne Moore??? Terrible film, turns out theres aliens and all sorts t odo with it. Very Stupid film.

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Well, at least the Batman franchaise has managed to redeem itself from the truly awful efforts during the 90's. This pleases me.

I still think that Batman and Robin is the high water mark in the series. Sure Ledgers' Joker is almost note perfect, but where's the one liners? "You're not taking me to da cooler!" I mean, TDK just takes itself far to seriously. Also I didn't see any Bat Credit Card holder on the new suit, and I definetely didn't see any ice skates. Very disappointing. :(:angry:

Oh, and where were the nipples on the Batsuit?!!!! Must try harder. <_<

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