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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Anyone can be better than their idol.

In this instance Tarantino is patently not, hence the Oasis/Beatles analogy.

Did you read my post? I said "writer/director". Do you know what films Scorsese has written AND directed? Casino, Goodfellas and Mean Streets(haven't seen the latter). I also said at the moment(or meant it), Scorsese hasn't done as much recently as Tarantino. Shutter Island was pretty poor. Only the Departed has been good since he did Casino in 95. Whereas Tarantino has written and directed the two Kill Bills and Inglorious Basterds which were all fantastic. I also enjoyed the hell out of the Grindhouse films and Jackie Brown but they seem to be a bit less liked by most. That's what they've both done since 95.

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In Time

A really interesting film with solid performances. Enjoyable enough, but it seemed to change direction from a pretty decent psychological thriller into a Bonnie and Clyde heist film.

Amanda Seyfried (the geeky lass from Mamma Mia! and Jennifer's Body) has done a hell of a lot growing up. She's not geeky any more :D

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In Time

A really interesting film with solid performances. Enjoyable enough, but it seemed to change direction from a pretty decent psychological thriller into a Bonnie and Clyde heist film.

Amanda Seyfried (the geeky lass from Mamma Mia! and Jennifer's Body) has done a hell of a lot growing up. She's not geeky any more :D

Oh yes! Have you seen Mean Girls? Much is said about Rachel McAdams and Lindsay Lohan in that one, but Amanda Seyfried (I'm sure she plays the dummy Karen) is something else :D

On a completed unrelated note, I'm currently watching D2: The Mighty Ducks. I love these films. Always have :D

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I think Christopher Nolan is the best director/writer at the moment.

That's not actually a bad shout, the only thing stopping him is that he pretty much stole his whole Batman idea from what Frank Miller's been doing(in comic form) for the past 20 years. Making the characters more realistic rather than actual superhero and giving Gotham that dark, New York feel to it.

His other films, outside of the Batman franchise, are pretty good, but none are fantastic tbh. The Prestige was pretty well done, but I think it'd be a bit shit watching it for the second or third time. Inception is good, but is a bit of a cluster-f**k at times. Wasn't a fan of Memento. Insomnia was good(he didn't write it). And I haven't seen Following (yet)

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That's not actually a bad shout, the only thing stopping him is that he pretty much stole his whole Batman idea from what Frank Miller's been doing(in comic form) for the past 20 years. Making the characters more realistic rather than actual superhero and giving Gotham that dark, New York feel to it.

His other films, outside of the Batman franchise, are pretty good, but none are fantastic tbh. The Prestige was pretty well done, but I think it'd be a bit shit watching it for the second or third time. Inception is good, but is a bit of a cluster-f**k at times. Wasn't a fan of Memento. Insomnia was good(he didn't write it). And I haven't seen Following (yet)

Memento was wrote by his brother. I think his brother actually had a fairly sizable input in most, if not all of his films.

Edited by the jambo-rocker
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I think Christopher Nolan is the best director/writer at the moment, but hey-ho. Incidentally, he has written a script for a film that is also based on Howard Hughes (like Scorsese's The Aviator).

Spot on. He's undoubtedly the best writer/director going at the moment.

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Memento was wrote by his brother. I think his brother actually had a fairly sizable input in most, if not all of his films.

Having a look at his IMDb page, he wrote "Memento Mori" which is a short story, presumably just the idea on which Christopher Nolan expanded to make the film.

He also has a full screenplay credit for The Prestige, Dark Knight and Dark Knight Rises. So Christopher Nolan doesn't even have full writing credit for probably his best film, certainly the one that really made him popular.

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Memento was wrote by his brother. I think his brother actually had a fairly sizable input in most, if not all of his films.

I believe Johnathan Nolan writes an initial script/story, before Christopher Nolan writes the script for the actual film. His wife is a producer for all of his films.

Edited by yoda
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Ca$h ( 2010 )

I'm coming to the end of my 2010 movie watching escapades and I have come across some right howlers the lower down the list I go, so I was quite happy when I reached this cracker. Sean Bean plays two brothers. One in jail who dropped a case of money and one who's out of jail trying to get it back. It's a story we've seen a million times before. It's normally done quite well, so I suppose it shouldn't be a big surprise that it was the case here.


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Rise of the Planet of the Apes ( 2011 )

I'd say that this is pretty disappointing. I've seen a lot of rave reviews. I thought it was merely alright. Even the big climatic battles weren't all that good. The build up to them was pretty well done, but felt like it was about 20 minutes too long, and probably overdid the melodrama just a touch. It did build the sympathy required. Then the battles themselves were just not that great outside of a couple of nice visuals. The apes on the rooftops was quite good in that regard. I'll put the thumbs slightly up.


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Misery (1990)

Caan and Bates make the perfect match made in hell. You can't not despise Bates, she's truly evil, hence why she won the Oscar!

Well worth the watch, although it does take about half an hour to get going.


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In Time

A really interesting film with solid performances. Enjoyable enough, but it seemed to change direction from a pretty decent psychological thriller into a Bonnie and Clyde heist film.

Amanda Seyfried (the geeky lass from Mamma Mia! and Jennifer's Body) has done a hell of a lot growing up. She's not geeky any more :D

I knew I recognised Fortis, but fuck me, Alex Pettyfer looks a lot older too!

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The film had so much potential to be freaky but it failed. It seemed to be going for a bit of an old school horror vibe, like The Omen. But it was pretty poor. The "bad guys" in it just reminded me of the Putty Patrol from the Power Rangers or some sort of Dr Who villain. Ending was pretty gash too.


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The Lion King (3D) + bad hangover = Trembling bottom lip in the cinema :(


You don't need to have a bad hangover for the lip quiver


Watched the original yesterday 9/10, absolute classic. It really is a great story, probably Disney's best. The way it moves from the serious moments into light hearted ones is done very well. In fact the only reason I docked a point is cos Simba's singing voice is incredibly cheesy. Other than that absolutely brilliant. Scar is a total scumbag. Superb bad guy.

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You don't need to have a bad hangover for the lip quiver


Watched the original yesterday 9/10, absolute classic. It really is a great story, probably Disney's best. The way it moves from the serious moments into light hearted ones is done very well. In fact the only reason I docked a point is cos Simba's singing voice is incredibly cheesy. Other than that absolutely brilliant. Scar is a total scumbag. Superb bad guy.

Jeremy Irons has the best ever bad guy voice.

And in my best Private George from Blackadder Goes Forth voice "Permission for bottom lip to wobble, Sir?"

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Jeremy Irons has the best ever bad guy voice.

And in my best Private George from Blackadder Goes Forth voice "Permission for bottom lip to wobble, Sir?"

He sure does. I also love the way they start the film and end it the same way, keeps with the whole circle of life theme.

I apologise for spoilers but from what I gather, basically everyone has seen the lion king. If not watch it now!

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Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)

Just about passable, but when Chris Barrie is the comic relief you're always going to struggle!

Would maybe have been slightly higher, but the scene with the huskies towards the end is the biggest load of Hollywood bollocks that you'll ever see!


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Never seen it. Would you recommend it? I've also not seen State Of Grace (apparently it's brilliant), so I'm wondering if it's one to watch also? Rotten Tomatoes gives it 88% IIRC.

State of Grace is overlooked, I think. Very good film with a slo-mo action sequence that stacks up against the best.

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