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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The last two films I've seen have been 2012 and Zombieland.

2012 is beyond contemptible. The idea is decent, if overused, but the execution is awful. Even an amusing cameo from Woody Harrelson couldn't save this pile of tripe. I know action films have that 'just make it' concept, but that was so overused it was ridiculous. And let's not even start on the plot holes and horrendous continuity errors. An utter waste of time. 0/10

I have to say I was quite disappointed with Zombieland. I'm a huge zombie officianado, so I prefer when they play it 'straight' anyway, but I quite enjoyed 'Shaun of the Dead' as a pastiche of the genre. This one never really got going for me, and I hated all the main characters, bar the brilliant Harrelson (again). The Bill Murray bit was great though, and I suppose overall, it's a decent movie. But hey, any zombie film, comedy or not, where the zombies run gets an immediate black mark from me. 6/10

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Watched Event Horizon today.


I also downloaded a couple of films called Frozen and also Splice.

Are they any good, or should i just play Football Manager?

If you though the shitfest that was Paul WS Anderson's Physics fail was an 8/10, then tbh anything will seem good! :P

I actually put Splice on to download just before I clicked on this...

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If you though the shitfest that was Paul WS Anderson's Physics fail was an 8/10, then tbh anything will seem good! :P

I actually put Splice on to download just before I clicked on this...

If i wanted a lesson in physics i'd have watched something on Discovery tongue.gif

I watched Frozen instead of Splice. Frozen is pish. I should have done the dishes instead. Will watch Splice later on. I was going to watch the Hurt Locker, but it's taking a fucking eternity to download arrive.

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If i wanted a lesson in physics i'd have watched something on Discovery tongue.gif

I watched Frozen instead of Splice. Frozen is pish. I should have done the dishes instead. Will watch Splice later on. I was going to watch the Hurt Locker, but it's taking a fucking eternity to download arrive.

That reminds me, I borrowed The Hurt Locker from my Granda, I'll watch that soon...

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Guest Kincardine

I watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Good thriller; good camera work and good soundtrack.

I've read the novel (and the rest of the trilogy) that it was based on and, while it's a little different to the book, they both merit and 8 out of 10.

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I went to see Unstoppable this evening.

A good, solid action film. It actually felt pretty claustrophobic, even though it took place over a hundred or so miles, since a lot of it pretty much all takes place on the one train line.

I'd give it a solid 7/10. It would probably be a 6/10 but Denzel Washington's always worth an extra point from me.

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It's a Wonderful Life - 7/10.

Expected it to be a lot better but still thought it was alright.

How To Train Your Dragon - 7/10.

Quite enjoyed it although my attention wavered at bits.

Toy Story - 10/10.

I've watched it around 10 times this week as the kids love it and I enjoy it just as much every time. Brilliant film.

Edited by Andy C
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It's a Wonderful Life - 7/10.

Expected it to be a lot better but still thought it was alright.

How To Train Your Dragon - 7/10.

Quite enjoyed it although my attention wavered at bits.

I've got both of them, the dragon one is sitting on this laptop but IaWL is on my film drive next door... I've never managed to get the urge to watch it though, is it as depressing as I've heard it is?

Might watch it on Christmas Day, after Scrooge of course... need a true classic on Christmas Day! :D

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The Other Guys

Watched last night. You would think a film with Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Samuel L Jackson, Eva Mendes and the Rock would tick all the boxes but how wrong can you be. The words available in the English language cannot do justice to how awful this film is. Couldnt make it to the end, switched it off. Avoid.


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The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest

Final part of the Stieg Larsson trilogy which I haven't read. I quite enjoyed the first part but wasn't overly impressed with the second so I watched this simply to complete the trilogy. It wasn't too bad and brought the whole thing to a reasonable conclusion.


Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale

My interest in this had dropped off lately but I decided to check it out after seeing some very good reviews. I should have thought more about where those good reviews appeared as it's not a good film. It's an interesting idea but not nearly as dark as most would want it to be and the back story of the villagers is underdeveloped to say the least. It's only 84 minutes but feels longer. More of a wasted opportunity than anything else.

4/10 for the original premise which is a good one.

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Watched trainspotting for the first time last night. Absolutely terrific film. The acting was superb all over but ewan mcgreggor was astounding. I never rated him that highly as an actor but after that i love the man. :D


Edited by jojo
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Zombieland - I kinda struggled to see this one through to the end. Very little in the way of comedy or originality and only saved by the always watchable Woody Harrelson & the voice over just did my box in. Reminded me of Scrubs, which is never a good thing.


Edited by stewie from paris
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Getting sent home early yesterday was a pain in my wallet but it ended up being a good movie day as I managed to squeeze in three films ive been wanting to see on the same channel one after the other.

Road to Perdition - 7/10 - Got to love a bit of Tom Hanks. Very well acted, moods and period settings were brilliantly done. Jude Law was a great character to hate also.

Oceans Eleven - 7/10 - Not bad flick, kept you wondering and guessing what they did in the end, ill need to see the other two now.

Angels & Demons - 9/10 - Absolutely loved this. The twists and turns in it were great, and i've got somewhat of a hard on for conspiracy theories and such. The ending was a bit far fetched but still didnt ruin the movie for me. Would definitely watch again.

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Oceans Eleven - 7/10 - Not bad flick, kept you wondering and guessing what they did in the end, ill need to see the other two now.

Angels & Demons - 9/10 - Absolutely loved this. The twists and turns in it were great, and i've got somewhat of a hard on for conspiracy theories and such. The ending was a bit far fetched but still didnt ruin the movie for me. Would definitely watch again.

A&D is a quality film, but the 'book is better' brigade will pillory you for it!

All the Ocean's series are good, the second one does dip slightly, but the third one revives the trilogy!

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