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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I'm actually quite embarrassed to admit that I only got round to watching The Prestige last night. I'm not sure why I haven't bothered before now. I've always really enjoyed Nolan's films. Absolutely stunning. It's instantly one of my favourite movies of all time. I had no idea at all about the twist at the end, I thought for a minute.....

it was going to be a huge disappointment with Bale's character being magically transported from the gallows to the theatre where Angier was holed up

but I needn't have worried. The first half hour or so is quite hard going with the non-linear story but I really can't recommend this film highly enough. Really liked how they mixed fact (Tesla, his feud with Edison, his experiments at Colorado Springs) in with the tale. Really great performances from everyone involved, beautifully shot and a brilliant story.

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Moonrise Kingdom

The latest by Wes Anderson. It's pretty much The Fantastic Mr Fox meets The Life Aquatic with a heap of Night of the Hunter thrown in for good measure. Either you love this or you don't, I can't see there being too many inbetween. I thought this was one of the funniest - and tender - films I've seen in a long time. Bruce Willis puts in a very understated performance as a lonely policeman who ends up getting the good deal in life. Bill Murray plays Bill Murray. Ed Norton as another good-guy loser. This is up there with The Darjeeling Limited as my favourite Anderson film. 9/10

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Life of Pi ( 2012 )

One of the most truly astonishing movies I've seen, in pretty much every way. The plot is involving as f**k, as it follows Pi through his life and experiences. The most terrific of which come after a ship containing his family's zoo sinks. Visually as stunning a movie as I've seen, especially when it comes to a live action movie in 3D. Thankfully, rather than this just being a "ooooo, look at the 3D we've got", it goes into the plot quite well, and really brings the stories to life.

The ending will probably bug some people. I really liked it, and just added the extra wee exclamation point to a wonderful movie. It's apparently a naw bad bet when it comes to the Oscars for the Best Picture and Best Director, and it'd be a very worthy winner if it did.


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Semi Pro

I still love this film. It's up there with the best Ferrell films, IMO. Both the commentators are fantastic, Will Arnett especially. Add in Woody Harrelson and it's even better.


21 Jump Street

Absolutely tremendous, I was literally laughing out loud a lot more than I was expecting to. Nice wee nod to the original show. I like Jonah Hill but wasn't too sure whether Tatum would be good, they were both fantastic though. Ice T was fucking immense though, everything he said was pure gold.


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The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) - 9/10

Great adaptation of his own book (Stephen Chbosky). Good solid plot with interesting characters and some cracking tunes.

This. It is very involving and you really sympathise with Charlie all the way through it.

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Agree with both, one of best films of the year I thought. I suspect will be completely overlooked when it comes to award season which is a shame. Hope it does well on home video

Hopefully it does get the recognition it deserves. They only had two months production time as well which is even more impressive.

Emma Watson was looking damn fiiiiiiine too!

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21 Jump Street

Absolutely tremendous, I was literally laughing out loud a lot more than I was expecting to. Nice wee nod to the original show. I like Jonah Hill but wasn't too sure whether Tatum would be good, they were both fantastic though. Ice T was fucking immense though, everything he said was pure gold.


Hilarious film. I thought the P.E teacher was one of the best things in it too. The main female character, Jonah's love interest, was class in it too. She reminded me of Emma Stone's character in Easy A.

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Hilarious film. I thought the P.E teacher was one of the best things in it too. The main female character, Jonah's love interest, was class in it too. She reminded me of Emma Stone's character in Easy A.

Aye, the PE teacher (Rob Riggle) was great, he's ace in a lot of things, he only gets small roles though.

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Life of Pi ( 2012 )

One of the most truly astonishing movies I've seen, in pretty much every way. The plot is involving as f**k, as it follows Pi through his life and experiences. The most terrific of which come after a ship containing his family's zoo sinks. Visually as stunning a movie as I've seen, especially when it comes to a live action movie in 3D. Thankfully, rather than this just being a "ooooo, look at the 3D we've got", it goes into the plot quite well, and really brings the stories to life.

The ending will probably bug some people. I really liked it, and just added the extra wee exclamation point to a wonderful movie. It's apparently a naw bad bet when it comes to the Oscars for the Best Picture and Best Director, and it'd be a very worthy winner if it did.


Agree with this entirely. It's just immense. kind of Forrest Gump meets Castaway at times. It's the best film I've seen at the cinema this year, by far.

I went to see Pitch Perfect. Decent effort for what it is. Anna Kendrick :wub:

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I also quite like pitch perfect which as you say is decent for what it is. Anna Kendrick is gorgeous, first saw her last month in End of Watch and now Pitch Perfect. Think I'm in love

She's in 50/50 as well. She's amazing.

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