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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Thin Red Line ( 1998 )

An incredible piece of work. Amazing feeling of the madness and the chaos of WW II. There's some laughable acting in there, but it doesn't really harm the movie. An epic movie, in more than one way.


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Van Wilder 3 - Straight to dvd film that is set a year before the original Van Wilder film. Surprisingly has a few good laughs in it, mostly toilet humour. Worth a watch if you have seen the first film, no need to have seen the second one.


Where you get it from i have seen the first 2 and they were a good laugh?

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green street 2.


not the best by a long way, but i was expecting it to be the shittest thing ever.

i mean for god's sake! lets have a match to decide who gets to leave prison early, doesnt matter if they re hooligans and they re guaranteed to cause violence, na lets have a football match. You can honestly tell me that i or some people could believe such a tedious storyline and piss-poor ending!

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S. Darko (2009) (V)

To quote the last couple of lines in the film.

"What's that like?"


I went into this film expecting it to be shite, this was confirmed when Elizabeth Berkeley appeared on the screen.


Edited by SaltyTON
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green street 2.


not the best by a long way, but i was expecting it to be the shittest thing ever.

i mean for god's sake! lets have a match to decide who gets to leave prison early, doesnt matter if they re hooligans and they re guaranteed to cause violence, na lets have a football match. You can honestly tell me that i or some people could believe such a tedious storyline and piss-poor ending!

Just FTR, that makes not one iota of sense. :P

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Boogie Nights (1997)

Pound for pound, Paul Thomas Anderson must be one of the greatest directors to ever grace the medium of film. Having now seen 4 of his 5 movies, I can safely say he's my favourite at least. This is a 3 hour epic focused on the rise and fall of a young 70's pornstar, played to perfection, by a naive turned desperate Mark Wahlberg. With a biting script, beautiful cinematography and a wonderful plot, this is the easily best porno film ever made!


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Another 48hrs on Sky Anytime.

Almost a carbon copy of the first film to the point it's more of a remake than a sequel.

But that was a good thing in this case. The first film was ace, and this was just as good, in a switch aff yer brain type fashion.

Great screen chemistry between Nolte and Murphy as well. It's the type of film you rarely see made anymore. Films nowadays seem to be either dead serious or Wilson/Stiller/Ferrell/American Pie/Dude all out comedy. The 80s was great for these comedy-drama buddy movies.


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boogie nights is class burt reynolds best ever performance and marky mark is spot on too

the bank job cockney heist film 7/10 a lot better than expected

made og honour 2/10 absolute drivel rom com i sat through with the missus with a tartan shortbread tin view of scotland

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Hellboy II: The Golden Army (2008)

Unmitigated disaster of a sequel, there was very little to save this horror show. Of course the trolls have to be from Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Shame on you Del Toro, for shame.


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Went to watch the new Transformers film last night after getting back and it was exactly as you'd expect. Mindless, enjoyable and quite good fun.

There were a couple of bad points though. I'm convinced Michael Bay only went to one day of Film School. During that day, he was taught that audiences enjoy the continual and distracting use of bad camera angles. Not to mention the 'spinning camera' which he employed once every 5 minutes. The over-emphasised sexuality of Megan Fox was irritating too. I'm aware that I'm staring at her arse, I'm aware that you know I'm staring at her arse, I'm even aware that your aware of it's potential as a marketing tool. The cynical overuse of this factor just got irritating.

All in all, 6/10.

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Bruno 8/10

Some extremely cringeworthy moments, but hilarious.

American Psycho 9/10

Amazing, love it.

"Try getting a reservation at Dorisa now you f*cking stupid b*****d!"

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Michael Rennie was ill The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) , but he told us where we stand.

A nice wee film when you didn't need vulgarity or blood to create an atmosphere of terror.

Loses points for the ending, which just kills it dead when you really want to know what he's going to do. I assume he destroys the Earth as his demands were unlikely to be met by the more powerful nations on Earth.


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Strangers on a Train - 1951 Hitchcock film, great performance by Robert Walker as the psychotic Bruno Anthony. 9/10

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen - despite loving Time Bandits and Brazil I'd never seen this Terry Gilliam film, it's completely over the top but enjoyable and suitably ambiguous (although ultimately confusing) in the end. Great cast with Uma Thurman as the goddess Venus :wub: 8/10

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Ronin - 7/10

Watchable and enjoyable enough, but you get the feeling that De Niro could've done that film in his sleep. Pretty standard thriller, the sort of thing that you'll watch if you just want to be entertained without having to turn your brain on.

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