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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I remember reading the book of that and it was quite good. Sounds like the film is a dog.

I also read the book, other than Jurassic Park, the crichton adaptions I've seen have been dire.

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Shooter - Mark Whalberg.

I thought that it was going to be dire but it was pretty good.

Bob Lee Swagger is a stupid main character name though.

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I fucking love Christopher Nolan, the man is a genius. This is a film that needs several viewings IMO, or that is my impression after watching it once. I really enjoyed the film, and it kept my interest, whilst making me think. I like that in film, the ability to hook you and keep you thinking about what is happening now and next. I initially thought that Guy Pearce was horrifically mis-cast but within half and hour or so I was proved wrong. He's very good in it. The subject matter is fascinating (incidentally many experts in that field of memory loss commented that the film was an excellent representation of what actually happens with that specific disorder) as well.

I'll watch this later on but after one viewing it gets an 8/10

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the experiment 4/10

it was on sky last night basically an experiment where a group of test subjects have to play the roles of prison guards and inmates. turned to wide eyed mentalism and shock value rather than playing on the psychological thought provoking angle

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The Green Lantern

I'm not really the most unbiased person to review these kind of films as I'm a total comic geek.

Not great and a bit ropey, to be honest. Hot girl in it. Reasonable plot (if a bit cliched) as superhero stories go.


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Watched RED the other night, with Bruce Willis and co as retired CIA agents who do a lot of shooting and stuff. John Malkovich was very funny and it was a light hearted caper, enjoyable for a leave your brain at the door type flick.


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I fucking love Christopher Nolan, the man is a genius.

I see in the Top Fives thread you hadn't seen that or Following. Have you got round to seeing Following yet? I would say it was his third best, behind The Dark Knight and Memento... get it watched!!!

He won't be doing anything until, and has nothing planned as of yet, The Dark Knight Rises next year.

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The day the earth stood still? Good film or bad?

Awful film it really is, was expecting so much better.

Pirates of the Caribbean 4 - Really enjoyed this one after the failure of the last couple, decent enough plot, plus Penelope Cruz is in it ;)


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Watched RED the other night, with Bruce Willis and co as retired CIA agents who do a lot of shooting and stuff. John Malkovich was very funny and it was a light hearted caper, enjoyable for a leave your brain at the door type flick.


I watched it last night, would give it a 7/10 for John Malkovich's performance alone, but the whole main cast were also very good, well written comedy with a light -hearted touch as you say.

8/10 for me.

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R-Point (2004)

Korean film set during the Vietnam War about a group of soldiers sent to retrieve another group of soldiers from an area that the "Vietcong" are afraid to enter for some reason.

I'll be honest I have no fucking clue what this film was about. The explanations by various people on IMDb make it seem really in depth, and that you need a knowledge of Korean folklore to understand it... there should at least be some explanation given for events that happen in the film and if you have to make it up for yourself during a HORROR, then the film has somewhat failed in my opinion.

3/10 - as the acting was pretty good, and for it amusing me how many times they use the word "asshole" throughout the film... yeah, I don't think that in 1950s Korea that it's the most common word in the Korean language!

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Stormtroopers in Suspensers - been meaning to catch this for a few years but didn't live up to the hype.

Plot was a bit unbelievable and the characters weren't fully developed so you never felt like you could emphasise with them. The 'action' scenes were fairly graphic, which don't get me wrong is what I look for in an adult movie, but some of the cheesy dialogue seemed out of synch with the actresses movement of their mouths. 10/10.

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Stormtroopers in Suspensers - been meaning to catch this for a few years but didn't live up to the hype.

Plot was a bit unbelievable and the characters weren't fully developed so you never felt like you could emphasise with them. The 'action' scenes were fairly graphic, which don't get me wrong is what I look for in an adult movie, but some of the cheesy dialogue seemed out of synch with the actresses movement of their mouths. 10/10.

After that review it still gets 10/10?

Do you do footballer performance reviews for a tabloid paper by any chane?

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