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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Rite - utterly formulaic exorcism film; ticks all the plot boxes laid down by the original. Be nice to see one where a troubled priest doesn't have his faith renewed, or where it turns out that the victim isn't actually possessed, or where the demon isn't expelled from the host. Wait, that last one is The Last Exorcism 2, and that was shite as well, so never mind.

The best in the exorcism genre try to put the shits up the audience; this, like many others, seem to exist as Catholic recruitment videos for the feeble-minded. Still, if you like seeing Anthony Hopkins have a good gnaw on the set dressing (a subgenre in and of itself), you've ample opportunity here.

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Man of Steel

Never been much of a Superman fan but gave it a try, not bad but not great either, a shedload of CGI over any real character stuff, the final fight scene was just boring in the end and practically impossible to follow,

also I couldn't understand how after all the fighting a simple twist of the neck finally killed Zod?

Probably will be a sequel but would need to improve on this one big time .5.5/10

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Orphan - quite a decent little thriller. Dysfunctional couple adopt Russian sprog after miscarriage. Sprog turns out to be something different from what they were expecting (she isn't Russian, for a start). Bedlam ensues.

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Orphan - quite a decent little thriller. Dysfunctional couple adopt Russian sprog after miscarriage. Sprog turns out to be something different from what they were expecting (she isn't Russian, for a start). Bedlam ensues.

isnt that the bizzare one where she tries it on with the dad and its turns out that its a middle aged midget rather than a girl?

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It's half term down here so I took the weans to see Noah yesterday. 1/10

Even the cgi of the 'turned to stone angels' was shite. Russell Crowe was shite. Ray Winston was Ray Winston ie shite. Emma Watson? Utter shite. The lassie may have been an ok Hermione but she can't act.

Oh and even Noah's Ark was shite. On the way home we decided it should be renamed 'Noah's Crate'.

If you liked Mama Mia you'll love this.

With two hours to kill and nothing else on at that time I ended up watching this.


It's almost as if someone decided to cross The Bible with Lord Of The Rings and Mad Max. And failed.

It's watchable , however the CGI is poor in parts and is probably better left to DVD.


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Watched Rush last night, didn't think much of it aside from Olivia Wilde's appearance.

One of the best films of last year if you ask me. Still, you rated Sunshine On Leith as 9/10, and I gave that 0/10.

No accounting for taste.

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Starship Troopers - lovely futuristic fascist satire, with a Zulu pastiche thrown in for good measure. Ridiculously coiffed beautiful people, hilarious dialogue, cliched plot, risible rhetoric; it's all here. Effects and action scenes still stand up well too. Good for a game of Spot-The-Actor, for those who like such things.

I was originally dragged along to this by a war movie lover who was expecting a serious military treatise :huh:

The level of seethe was palpable :lol:

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With two hours to kill and nothing else on at that time I ended up watching this.


It's almost as if someone decided to cross The Bible with Lord Of The Rings and Mad Max. And failed.

It's watchable , however the CGI is poor in parts and is probably better left to DVD.


How can the same guy that made Pi, Requiem for a Dream and The Wrestler be resorting to this type of nonsense. I just dont get it.

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lichtie23, on 22 Apr 2014 - 01:23, said:

It's better than 5

Rocky 4 is still my favourite

Rocky 5 was a very poor film, poor acting, relatively decent storyline that was poorly delivered and very poor subplot. It gains some points for the fantastic fight scene at the end and the typically cheesy, 'Punch me and I'll sue' moment. I love 1, 2 & 4 equally, can't separate them, all classics. 3 is just a very, very good film but has probably dated the most.

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isnt that the bizzare one where she tries it on with the dad and its turns out that its a middle aged midget rather than a girl?

Aye, that's the one. A nice enough twist on the evil child genre.

Edit: We're talking about Orphan, just in case anyone clicks on the spoiler to find out and curses us out :P

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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Starship Troopers - lovely futuristic fascist satire, with a Zulu pastiche thrown in for good measure. Ridiculously coiffed beautiful people, hilarious dialogue, cliched plot, risible rhetoric; it's all here. Effects and action scenes still stand up well too. Good for a game of Spot-The-Actor, for those who like such things.

I was originally dragged along to this by a war movie lover who was expecting a serious military treatise :huh:

The level of seethe was palpable :lol:

Love that film. Its a total cheesefest but Ironside is brillant in it

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Love that film. Its a total cheesefest but Ironside is brillant in it

As some shitty trailer from yesteryear put it, "UNDERGROUND LEGEND MICHAEL IRONSIDE!"

I'd watch that man in a romantic comedy. That's how awesome he is.

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Cleanskin - slightly depressing conspiracy drama about Islamic fundamentalist terrorism. The main terrorist guy's motivation appears to be that some utter bell-end in his college class was mean to him, and his non-Muslim girlfriend is a lush. Sort your life out, for f**k's sake.

Average to OK, and saved slightly by a very bored SEAN BEEEEEAN! who gets to be a Yorkshireman in this one :thumsup2

Nightmare Hostel - fucking horrifying abortion of a movie. Some nonsense about a rage drug being tested in some fruitcake's hospital. Looks and sounds like your worst student film nightmare, drags on for the rest of your natural life, and features optical effects so bad that you'll tear out your own eyes. All those involved should be killed. Worse than that time you put your dick in my mouth when I was sleeping and took a picture.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs - this was really good. Young mad scientist on a remote island invents a machine that makes it rain food. Much better than it sounds, and was consistently amusing. Even got a few LOLs out of me, and I'm a miserable p***k. Also, MR FUCKING T!

Saw part of the sequel too, but fell asleep despite enjoying it as well. It's like the first, but all the characters have been smoking crack in the interim, which is fun to watch. And that's before the cheeseburger spiders arrive.

This is a real golden age for animation at the moment; practically all the big players are producing really entertaining stuff. Except Disney, of course, who've made perhaps two or three decent films in my entire lifetime. And none of them were The Lion King.

My Bloody Valentine 3D - Jaws 3D scarred me for life, so we watched this in 2D. Pretty standard slasher flick about the aftermath of a mining accident. Story was a little dull; frankly, the accident itself sounded more interesting.

An OK watch if you're in the mood for a horror movie, but you forgot to pick up your beta blocker prescription.

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Bit late to the party with this one, but f**k me was it worth the wait. A fantastic Korean film with stunning cinematography, immense acting and a sensational plot. And the twist? Left me speechless.

I'd say it was a 9/10 film, but the moment has to make it a 10/10. Unforgettable.

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