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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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I'm watching Scarface again. I love the film but it just struck me how unrealistic it is that Tony Montana is so infatuated with Michelle Pfeiffer's character. Apart from her obvious looks she has no redeemable features.

E.T.A- I'm surprised he doesn't have a heart attack during the final scene. The amount of cocaine and adrenaline coursing through his veins would surely be enough to take out a horse!

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Loved him in true romance - one of my favourite films ever.

Still haven't seen that film. There's always something that stops me seeing it for some reason; last time was when the copy I bought from Cash Converters turned out to be scratched all to buggery <_<

I got my girlfriend and I Cineworld cards for Christmas

So jealous, I'm almost seething. The wife and I had them for a few years, and they got seriously abused at the weekends. Us having the wean, combined with her disabilities and our lack of a car, has meant that we see the cinema once or twice a year now. Seriously hope the GF appreciates you, is all I can say.

I'm watching Scarface again. I love the film but it just struck me how unrealistic it is that Tony Montana is so infatuated with Michelle Pfeiffer's character. Apart from her obvious looks she has no redeemable features.

She's just a status figure; he doesn't really like her or anything. She's the beautiful American trophy, and the 'property' of his boss too, so 'owning' her just another bit of bling for his cabinet.

He's more into his sister TBH, and that's just because he knows he can't have her. A man who genuinely has no concept of love.

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Who was watching Leprechaun recently? Thanks, I guess, because it encouraged me to give it a go. Didn't think much of it; Jennifer Aniston must have got the Friends job on the back of this as she's literally being Rachel Green, albeit with a slightly different nose. So, just pre-Friends Rachel Green, for those familiar with the show :P Warwick Davis presumably got the job due to being the go-to little person for these things, as he doesn't even bother trying for an Irish accent for the most part...or perhaps couldn't bring himself to do it. Very poor, and peculiarly bland stuff. Even Rumpelstiltskin (which was obviously inspired by this) is a better film, and that wasn't much cop either.

The Taking of Deborah Logan - found-footage film about documentary makers recording the day-to-day life of a woman suffering from dementia. As time goes on, it starts to seem as though her illness is bringing up some grim memories from her past, and is possibly inspired by the supernatural.

Decent film, and makes a good job of keeping you interested in the mystery. Also provides some unsettling moments, including a REC-style night vision headscratcher towards the end. Essential viewing for fans of the genre, and worthwhile for horror fans in general. Thanks to NewDomDom for the recommendation!

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Entity - flick about a parapsychologist who's employed to investigate the Siberian forest site where 34 unidentified bodies were discovered twelve years prior.

Interesting to see Dervla Kirwan again, but this is a pretty dull supernatural thriller with little in the way of thrills. Whole thing feels a bit tired.

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Cracking early Bond, 2nd favourite Connery one behind Golfinger. 8/10

Amazing Spider Man 2

Loved it, Garfield does a great job as Peter Parker,much better than Maguire IMO, i kind of felt the Green Goblin should have been the main villan as opposed to Electro(who was a wee bit pish) but great action and dialogue . 8.5/10


Often overlooked but definetley rates alongside the best of Pixars work, great film. 9/10

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Often overlooked but definetley rates alongside the best of Pixars work, great film. 9/10

Really? I think everyone remembers greeting like a bairn at the opening sequence.

Tough, manly tears *sniff*

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Amazing Spider Man 2

Loved it, Garfield does a great job as Peter Parker,much better than Maguire IMO, i kind of felt the Green Goblin should have been the main villan as opposed to Electro(who was a wee bit pish) but great action and dialogue . 8.5/10

That was one of my biggest disappointments of 2014

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Django Unchained 9/10

Watched this for the second time. Brilliant! Possibly overtaking Jackie Brown as my second favorite Tarantino. Christoph Waltz is fucking excellent you can't take your eyes off him the whole film, Leonardo ace as the bad guy too.

Almost up there with Pulp Fiction

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Sunrise: A Song Of Two Humans 9/10

A husband's affections are distracted by an alluring visitor to a town. The visitor lingers, and lures the husband into a plot to leave his wife. The husband finds he cannot go through with it, and undergoes a revelatory reawakening of his love for his wife. There are further complications but I won't spoil here. The scenes where the husband and wife's love are vividly and expressively depicted are incredible. A number of strange and magical scenes evoke the feeling of dreams. Although the subject would appear to be prone to a mushy telling, it never falls into that trap. It's dreamy, but the situations include realistic flaws that make it incredibly human. Highly recommended.

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Oblivion (6/10)

Sci-fi mix of the beautifully stylish, visually stunning, underdeveloped script and characters other than Cruise, and cliched to hell such that I predicted the big twist from the opening minute. Oh, and Morgan fking Freeman. As with Prometheus, there was a tonne of potential in the movie, but it quickly developed into being about the pewpewpew rather than the story. Harper's 'teammate' was the acting star of the movie, Cruise was Cruise, Kurylenko with a plastic performance which was understandable as her character was not allowed to develop. The big drone fight chase was an embarrassing homage to Star Wars.

Overall, disappointing execution as with just about every piece of sci-fi that Hollywood gets it's slavering teeth into.

Rob the Mob (7/10)

Story evident from the title. Quite stylish affair, with two good performances from the leads, especially the woman. A True Romance type flick for the 2010s.

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The Drop 7/10

Pretty enjoyable film. Hardy playing his usual sulky, brooding maybe a hard man. Gandolfini playing a washed up hard done by wannabe OG and plays it well.

Noomi Rapace really is pretty stunning also, certainly does it for me anyway.

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The Interview - pleasantly surprised with this one, as it could have been absolute dross. A wee bit of unnecessary gross-out, but overall, you get what you expect from a Seth Rogen movie. 5/10.

Soul Men - popped up on my prime so I had another watch as I remembered it fondly. Kind of a "black and blues brothers" vibe, with Bernie Mac playing a decent foil to Samuel L. playing Samuel L. for laughs. Some decent music as well, and an undemanding way of spending a couple of hours. 6.5/10.

Get On Up - I was really looking forward to this, and have to confess to a slight feeling of disappointment. Chadwick Boseman makes a believable JB, but the film just somehow doesn't hang together as well as a Ray, Ali or even a Walk The Line. No complaints at all on the music, mind, which drags it up to a solid 7/10.

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Over the festive period I have watched

UP - 10/10 it's just superb. Always a tear in the first 20 minutes.

Monsters University 9/10 - another great Disney pic. Might even prefer it to first one.

Silver Linings Playbook 8/10 - thought Bradley Cooper was very good.

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