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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Yogi Bear (2010)

Well that was kinda fun, just about passable and under my film law any film which is passable despite starring Anna Faris automatically gets a bonus point!

6/10 - the planned sequel shouldn't be bothered with though!

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:lol: :lol: :lol:

Almost the exact same as my review a month or 2 ago :P

I think this proves that the film is pretentious, overly artsy and totalyy undeserving of its Palme d'Or win and Oscar nomination

It's not gonna win the Oscar anyway. I think it was a decent film, if they'd shown it in chronological order and not had the confusing stuff I spoilered earlier.

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Some comedy horrors you should check out include Dead Snow, Satan's Little Helper, anything by Jim Wynorski and of course the legendary Shark Attack 3 (don't bother with any of the other three).

Cheers! Ive seen Dead Snow and thought it was awesome. I'll check out the others!

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Quarantine 2: Terminal (2011)

Sequel to the remake of [Rec], except this time set, fairly obviously, in an airport terminal.

It's not terrible, but it follows the exact same formula as the last time. Disease spreads, Homeland Security quarantine the place, people try to escape... you know the drill.

Acting isn't bad, but there is a few plotholes like the infected disappear rather easily and turn up where they couldn't possibly have gotten and die ridiculously easily.


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The Ides of March

Pretty good film, the first Clooney-directed film I've seen and I quite enjoyed it. He(Clooney) is great in it as is Seymour-Hoffman. Ryan Gosling is alright in it, but he's still so wooden, there's one seen where he shows a bit of emotion but I think he's a fairly average actor although between this and Drive, he's in good films(only two I've seen him in). Marissa Tomei has a nice wee role in this too, Paul Giamatti isn't overly annoying so I guess he does ok too.

It's a well written film with good dialogue and a decent pace to it. Well shot and well backed with music. I think the performances of Gosling just holds this back from being an 8 or 9 outta 10.


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Hearts And Minds.

A 1974 Oscar winning documentary about Americas involvement in the Vietnam war. Found it while looking through the Oscar winner collections on lovefilm.

No narrative , just sound bites and interviews with soldiers , civilians and politicians, interspersed with news and film footage. Very well done and possibly and inspiration of Michael Moore.

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A good concept, that probably isn't executed as well as it could have been. The storyline was a bit sloppy and didn't meet the expectations of the slick production, it's basically a drug addiction storyline with a bit of "thriller" action thrown in. It was engaging though if not mind-blowing and the film is a good pace which keeps your full attention. Cooper and De Niro both deliver on their performances and Cooper especially shows he can be a serious(kind of) actor rather than just "that guy from The Hangover". A decent watch but not as clever as it pretends to be.


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Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959)

Edward D Wood's classic "worst film ever". If you've seen the film Ed Wood (starring Johnny Depp) then you'll know exactly what this is!

Crap acting, terrible effects, awful plot and horrific dialogue - all together make an epic of The Room proportions.

Plus it has everyone's favourite smackhead Bela Lugosi as "ghoul man". :)



Edited by SaltyTON
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I seen Safe House and it was quite average in my opinion.

Denzel was decent but has had better roles and I think the whole thing was a bit of a non-story if that makes sense. Also could see the twist a mile away. Straight from the off it was obvious.

I dunno I think I might have overhyped it in my head and it didnt quite deliver. Would like to see it again to confirm my thoughts.

I'll go with a generous 7/10.

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The Woman in Black

You know, watching a 12A, that you're not about to see blood and guts, but this was still suspenseful and I enjoyed it. There is a TV movie of the same book from 1989 which I've seen many times and really like - proper scary given that I was quite young when I first watched. This new film is apparently truer to the book. Daniel Radcliffe is slightly young for the part of the solicitor but plays it well. There is an irony in him probably trying very consciously to escape Harry Potter with this, yet ending up playing a character that by morals and 'doomed' fate is really pretty similar. As well as the horror/ghost element there is a broader family/loss type theme that is quite well evoked. Decent direction and visually pretty good.


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The Crow

First time watching this since I was about 14, it was good back then but it was even better when I watched it again. Visually stunning, with one of the best soundtracks that I have ever heard. The plot is great too obviously and as has been well documented, Brandon Lee is fantastic in his final film. As a comic book adaptation it delivers on so many levels (its a love story, revenge story and dark thriller all wrapped up into one) and is one of the best in its genre.


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Class of 1984 (1982)

About an inner city high school filled with criminals and the music teacher whose life is made hell by them. Great film which culminates in an almost Hellraiser-esque chase around the school with deadly repurcussions.

Had a couple of minor roles for Roddy McDowall and a young Michael J Fox..

Banned in the UK for over 20 years in its complete state until released without cuts in 2005.

Well worth the watch, especially if you like The Warriors!


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