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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Robin Williams in a creepy psychological thriller. He was really superb in this, the tension builds nicely and you end up feeling sorry for him.


Great film. It's the bit where he has broken into the house and the family come in that's really fucking tense.

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True Grit.

Latest in the Coens' long line of films. This one features a 14 year old kid and a drunken sheriff chasing an outlaw. The kid can quip with the best of them, there are some genuinely funny lines, and, unlike most of their recent work, a constant if simple narrative. Still, the characters are inconsistent at best, and it's almost too simple a story. I had a nice time. A nice, feel good film.


Watched this again. I think my original review was stingy.

I actually think it pushes Fargo as the best Coen brothers film.


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Rec 4 - well, that was a disappointment, even after the mediocrity of the third film. I figured Rec 3 was just a stopgap until a proper sequel could be made, but apparently not - they're just making bog-standard generic zombie flicks now. Anyone who played the opening ten minutes of Dead Island: Riptide will find this film very familiar, and there's no attempt made to expand on, or properly tie up, the themes explored in the first two films. Might actually be less entertaining than the previous installment - what a shame.

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It Follows

Probably not as good as I think it is, but one of the best horrors in a good few years for me. Low budget and effective without the need of recent overuse of the jump scare. The long shots and nods to the horrors of the 80s are what makes this a great wee film for me.


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It Follows

Probably not as good as I think it is, but one of the best horrors in a good few years for me. Low budget and effective without the need of recent overuse of the jump scare. The long shots and nods to the horrors of the 80s are what makes this a great wee film for me.


Eh? Things are only as good, or otherwise, as you think. Who cares if other folk don't like it or don't think it's as good?

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Eh? Things are only as good, or otherwise, as you think. Who cares if other folk don't like it or don't think it's as good?

It's not a matter of others opinions, I just might be rating it so highly because I'm a major 80s horror fan whereas the average viewer might not pick up on some of the tropes it used throughout.

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Edge of Tomorrow


Just watched it on Sky Movies. Sci-fi meets Groundhog Day. Not normally a fan of Tom Cruise, but he's pretty good in this. Reminds me of a video game where you keep losing lives and have to go back to the start of the level. The repetitive nature of the proceedings could have been boring in the hands of a lesser director, but thoughtfully directed by Doug Liman, who manages to find fresh perspectives every time the action is 'reset.' Some nice black humour in there too. Proves that 'intelligent blockbuster' is not necessarily an oxymoron.

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Quite a fun movie that. It's like they took a pure shite movie, and got people to act the shit right out of it, thus making it feel better than it actually was.

I fucking love it if I'm being honest.

Decent soundtrack also

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Can't sleep, so it's movie night at the Big(FatTabby) Hoose for once. Woohoo!

The Hills Have Eyes - remake of Wes Craven's mean-spirited Eighties survival horror, back before he discovered Freddy Krueger and lost his edge. It's a pretty faithful retelling with a few embellishments, as a typical American family end up stranded in the desert, fighting off a tribe of cannibal mutants. Any subtlety from the original is lost, as the Straw Dogs-esque theme of the mild-mannered being forced into savagery is hammered home, with an extra heavy-handed slice of the American Dream gone wrong offered up as a stodgy side. It's still reasonably entertaining, as much as a film like this can be, but it still feels a little sanitised from the nastiness of the original.

Second time I've seen it, and I just noticed that the father is played by Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs. Thankfully, if anyone wants to f**k him, it's done off camera.

The Hills Have Eyes 2 - Fox took the smart route of creating a new film for their remake-sequel, as the original Hills Have Eyes 2 was an execrable piece of crap that Wes Craven was only too quick to disown. Unfortunately, someone decided that the best route to pursue was grotesque mutant rape, with a new batch of post-nuclear freaks kidnapping women for use as sex slaves and baby farms.

After the events of the first film, the military start monitoring the titular Hills in order to exterminate the remaining irradiated miners, but make a predictable hash of the whole affair, leaving a squad of rookies to fight their way out of the ensuing chaos. What we're left with is a curious mix of American gung-ho war movie combined with a mild version of X-Men, as the mutants have developed even more bizarre deformities, along with super strength and animal intelligence. The entire area around the mines has been developed into some kind of icky rape theme park with access holes, water slides, and waxwork mutants ahoy, all seemingly just waiting for prettier people to pass by. Dialogue is unsurprisingly terrible at times, and characters occasionally display a ludicrous level of stupidity, with one female soldier slipping away from the pack to pee immediately after being used as a lure to kill a mutant :1eye

Still, despite everything, it's still better than the original sequel, which is as faint as praise can be. It also features a tremendously-delivered toilet-related one-liner, along with a dreadful titular cock-rock song over the end credits, accompanied by a mealy-mouthed armed forces arse-sook from the film-makers. Bless.

Edit: WTF is a meaty-mouth? :lol:

Edited by BigFatTabbyDave
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The Intouchables

Driss, a black French man from a less fortunate background, applies for the role as a care-taker solely for claiming job-seekers. French Dustin Hoffman, a quadriplegic is a really rich man living in a large manor, loves the cut of the guy's jib and offers him a trial offer much to everyone's surprise. Driss is really hesitant about the job at first, but eventually takes to it as their working relationship progresses and both learn more about each other. Really light hearted movie with brilliant hilarious moments. 8/10

Also watched Amelie. Whimsical little French rom-com. Really enjoyed it. 7.5/10

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Recently had a bit of a movie binge so some quick thoughts

Edge of Tomorrow 7.5/10 - Really enjoyed this one, went in expecting just a normal blockbuster was pleasantly surprised by this one. There's the right blend of dark humor and adventure while Cruise knocks it out of the park (his best role since Collateral imo) The plot could have got repetitive pretty quickly but some superb editing and direction avoided the potential pitfall.

Road 8/10 - I'm a massive fan of the Road Races such as the Isle of Man TT, The Ulster GP and NorthWest 200, so the likes of Joey and Robert Dunlop are hero's of the 'golden era' of racing, while Robert's two sons (William and Micheal) are the hero's of today's racing. Road is a documentary film looking at the Dunlop dynasty swapping between the past and the present as it explores what it means to be a roadracer and a Dunlop.

If you're a fan of motorcycle racing or not I would still recommend this if you can, a compelling watch into a great story, especially when they get to the 2008 North West race.....offt.

The Usual Suspects 8/10 - Got bored a few nights back and saw this was on Netfix, despite seeing it a number of times and knowing the plot twist it's still a really good watch

Bruce Willis is a ghost....wait

It's not so much Spacey's or Bryne's performance, as good as they are which makes it, but it's the performance from Pete Postlethwaite which just sets everything up so nicely. Wonderful story telling and suspense.

W. 5/10 - The curse of Netflix. Mindlessly searching and came across this and I hadn't heard much about it but it's an Oliver Stone movie and got Josh Brolin playing George W Bush.....I like both I thought so I'll like this. What I was expecting was some kind of no holds barred look at Bush but what I saw was a limp attempt at satire which left me just going......meh.

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