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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Prestige


Probably one of those films that should only be watched once. Because it does have a very good ending, but when the shock is gone it's not half as entertaining. None the less, decent enough watch. One of the few films that i can actually stand hugh jackman starring in.

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The Simpsons Movie (2007)

Started watching this about half an hour in, and without Spiderpig or the Ralf bit at the beginning, it's just an average episode.

Bonus point for the bit in the credits of Mr Burns telling Smithers that he doesn't believe in suicide, but if Smithers does it it will amuse him. :lol:



Saturday Night Fever (1977)

Not sure what I expected, but most of these marks are for the soundtrack.


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The Hangover - Loved this film. At least a 9/10.

This song had me in stitches :lol: -

What do tigers dream of when they take a little tiger snooze?

Do they dream of mauling zebras or Halle Berry in her cat woman suit.

Don't you worry your pretty stripped head were gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy tiger bed. Then were gonna find our best friend Doug and then were gonna give him a best friend hug... Doug Doug, Dougie, Doug, Doug.

But if you've been killed by crystal meth tweakerrrrss... Then we're shit out of luck!

Edited by The Minertaur
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Shutter (2008/I)

A remake of the Thai film of the same name, not seen the original but can only imagine it to be better than this pretty poor effort.

Rachael Taylor carries on where she left off opposite Glenn Jacobs in See No Evil making the most of a dire script.


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The Hangover 8.5/10

agree with all the other posts about this film, funny as f**k!!

literally had to wipe tears away pretty much for the entire film, especially loved the

wee camp gangster dude asking them to "suck on these tiny chinese nuuuuuts"!!!

oh, and Heather Graham :wub::wub::wub:

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The Ladykillers - 1955

Dir: Alexander McKendrick

Came home from work today and caught the v ery tail end of this on ITV3 so decided to stick it on DVD

It's an absolute gem, Ealing's last comedy and shot on location for the largest part in a rickety old house near St. pancras station.

While Alec Guiness, Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom etc are superb, Katie Johnston just steals the show in the only film she appeared in as Mrs Wilburforce.

It is the most perfectly cast, acted and directed film.

WTF the Coen brothers were thinking when they remade it, transporting it the deep south of the USA, Tom Hanks playing Alec Guinness's character as Colonel Sanders and most reprehensibly, changing Mrs Wilburforce into the big black mama from Tom n Jerry, was something perverse in their minds.

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White Lightnin'

First one I've caught at the film festival this year and it's absolutely brilliant. Amazing soundtrack (I love old country and blues) and as good a central performance as you're likely to see. Carrie Fisher is almost unrecognisable but great in the role.

Very darkly humorous and considerably nasty and violent in bits with one hell of an ending.

Great movie.


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Shutter (2008/I)

A remake of the Thai film of the same name, not seen the original but can only imagine it to be better than this pretty poor effort.

Rachael Taylor carries on where she left off opposite Glenn Jacobs in See No Evil making the most of a dire script.


I've seen the original but not the remake. The original was very good, I tink I gave it a 7 or 8 out of 10

Zombir Virus On Mulberry Street 5/10

Zombie films are crap now

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Almost entirely consisiting of Sam Rockwell on his own (not quite but there's a major spoiler there) on the moon controlling a mining operation. Reminiscent of films like Silent Running. Great performance from Rockwell and quite well made but far too predictable and ultimately just OK. Directed by David Bowie's son.


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