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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The Babadook

Close to being a classic here. Zero reliance on the big scares, and relying purely on the plot and the characters to get you tense. The human element is just as important as the supernatural here and it makes for a fantastic horror effort. Certainly one of the very best of modern times, and would probably be a classic had it had a more satisfying conclusion.


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Olympus Has Fallen - "This year, when the forces of evil occupy the home of democracy, just one man will stand between God's chosen people and the end of the world as we know it." - haven't seen the trailer, but that could be a line taken from it.

Jeebus, I wasn't expecting this. Every now and then, the US releases a film that's very exclusively American; something that would leave anyone from elsewhere in the world scratching their heads. The last one I remember seeing was Rules of Engagement, a film that revolved around soldiers being sent into a deadly situation in order to rescue a FUCKING FLAG, but this really takes the cake.

The film's premise is that North Korea stage a massive, unexpected assault on the White House, with slaughter on an incredible scale; civilians, secret service and military are massacred in their hundreds and thousands. The accuracy of the gunfire is uncanny, but only from the bad guys. There's a crapton of tragic opera music, with flags being riddled with bullets and thrown to the floor in slow motion. Also, a ton of hilariously stupid and/or arrogant code words are used for absolutely everything; the President is referred to as 'The Package', and the White House is grotesquely known as 'Olympus'.

Once we're past this keich, the film turns into a shameless play-by-play rip-off of Die Hard, with Gerard Butler stalking the White House, dispatching terrorists like a cloud of poisonous fart in order to rescue the President, who's holed up in an underground bunker usefully watching his aides get killed. During this, everybody acts as though the President dying would be like losing Christ himself, not an entirely replaceable elected official. They even withdraw all troops from South Korea (which is referred to as 'ours') at the terrorists' demand so that the North can invade.

The rest of the world, meanwhile, loses its shit at the suggestion that the US government isn't there to tell them what to do, with off-screen wars breaking out all over the place. "The Middle-East" is apparently jubilant at all of this; not sure if that includes Israel and the friendly Arab nations, but what the hell, the Middle-East is a small place. Not to worry; by the end, flags are proudly flying in slow-motion again, and we're treated to a bunch of appalling nonsense about rebuilding America (after a single building has been occupied).

Utterly breathtaking stuff, the most disturbing part of which is that there's a big audience for this kind of thing in America, judging by the box-office receipts. It's genuinely like a non-satirical version of Team America: World Police, so it might be worth a look for the comedy value. Just don't think too much about the audience it was made for, or you might have trouble sleeping.

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Right, spoilerific thoughts on the Gone Girl debate. I will say that I can see why people just can't get invested in the characters, but...

Nick doesn't strike me as a truly bad guy. I actually think he's a brilliantly written character. Has a bad side, a bit naive at times, but there's more good than bad to the guy. He just genuinely seems to be a bit stupid, which also makes the ending sink in easier too.

Amy is just as mental as f**k and completely unsympathetic. That said, she was enjoyable when we went into her story as her "so f**k?" attitude was a joy.

Don't see the problem with the lawyer to be honest. Guy oozed charm, although that's down to Tyler Perry being a sorely underrated actor. He was honest most of the way and also funny too. You got what you got with the guy.

I thought the worst examples of the dialogue were the narration, but you have to remember that much of that was written down or jujst thoughts, so I'm unsure how much you can really get into that.

Onto the score. It was completely overbearing at the start. Actually took the focus away from what was going on, but when the movie started properly building up steam, it just faded away into the background. I don't know if that was something that was actually happening, or if I was just getting more invested in what was going on.

What was wrong with the female cop btw? The sister was a bit annoying, but definitely not "ghastly".

Having returned dome with nothing but a few bruises Amy had no wound of any kind which would explain the massive amount of blood which had been on the floor of her house.

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Right, spoilerific thoughts on the Gone Girl debate. I will say that I can see why people just can't get invested in the characters, but...

Nick doesn't strike me as a truly bad guy. I actually think he's a brilliantly written character. Has a bad side, a bit naive at times, but there's more good than bad to the guy. He just genuinely seems to be a bit stupid, which also makes the ending sink in easier too.

Amy is just as mental as f**k and completely unsympathetic. That said, she was enjoyable when we went into her story as her "so f**k?" attitude was a joy.

Don't see the problem with the lawyer to be honest. Guy oozed charm, although that's down to Tyler Perry being a sorely underrated actor. He was honest most of the way and also funny too. You got what you got with the guy.

I thought the worst examples of the dialogue were the narration, but you have to remember that much of that was written down or jujst thoughts, so I'm unsure how much you can really get into that.

Onto the score. It was completely overbearing at the start. Actually took the focus away from what was going on, but when the movie started properly building up steam, it just faded away into the background. I don't know if that was something that was actually happening, or if I was just getting more invested in what was going on.

What was wrong with the female cop btw? The sister was a bit annoying, but definitely not "ghastly".

Having returned home with nothing but a few bruises Amy had no wound of any kind which would explain the massive amount of blood which had been on the floor of her house.

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Lost in translation - I've watched this about 30 times now and there's always a new aspect that appeals to me. It really is a perfect fim


Agree with this. My favourite ever film. The first time I watched it, it was all I could think about and I watched it again about 2 hours later.

A genuine masterpiece.

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Wolf of Wall Street - 3/10

Actually switched this off after about an hour tbh, just thought it was boring as shite and could not face another 2 hours of it. Scorcese on his last legs doing a bad pastiche of his earlier films Goodfellas and Casino. Sad.

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Agree with this. My favourite ever film. The first time I watched it, it was all I could think about and I watched it again about 2 hours later.

A genuine masterpiece.

It looks beautiful and it's a film about reflecting on life and relating to people in a genuine way against a backdrop of alienation and superficiality. I think though that while that's accurate, it's just critical garbage-speil ;)

It's a film that transcends words and leaves you feeling stronger for having seen it

Edited by Clarkston5
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Agree with this. My favourite ever film. The first time I watched it, it was all I could think about and I watched it again about 2 hours later.

A genuine masterpiece.

I hated it the first time I saw it a good few years ago. I gave it the benefit of the doubt a few weeks ago and while I would roll out superlatives in quite the way you two have its no less than an 8.5/10.

Last film I saw was angels share 6/10

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This turned out to be exactly what I wanted. Jake Gyllenhaal was creepy and great as pretty much a total weirdo who wants to get into news. Unsurprisingly, this movie is all about him, and his interactions with the people around him, all of which are explained in a particularly great scene with his "assistant". It's nasty, it's involving and it's fucking fantastic. Full marks!


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The Hunt (2012) - Mads Mikkelson is a nursery teacher who gets accused of being a paedo in a small rural community. Pretty gripping stuff, especially in the second half. Reminded me of his role in the second Pusher film, as he again plays a kind of downtrodden bullied character and he's fucking amazing at it. You genuinely feel awful for him, plays that type of character better than anyone. Not remotely in the same genre but Stallone in Copland is the only comparison I can think of. The whole film is excellent, the way the tension is built in the last 30 mins is incredible. 8.5/10.

Friends with Benefits

Just watched this on Channel 4. Classic romantic comedy formula executed well. Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis have great chemistry which makes this a bit better than the usual rubbish from this genre.

Well deserved 7/10 for this one.

There's a type of film that you might see is on TV, have on in the background then end up watching properly and actually enjoying. Which is exactly how I say it and it did a job. I'd give it a 7 as well.

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Just watched We Need To Talk About Kevin - Jesus, that's a bleak movie.

Made by a lassie from Glasgow - bit of an alchy, by some accounts.

Score by Johnny Greenwood from Radiohead.

Dark dark film.

Apparently, many who had read the book were disappointed by the film adaptation. I've not read the book, though.

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Still don't understand the Lost in Translation love. I'm inclined to believe that the viewers are mesmerised by yon Black Widow's arse at the beginning, before seeing their own midlife crises mirrored in the rest. Certainly not bad, but I'm still a bit mystified.

It did introduce me to Peaches, however, so there's that.

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Just watched We Need To Talk About Kevin - Jesus, that's a bleak movie.

Made by a lassie from Glasgow - bit of an alchy, by some accounts.

Score by Johnny Greenwood from Radiohead.

Dark dark film.

Apparently, many who had read the book were disappointed by the film adaptation. I've not read the book, though.

Ought to be compulsory viewing for brainless wee airheads who decide they want a child so they can have a real-life dolly. Or folk who aren't 100% on whether they want to be a parent, but are being pressured into it anyway.

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Agree with this. My favourite ever film. The first time I watched it, it was all I could think about and I watched it again about 2 hours later.

A genuine masterpiece.

Still don't understand the Lost in Translation love. I'm inclined to believe that the viewers are mesmerised by yon Black Widow's arse at the beginning, before seeing their own midlife crises mirrored in the rest. Certainly not bad, but I'm still a bit mystified.

It did introduce me to Peaches, however, so there's that.

Don't know about Gall but I doubt your view Dave. For a start I'm about 15-20 years younger than the Bob (Murray) character and Johannsen didn't do it for me in the physical sense. I think it was the combination of the view of Tokyo perfectly captured as being a vast Metropolis and the soulful meeting of two people who find that they're intellectually and emotionally connected. It wasn't a father figure, it wasn't anything sexual. It was more than that. Again though words don't capture what I loved about it. The soundtrack was fantastic although the lap dancing scene and it's choice of song was meant to capture how distasteful it was but if you enjoyed that part of the film, that's your prerogative ;)

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