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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Saw two films at the weekend.

Elektra. The biggest pile of písh I've seen in ages. 1/10, and thats just for Jennifer Garner's arse :lol:

National Treasure with Nicolas Cage. Similar in many respects to the book, The Da Vinci Code, and quite an enjoyable, if ultimately very silly movie. Oh, and Sean Bean plays the bad guy. There's a shock, eh? 8/10

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The Life Aquatic with Steve Zizzou - 7/10

Typical Wes Anderson film, left me with a slightly feeling of melancholy (sp?). Bill Murray is again superb and is cornering the market in dissatisfied middle aged men. It was a bit harder for me to emphasise with his character (unlike Lost In Translation) as, in Zizzou's own words, he's "a bit of a p***k". Not as good as The Royal Tenenbaums, it feels disjointed for the first half, maybe a little too quirky, but it gathers pace thoughout and reaches a more than satisfactory conclusion.

I do want a pair of Team Zizzou adidas though :)

Edited by Thundermonkey
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I watched Batman Begins and Kingdom of Heaven on DVD over the weekend.

Batman Begins 8/10 - wasnt the usual cartoonish batman shit, it was dark and moody.

Kingdom of Heaven 7/10 - Ridley Scott and orlando bloom cockfest. plenty of gore and action, although not a patch on gladiator, it was still very good.

I started watching some will farrell movie last night on dvd where he coaches a soccer team of kids, but it was so crap i turned it off and watched sea of souls instead.

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How can it 'still' make you laugh if you'd never saw it before???  :lol:


He is saying that it makes him laugh just like it did the first time.

That it hasnt lost any of the magic on second (or more) watching.

Ive watched it countless times and it still makes me laugh!

Hilarious movie! All time classic comedy.

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National Treasure with Nicolas Cage. Similar in many respects to the book, The Da Vinci Code, and quite an enjoyable, if ultimately very silly movie. Oh, and Sean Bean plays the bad guy. There's a shock, eh? 8/10


I thought National Treasure was brilliant, the guy that plays Cage's sidekick is very funny.

Watched something called Pitch Black last night with Vin Diesel, utter pish.

Watched Charlie & The Chocolate Factory today, brilliant. Some of it was very funny. I was the only person there watching it :lol:

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I watched Hide and Seek tonight. Not too bad, but thoroughly predictable, particularly if you've seen a certain Johnny Depp film. I'm normally rubbish at predicting how a film is going to end. (The 6th Sense being a prime example), but this one was more signposted than Crianlarich. (If you stay in the Central belt, you'll know what this means :lol: )


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Watched Dodgeball again last night - superb film. 9/10 :D

"Because at Globo-gym, we're better than you. And we know it!" :lol:


White Goodman: Go ahead, make your jokes, Mr. Jokey... Joke-maker. But let me hit you with some knowledge. Quit now. Save yourself the embarrassment of losing with these losers in Las Vegas, La Fleur.

Peter La Fleur: Alliteration aside, I'll take my chances in the tournament.

White Goodman: Yeah, you will take your chances.

Peter La Fleur: I know. I just said that.

White Goodman: I know you just said that.

Peter La Fleur: I'm not sure where you're going with this.

White Goodman: I'm not sure where you're going with this.

Peter La Fleur: That's what I said.

White Goodman: That's what I'm saying to you.

Peter La Fleur: All right.

White Goodman: Touché.


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White Goodman: Go ahead, make your jokes, Mr. Jokey... Joke-maker. But let me hit you with some knowledge. Quit now. Save yourself the embarrassment of losing with these losers in Las Vegas, La Fleur.

Peter La Fleur: Alliteration aside, I'll take my chances in the tournament.

White Goodman: Yeah, you will take your chances.

Peter La Fleur: I know. I just said that.

White Goodman: I know you just said that.

Peter La Fleur: I'm not sure where you're going with this.

White Goodman: I'm not sure where you're going with this.

Peter La Fleur: That's what I said.

White Goodman: That's what I'm saying to you.

Peter La Fleur: All right.

White Goodman: Touché.

:lol:  :lol:



The guilt-trip from Lance Armstrong was top quality as well :lol:

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Went to see A History of Violence last night, directed by David Cronenberg. Nowhere near as crazy as some of his films, but some moments of gory violence.

About a guy (Viggo Mortensen) who lives in smalltown America and runs a diner, who foils an attempted robbery there and kills two guys in the process. As a result some big time mobsters led by Ed Harris turn up thinking he is someone else whom they have unfinished business with.

Quite gripping, raises questions about how well people know each other etc. Some good acting from Mortensen and Harris in particular.

Overall 7/10 :D

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