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Don't know quite what to make of it at all. Tried to stay away from the thread on here til I had seen it. Fassbender and Elba were good , but , other characters seemed very poorly drawn.

Overall a bit of a disappointment 6/10

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Yeh I didn't even contemplate it until the very end, so had desired effect on me.

If anyone else Is reading this and thinking of going to cinema this weekend, check this out. Well worth it

It looks like a film for teenage girls though.

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The Perks of Being A Wallflower

Very good and loads better than I thought it would be. The sort of film everyone will take something different from it and its quite a thought provoking and moving film for some I would think and is quite funny as well. It took me ten minutes after the film had finished for it to finally click what had happened, and if you aren't paying attention near the end or miss a couple of sentences then you will think the film is about something totally different to what it is.


I seen it last night and I totally agree, it was fantastic, much better than I thought it would be. Logan Lerman is absolutely brilliant and it has Emma Watson in it. It is about 8 points better than I thought it would be


I was about to come on and recommend this very film. It really is excellent, with an excellent cast too. I picked up quite early on what the film was going to be about, but it really didn't take away from it.

Stll, definitely worth a watch.

Edit: removed any potential spoilers.

Edited by Kyle
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Killing Them Softly

Absolutely fantastic. Probably my second favourite film behind Avengers this year. Great to see Pitt in another fantastic film (continuing a nice wee trend with Moneyball and The Tree of Life) and he puts in a great performance. The support cast is also top class, Gandolfini, Liotta, Jenkins, McNairy, Mendelsohn are all great.

The dialogue fits the film very well. It's quite vulgar at times (the stuff between McNairy and Mendelsohn especially) but it suits the film.

I love the wee clips of the US government and the whole economic crash during the film. It sets up the film's mood and time period.

Haven't seen either of Andrew Dominik's other two films but based on this, I'd certainly check out his films. Some of the scenes were shot fantastically and added to the scenes with the way they were shot(trying to avoid spoilers here but anyone who's seen it knows what I'm meaning).

Between an 8 and a 9 for me, so I'll give it an 8.5, but it's leaning 9.

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What were the funky points? At what point did you realise?

The bit with the first kiss discussion. Charlie mentioned they'd been through the same things, and then the flashback bit with the aunt not long after, where she was saying 'this will be our little secret'. I put 2 and 2 together then, but I thought that would be too dark for the film.

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Ruby Sparks

Trailers gave me an impression that this film would be a bit pretentious and take itself too seriously, but actually it's a very playful fantasy fairy tale, with a little twist which carries some genuine insight into the fun opening.

Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Farris have probably had scripts thrown at them left, right and centre for the last five years so it's interesting that the one they went for was written by lead actress, granddaughter of Elia Kazan and girlfriend of Paul Dano, Zoe Kazan. It doesn't measure up to Little Miss Sunshine as a film, but it's great work, excellently played and worked by the team. With these directors you get to know the characters very well, and the resulting empathy makes the action very exciting.

There's a scene where Paul Dano goes mad in front of Ruby as he writes which, knowing both characters so well, made it genuinely uncomfortable to watch.

As I mentioned, the players really make it what it is: I like Paul Dano rather a lot, his elastic range is ever-growing, and herein lies one of his most testing roles. The couple play off each other very naturally which is great, Miss Kazan wrote herself a great role and she's well worth it- she got herself down to a tee! Great contributions from the satellite cast too, including Antonio Banderas, Annette Bening, Steve Coogan and Elliott Gould.

With a cult following it could be this generation's Groundhog Day, but I didn't like it nearly as much. Very charming and lovely fun, everyone will have their own idea about it, so see for yourself!

Demands a rewatch, but on first reflection:


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Ruby Sparks


This is at the bottom of my "Go & See" list but I'm more tempted to give it a watch after reading your review. I'm still unsure over Paul Dano, I liked him in Little Miss Sunshine and There Will Be Blood but he annoyed me in Looper.

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Liberal Arts

Yeah I don't like Ted in HIMYM, so it was a bit unfortunate that Josh Radnor essentially plays Ted. The ending is also quite poor and doesn't really fit in with the rest of the film.

The good points though. I did enjoy it, it's charming, touching and, at times, upbeat. The humour reminds me of Lost In Translation in that it's not laugh out loud funny but you do find yourself smiling and giving a quiet laugh every few scenes. It's funny because it has a sort or 'real' feel to it, the characters ineract in a way which seems believable and convincing

Elizabeth Olsen is very good. She was terrific in Martha Marcy May Marlene and hopefully she can continue the good work. It helps that she's a stunner as well :wub: Richard Jenkins, Allison Janney and Zac Efron are also highlights.

It does lose it's way near the end and the humour is probably a bit too pretentious at times but I enjoyed this. Some people won't like the sometimes over-sentimental, sometimes cheesy, and sometimes a bit too saccharine story but I can be a sucker for these type of films. It's worth a shot.

6.5 - 7/10

Edited by yoda
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This is at the bottom of my "Go & See" list but I'm more tempted to give it a watch after reading your review. I'm still unsure over Paul Dano, I liked him in Little Miss Sunshine and There Will Be Blood but he annoyed me in Looper.

Yeah, worth your time but not a lot more.

It shows that Dano got his teeth into this role, rather than his under-the-radar work in Looper. Rian Johnson didn't get great performances out of any of his cast really, IMO.

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Bitterly disappointing. Rehashes old ground basically. Woeful stuff. Surprised everyone else seems to be digging it.

3/10 - Being extremely generous because it caught me off guard with a scare twice even though they were quite predictable.

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Bitterly disappointing. Rehashes old ground basically. Woeful stuff. Surprised everyone else seems to be digging it.

3/10 - Being extremely generous because it caught me off guard with a scare twice even though they were quite predictable.

Aw man im going to see this on Saturday. Here's hoping I like it more than this :(

Watched The Avengers for the 2nd time last night. Still a very meh 7/10 for me. Still found the story to be all over the place and the acting sub-par. The fact that I didnt really dig this was to be expected though as the only films I really liked before The Avengers was made were the Iron man films.

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Aw man im going to see this on Saturday. Here's hoping I like it more than this :(

Watched The Avengers for the 2nd time last night. Still a very meh 7/10 for me. Still found the story to be all over the place and the acting sub-par. The fact that I didnt really dig this was to be expected though as the only films I really liked before The Avengers was made were the Iron man films.

To be honest tho out of all the avengers storylines the only one that has more than the origin story Iron man aside was Hulk and lets be honest the Ang Lee effort was a bit of a mess regardless and the 2nd one was decent. In an ideal world all the storylines would of been fleshed out before Avengers was released but it did work well as a film despite my concerns of having that many big characters involved. In all honest the only good marvel origin stories were Iron Man and Blade, tho most of the rest had very strong sequels

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Killing Them Softly

James Gandolfini is superb in it, but not given enough screen time. Brad Pitt seemed to replaying his Fight Club character but I've no problem with that.

What I did have a problem with was the ending. It just kind of...stopped.

The assassination scenes were superbly done, however.

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Really? I felt the Gandolfini scenes were a bit pointless and felt long and drawn out. I understood what they were trying to do and the way they were trying to portray his character but I didn't feel it added much. I would have much preferred more of Ray Liottas character and how the whole thing was affecting him esp post beating

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Much as I thought Gandolfini was good in it, you're right, his scenes didn't add that much. Bit of a waste of the mans time, really. Could have done more with Liotta as well as you say.

I liked it but it just an incomplete feel about it. The Wikipedia page says the original edit was 2.5hours long, and I think too much was removed.

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