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To the guy who likes shit movies - how do you rate Dinocroc vs. Supergator?

It's on now. What a piece of shit!! Worse than Megashark vs. Giant Octopus or whatever that was called where the shark jumps out the sea and eats that plane

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To the guy who likes shit movies - how do you rate Dinocroc vs. Supergator?

It's on now. What a piece of shit!! Worse than Megashark vs. Giant Octopus or whatever that was called where the shark jumps out the sea and eats that plane

Dinocroc is pretty good, you're clearly missing the point if you think it's shit. They are called comedy horrors for a reason!

I've not seen Mega Shark but it looks brilliant, although have seen one where the shark jumps out the sea and takes down a helicopter, not quite a Boeing 747 like in Mega Shark!

Police Academy (1984)

Normally films from the early 80s age pretty badly, but this is much better than when I was a kid. It came out five months before I was born, but if it came out today it would make even more than the over a $100m profit than it made back then.

Comedy gold, makes me glad I bought the box set of the first seven in perfect timing for Police Academy 8 next year!


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I appreciate they're meant to be so bad they are good, this one frustrated me well bad! You need to see that shark take down that plane.

Incidentally, was Lake Placid meant to be like this sort of film? The second one definitely must have been.

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I appreciate they're meant to be so bad they are good, this one frustrated me well bad! You need to see that shark take down that plane.

Incidentally, was Lake Placid meant to be like this sort of film? The second one definitely must have been.

Lake Placid was kind of a big budget version, I suppose. It was extremely cheesy, but at the high end of the spectrum.

I've not seen either of the TV sequels, but can't imagine they are up to much, as the budget dropped by about $25m!

The director of LP2 did Boa vs Python, so it would make sense that it was a SBIA film (so bad it's amazing, I just made that up I'm tired but try and think of a better acronym), and the director of LP3 is making the amazing sounding Swamp Shark (starring Kristy Swanson... ah just think what might have been... that Buffy the Vampire Slayer didn't really work out, did it Kristy?)

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I've not seen Mega Shark but it looks brilliant, although have seen one where the shark jumps out the sea and takes down a helicopter, not quite a Boeing 747 like in Mega Shark!

"A walking tank for a walking shark."

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Police Academy 2: Their First Assignment (1985)

You can't really go far wrong with these films, they're just mindless entertainment with a few laughs.

This one is nowhere near as good as the first, and being out of the Academy means a lot less Commandant Lassard. :(


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I'll pose a question to P&B'ers, do you think some directors intentially go out to make 'So shit it's good' films? Most people fail in this regard and it only brings the director a bad rep but I really can't see the thought process behind some of these films.

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I'll pose a question to P&B'ers, do you think some directors intentially go out to make 'So shit it's good' films? Most people fail in this regard and it only brings the director a bad rep but I really can't see the thought process behind some of these films.

To be a big name director, you have to know people. You have to cut your cloth somewhere and these are the easiest kind of films to do it in. Fun to work on, low budget but ultimately never going anywhere.

If you get it right you become rich and famous, like Peter Jackson.

Get it wrong and you're typecast, albeit I love his films, like Mark Jones.

Uwe Boll gets his money from German tax exemptions, although those loopholes have been shut so how he'll get funding now I don't know as his films cost quite a lot to make and generally flop (see In the Name of the King, uber flop!)... although Postal did make a profit!

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The Road (2009)

Read the book before I watched this and thought John Hillcoat did an excellent job of capturing the bleak and unforgiving landscape.

The script follows the book pretty closely except for more of a role in the flashbacks for his wife (Charlize Theron).

Viggo Mortensen gives a fine performance as the man and must have lost a lot of weight for some of the scenes. The young boy was also solid and believable.

Some of the scenes were quite disturbing especially the cellar scene.

I can understand how some people who hadn't read the book could have found it a tad boring as it's obviously difficult to transfer a book where there isn't a great deal of action to screen.

Thought it was very good and very close to the book. Visually brilliant.


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Police Academy 3: Back in Training (1986)

Wow, these really do deteriorate quickly!

Aside from the constant epic failures of Mauser to keep the film from scraping a pass mark, this could be horrible! The addition of Miss Universe 1980 did help the film a little bit, I'll admit!


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I watched Antichrist last night, the Lars Von Trier film. I'm all for films that are a bit challenging to watch, but fucking hell. I spent the best part of two hours shaking my head. Has anyone seen this and actually taken anything positive from it?

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Attack The Block

I thought this would be good, if not brilliant and that's roughly what I thought after seeing it. Quite a good story with some decent laughs and a reasonable amount of shock value. Good design of alien creature with the audience seeing just enough and not too much. The really young kids weren't that good and it was probably a mistake to cast Nick Frost playing the same character he always does. The other thing that bugged me was the regular use of the word 'merked' which made me think of Rio Ferdinand. There was a lot of early talk of this getting a US remake and that has to be a certainty.

About halfway through it was struggling to get a 6/10 but the short running time momentum carried it to a


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Police Academy 5: Assignment: Miami Beach (1988)

This one is more to a British sense of humour, as it's VERY Carry On in style. Pretty hilarious, and loads more Eric Lassard! The whole kidnapping was funnier than the previous three films put together, albeit not as good as Police Academy.

The IMDb mark of 3.5/10 reflects the US style of comedy to be honest.


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Police Academy 6: City Under Siege (1989)

Oh God, there are no words to describe how much worse than the others this torture was!

Aside from Jones' saving the day, after yet another tired piss take of Japanese films from the 30s, by pretending to be a robot - this would receive a much lower mark!


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bird starring forest whittatker.

whittaker made it worthwhile but otherwise it was overlong and tedious. You didn't get a feel that it parker was the best in the world. It was a pretty worthless film really and woudn't reccomend it too anyone.


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The first half of the film utilises all the tricks to try and get the audience jumping and one or two actually work well. There's one scare in particular that wasn't just a jump but was a very creep image and that, for me, was the only really commendable part of the film.


Was that when she was describing the dream then the demon c**t popped up behind him?


First half of the film was fucking brilliant, Sharted my pants quite a good few times, the bit in the spoiler almost had my letting out one very girly scream, brilliant, second half it did go downhill but it still had a good few moments, 7/10

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