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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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What if some of us aren't sad enough to know every director and all their work? You could mention the acting, the cinematography, the plot strength, casting, effects etc etc. you've given it a 7 out of 10 and some nonsense about two directors. You don't have to explain the entire plot to us, it would just be nice to actually read a review from you about the film, not some arbitrary IMBD pish.

He posted about the director and writer of Saw, not as if it's some 1943 b-movie. Just because you didn't know who they were doesn't mean it was a decent review.

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Dial M for Murder (1954)

Got the platinum Hitchcock collection as it had six different films to the four on the other box set that I already had. This one is pretty close to perfect for a 50s film. Sort of a reverse whodunnit, we know exactly what happened from the very beginning then have to see if the detectives can figure it out.

Starring Grace Kelly in her first of three consecutive Hitchcock films (Rear Window and To Catch a Thief followed it).

Acting is well done, and although for the most part it's set in a small flat in London, it's not as claustrophobic as it might have been.


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Has anyone ever watched A Serbian Film?

I've always been intrigued by it but don't know if I could sit through it or not.

Depends how strong your stomach is at coping with the guys actions.

The basic story itself is quite well thought out (ignoring the details of what he actually has to do), in fact as a book it'd maybe even work, though the film itself is just really torture porn and sick for the sake of being sick. There's no entertainment value, and why the director/protagonist wanted anything to do with it (as I can't imagine the pay was that high) I have no idea.

If you're not sure then watch the UK version as it minimises the child rape/buggery.

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It's just an awful film. Apart from the shit acting and story it's just shock value. There is one bit that i would say is too far, far too far and I doubt people would disagree. If the film had half the social relevance the makers claim it has it would be a fantastic commentary on serbian life. It's not and it's really just "shock video".


Terrible film.

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If I get time during the week I might attempt to give it a watch. I'm usually not too bad with the more controversial stuff but this could be very deaifferent!

Millions - as good as I remembered it. Really love this film. 8/10.

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Casino Royale (1967)

James Bond spoof which when it's in non-PC Benny Hill farce mode is hilarious, but when there's a bit of story is boring as hell!

Everyone knows that David Niven is the best James Bond of all time, well unless we count Bob Holness of course! ;)

All in all, an overall mark of 6/10 seems fair!

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I have to say: anyone who didn't like Apocalypse Now really ought to watch it again. An absolute miracle of a film, and though and everyone I know liked it the first time around, they liked it more after seeing it twice! I think it has something to do with understanding the journey and picking up on the complications that keep progressing throughout.

Beautiful to look at, deep to think about and drop-dead exhilarating to experience!

It wasn't the last film I watched, but: 10/10

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The Inbetweeners Movie ( 2010 )

It turned out to be not bad. Not amazing or anything. I've seen some complain about the characters being too exaggerated, but I thought they were absolutely fine. I think it lost some of it's charm from the TV show though. It felt like a movie right from the word go and I think this didn't help, although I'm not sure that could have been helped for obvious reasons. Other than that, it was an overly long episode of the show, and was some good fun really, but nothing to go mental over.


Paddy Considine really shines in this film and plays his part brilliantly, as

soon as you see him respond to Herbie in the social club at the start you get

sucked right in.

"YOU YA c**t!!!"

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Mission Impossible 4 -


Makes the Woo farce that was MI2 seem like Citizen Kane - a dull first 15 minutes gives way to a piss poor CGI destruction of the Kremlin as a woefully underwritten bad guy wants to start a nuclear war. The MI team are disavowed but this is no problem to them whatsoever and seems to be forgotten about rather quickly.

As we globetrot around the world there is no sense of rising tension

I'm pretty sure its the Russian security rather than the bad guys that kill the secretary - thats a US cabinet member killed in Moscow by Russian security and yet apart from Renner moping in some casual knitwear for 20 seconds it has no bearing on the rest of the film

and yet it has no impact on the film at all - we should be defcon oneing but instead Simon Pegg clutters the screen with rancid one liners, some anonymous female pouts her way along, Jeremy Renner is the new Tom Cruise and Tom Cruise runs about in a white vest all the while whilst chasing a McGuffin that seems a lot like the Noc List/Rabbits foot/fatal virus from the previous films.

And the ending has to be seen to be disbelieved as

to get to the abort button and blow up the nuclear missile, Cruise straps himself into a car and drives what looks like 200ft off a multi storey car park to get to the button and is saved by his seatbelt and airbag

honestly, I could not believe it.

Utter piffle.

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Dead mans shoes

I really love this film, probably the best British film I've seen for a long time. Paddy Considine really shines in this film and plays his part brilliantly, as soon as you see him respond to Herbie in the social club at the start you get sucked right in. I think a lot of us have been in crowds of people like the ones depicted and know how they act and treat people. Spot on from everyone involved.


Watched this recently myself. really enjoyed it. As you say, Paddy Considine was brilliant. Wasnt the ending I wanted though. 7.5/10

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Apollo 18 (2011)

One of these tedious "recovered footage" nonsense films, about a secret mission to the moon to find alien life (without telling the astronauts).

The acting was passable I suppose, but the only real positives were that it concluded which is unusual for this kind of film AND that there was no sign of Taylor Lautner which can only be a positive.


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