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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Guardians of the Galaxy 9/10

Loved it, very enjoyable. The throwaway line about the black light had me in tears.

Dark City 7/10

A slightly odd ball Sci-Fi Crime Thriller Film Noir from the late nineties with a decent cast---Rufus Sewell, Kiefer Sutherland. Saw it when it first came out but this was the first time I'd seen it since then. Decent film, clearly had a fair bit of influence on other films since. Well worth a watch. For a film made in the late nineties without a massive budget the effects have aged really well, it still looks great.

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Best Lars von Trier film I've seen, thought it was fantastic.

I Saw the Devil

Incredibly disappointed with this one. Had been meaning to see it for ages and had heard great things about it. Turned out to be a fairly dull, bog-standard revenge movie, which nicked the ending of Saw V. Not even on the same planet as the likes of Oldboy and Sympathy for Mr Vengeance.

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Stitches - Ross Noble stars as a clown killed during a child's birthday party. Years later, he returns for revenge.

This was fun, in a bad movie way, although it's clearly deliberate. Nice vein of Irish humour running throughout, and Ross is good value. Plenty of gore and skanky jailbait, for those who like that sort of thing.

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World War Z 6/10

I quite enjoyed this, good story well told with loads of good special effects. Strange though how we flitted from Korea to Israel to Wales, an axis of evil in search of an antidote to the undead. Brad Pitt looks shit hot for 50.

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The Wolf of Wall Street - 9/10

I thought this was an outstanding film.

I'm really surprised that people criticised this movie on the basis that it was deemed to glamorise the excesses, greed, corruption, and drug-use of the individual characters. It certainly revels in these aspects. But, I thought that it was actually aiming everything at the political and economic system which meant that these type of individuals can thrive and acquire such resources and succeed. Consequently, the wealth and decadence acquired by the characters from their enterprise is simply the punch-line in a huge economic joke.

Undoubtedly, Belfort is portrayed as charismatic but there is a pitiable emptiness to everything he does and his cohorts are clearly the type of characters that, personally speaking, I would cross the road to avoid.

And yet, it was very funny, great fun and the sheer excess of everything makes for a great spectacle: the drugs, alcohol, and sex.

Di Caprio is outstanding, Jonah Hill similarly, and still makes me laugh when I think about his character, and McConaughey gets to the heart of the matter with a great monologue on the nature of this type of capitalism.

It was also criticised for being too long (nearly 3 hours iirc), but I never once had to look at my watch and never once considered it to be overlong.

One of my top films and look forward to watching it again.

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Escape Plan: 7.5/10

Stallone and Schwarzenegger being themselves rather than pretending to act, but good fun in an easy to watch kind of way. Not much plot (you can probably guess from the title what's going on) but it never dragged.

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In the Name of the Father - 9.5/10

Tremendous, really stirring stuff. The initial trial is one of the most emotive scenes I can ever recall watching in a film - the loathsome manner in which they portrayed the prosecution was absolutely perfect.

A really, really good watch which I'd thoroughly recommend.

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My second viewing of Guardians of the Galaxy didn't make it any worse. A remarkable movie.

The Inbetweeners 3

Not as consistently funny as the second one for me, but there were better laughs here in spells. The water park stuff was absolutely phenomenal and before that there was some cracking stuff spread out. After the water park though, it definitely felt like things took a total nose dive. Still enough here for me to give a slight thumbs up.


The Rover

A movie carried by two utterly wonderful performances, from Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson. Those two keep this utterly watchable through the whole thing. Not that the plot is bad, but not to be stretched out through the whole movie. The plot has a very Mad Max feel. It's an Aussie movie, set "10 years after the collapse". Guy Pearce has his car stolen by three blokes. He tries to get it back, but gets beaten up and left. The brother of one of the three finds him and we go from there. There's enough tension in this, and the relationship between the two is brilliant. Guy Pearce is the standout though, full of sheer intensity and anger and his death stare is something to behold.


The Congress

This is the first time I've truly lost track of a movie. Robin Wright plays... Robin Wright. Movie studio, Miramount, want to scan her and use her likeness instead of casting her. The first part of this movie is sensational stuff with Wright and Harvey Keitel taking it forward. Then we go forward and it turns into a proper mind boggler with all sorts of quite frankly daft shite, and to be honest, I think I lost track because it was boring the utter piss out of me. This was NOT good, but willing to give points for a VERY strong opening. There's room for a great movie somewhere inside this.


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The Wolf of Wall Street - 9/10

I'm really surprised that people criticised this movie on the basis that it was deemed to glamorise the excesses, greed, corruption, and drug-use of the individual characters. It certainly revels in these aspects. But, I thought that it was actually aiming everything at the political and economic system which meant that these type of individuals can thrive and acquire such resources and succeed. Consequently, the wealth and decadence acquired by the characters from their enterprise is simply the punch-line in a huge economic joke.

Undoubtedly, Belfort is portrayed as charismatic but there is a pitiable emptiness to everything he does and his cohorts are clearly the type of characters that, personally speaking, I would cross the road to avoid.

While I don't believe it's anywhere near a 9/10 job, totally agree that if there's anything to criticise the movie about it's not an apparently reasonably accurate portrayal of the excesses that were happening at the time (and no doubt still are to a degree). Fcuk the 'Fcuk the Truth' mob. Did we not move on from this kind of cry for censorship with the Trainspotting hand-wringing 20 years ago?

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My second viewing of Guardians of the Galaxy didn't make it any worse. A remarkable movie.

The Inbetweeners 3

Not as consistently funny as the second one for me, but there were better laughs here in spells. The water park stuff was absolutely phenomenal and before that there was some cracking stuff spread out. After the water park though, it definitely felt like things took a total nose dive. Still enough here for me to give a slight thumbs up.


The Rover

A movie carried by two utterly wonderful performances, from Guy Pearce and Robert Pattinson. Those two keep this utterly watchable through the whole thing. Not that the plot is bad, but not to be stretched out through the whole movie. The plot has a very Mad Max feel. It's an Aussie movie, set "10 years after the collapse". Guy Pearce has his car stolen by three blokes. He tries to get it back, but gets beaten up and left. The brother of one of the three finds him and we go from there. There's enough tension in this, and the relationship between the two is brilliant. Guy Pearce is the standout though, full of sheer intensity and anger and his death stare is something to behold.


The Congress

This is the first time I've truly lost track of a movie. Robin Wright plays... Robin Wright. Movie studio, Miramount, want to scan her and use her likeness instead of casting her. The first part of this movie is sensational stuff with Wright and Harvey Keitel taking it forward. Then we go forward and it turns into a proper mind boggler with all sorts of quite frankly daft shite, and to be honest, I think I lost track because it was boring the utter piss out of me. This was NOT good, but willing to give points for a VERY strong opening. There's room for a great movie somewhere inside this.


I saw The Rover and The Congress last night. The Rover was really quite grim, but agree about the performances. I couldn't place the main guy at all, then obviously realised it was Guy Ritchie. Considering it was only 89 minutes long, it felt a helluva lot longer. 6/10

Agree about the Congress too. The first 30/40 minutes were excellent, really built the making of the story and I was looking forward to seeing where they went with it.

Then BOOM '20 years later' came out of no where and everything that happened after that was just abysmal. It answered pretty much none of it's own questions posed. It started off like a pretty decent effort at an indy film and finished up a bit like a Miyazaki anime, but without any of the redeeming features. 1/10

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While I don't believe it's anywhere near a 9/10 job, totally agree that if there's anything to criticise the movie about it's not an apparently reasonably accurate portrayal of the excesses that were happening at the time (and no doubt still are to a degree). Fcuk the 'Fcuk the Truth' mob. Did we not move on from this kind of cry for censorship with the Trainspotting hand-wringing 20 years ago?

Aye, I know what you mean.

It was also criticised for not focussing on the victims of the dodgy practices, but the reality was that these guys took the money didn't give a **** and Scorsese was nodding his head to the '00s financial crisis by looking at this in '90s.

It was the system which allowed these guys to get away with this, and I agree that people who were getting moralistic about the characters' excess missed the point as it was the system which let these guys in and the system in which they operated and succeede, and the system ain't much changed.

I loved it though, and think it's best watched as a nihilistic / black comedy

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 - 8/10. Highly enjoyed this. Thought it was really funny throughout and superbly acted by all.

Planes 2 - 2/10. Why in the hell was this film given a national release? Felt like something that should be on the Disney Channel as a made for TV movie. It was the weans choice and I suppose she enjoyed it enough.

We're The Millers - 7/10. Decent enough film with a good few laughs.

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