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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Lord of the Flies is children fighting due to madness

So then why did you say it was more like that than Battle Royale when Hunger Games and Battle Royale are children who are chosen to fight and made to fight each other or die whereas Lord of the Flies they get stranded and turn on each other.

That's exactly what The Hunger Games is, children fighting due to madness.

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No, they're forced to by the Capitol. (by madness I meant they went insane and started fighting each other)

Districts 1 and 2 chose to fight. I would consider that insane.

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Districts 1 and 2 chose to fight. I would consider that insane.

They're put in the situation by a person/third party though, the same as in Battle Royale. Not everyone agrees to fight each other. They're put in the island accidently in Lord of the Flies. The only similarity in Lord of the Flies is that children fighting on an island.

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They're put in the situation by a person/third party though, the same as in Battle Royale. Not everyone agrees to fight each other. They're put in the island accidently in Lord of the Flies. The only similarity in Lord of the Flies is that children fighting on an island.

If you cant see the comparisons, i recommend maybe going to see The Pirates or some another family animation feature.

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If you cant see the comparisons, i recommend maybe going to see The Pirates or some another family animation feature.

laugh.gif Nothing like a bit of condescension to round off an argument, eh?

I'll lay it out simply then.

The Hunger Games - children are selected at random by the government(The Capitol) to fight in the Arena. Last man standing survives.

Battle Royale - One class of school children are selected at random by the government (The Republic of Greater East Asia) to fight in the Okishima Island. Last man standing survives.

Lord of the Flies - A plane with school children on it crashes on an island. The only survivors are some boys. They form a group, vote a leader, split up duties to survive. They end up splitting up into two factions. And they slowly start to go insane, turning on each other and a bunch of them die.

Unless I've missed something major, then I can't see how LOTF and HG are more similar than HG and BR.

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More along the lines of Lord of the Flies. See what you think but its certainly the best ive seen at the cinemas in a long time.

I watched this yesterday and don't really see much of a link to LOTF to be honest. Anyway.....

Hunger Games - 7/10.

The film was pretty decent but I have two issues with it. Firstly, it took far too long to get to the fighting part of the film. I'd say a good hour perhaps until things start to get going. I appreciate a bit of background and all that, but felt it could have been done a lot quicker. Secondly, the deaths in the fight scenes are limited in what they show (obviously due to the fact it's a 12).

The bit with the dog type thing near the end made me and a couple of pals I was with nearly shit our pants despite it being very obvious it was about to jump out!

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I'm going to add a point thanks to the hilariously bad performance of Taylor Lautner keeping me going untill the end, but really, this was one big pile of w**k.


I watched Moneyball and Shrek 2 which I'd give an 8 each. Shrek 2 was in 3D and I thought it looked absolutely amazing. I'd previously seen Up in 3D and that was good, but the scope in Shrek 2 was incredible.

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Greyfriars Bobby last night. The music is too loud and it's hard to hear what they are saying. This seems to be a problem with films produced over the past decade? Anyway, crap slow moving film and very disappointing. :(

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Gone Baby Gone (2007)

Casey Affleck and Michelle Monaghan are hired to try and find the daughter of a junkie that has been abducted from her home. A lot of twists in there but unlike a Shyamalan film they were all for the progression of the story... and although I see why they ended as they did felt that Ben Affleck really could have made it a bit more emotional rather than relying on his brother's facial expressions.

None-the-less the film had worked on sufficient levels to make it a good one, although I'm not quite sure why Amy Ryan was the one who got recognised by an Oscar nomination when Affleck Jr and Ed Harris both got overlooked.


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Second time I've seen it, and after the first time I'd have given it a 7/10 but when you watch it for the second time, you pick up so much more detail in the film. Perhaps it's because I'm older as well, but it's now firmly in my top 5 films. Even if you're not into the film, it's definitely one of those, you'd call an 'experience'.



Another 'experience'. Wee gem of a horror, it's rather deep and depressing though. So if you don't like films that don't give you the answer at the end, then this isn't for you. I hear it's getting a Hollywood remake which is almost as ridiculous as the remake of 'Oldboy' will be. For anyone that's not seen it, give it a go if you like truly gruesome stuff.


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Exhibit A ( 2007 )

Basically, a girl is filming her dad so as he can see how much he's changing as he's cracking under financial pressure. It's actually really good IMO. Whoever played the dad put on a really unnerving performance. Which made up for the shit performances coming from elsewhere. It's all a bit predictable, but by the end, you're not really fussed by that. You're just enjoying the ride.


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Took me a while to get around to see it, but I thought Joseph Gordon-Levitt was excellent. A few laugh out loud moments and at times genuinely harrowing at the state of his decline through cancer. Points off for the fact he managed to sort of win around his councillor and start dating her at the end when he was in remission.

I just wish Seth Rogen wasn't Seth Rogen in it. "Hey i get drunk and get high and want to f**k girls but its ok because i'm good at heart"


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