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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - 5/10.

Not seen the first but went along to see it with the girlfriend. Held my attention and had a couple of laughs but nothing too special in my eyes. Richard Gere as classy as ever in it though.

Apparently it's as good if not better than the first to quote my better half. First one must have been pretty average then.

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Films 12 & 13 of the year last night, with It Follows disappointing, especially after glowing tributes from Film 2015 and Mark Kermode and a 5.0 for me. Very Halloweenish, from boogie man/woman to music. Second of my double bill was just a bolt on, as my wife had girlies in - The Wedding Ringer was brilliantly funny, even if somewhat derived from other comedies. Had a Hangover feel to it at times, with LOLs all the way through - an unexpected 8.0 and a must see if you liked Hangover or I Love You Man.

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Really enjoyed it. Kinda struggles a little in the final third but not as much as you would expect. Some great performances all round, Colin Firth in particular is excellent. Soundtrack is good too although I couldn't stop singing "Craigy Craigy Whyte" to myself. Thought the fight scenes were really enjoyable, the one in the church in particular. Not going to win film of the year or anything, don't over think it, just get out there and enjoy it.


Also watched The Dark Knight again the other day. I can confirm, just as I remembered, that it is in fact 'not shit'.

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Watched something called Calvary with Brendan Gleeson and a bunch of Irish comics. It's about a priest who receives a death threat then spends a week dealing with a variety of troubled souls. It's an attempt at tragi-comic, but it misses both marks. Chris O'Dowd is chronically miscast. 4/10

I saw that about a year ago and thought it was pretty good. It did drag on a bit but overall I enjoyed it. I also enjoyed their previous effort: The Guard.

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Dredd 7/10 Hell of a lot better than Stallone's crap version, but still could have been so much better. Unfortunately I don't think it translates from a British comic to a US film.

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Taxi Driver

The visuals were sublime. The score was phenomenal too (bit ott at times though). My jaw dropped during that last wee bit. A young and fantastic Robert de Niro as Travis Bickle is the epitome of loneliness in a busy New York.


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Dead End - thriller (I guess) about a family approaching the end of a road trip to visit relatives for Christmas. The driver takes an unfamiliar back road and BOOM! Weird shit starts happening and people get knocked off at an alarming rate.

Pretty poor and loaded with cliche, to the point where it feels like a twelve-year-old's first attempt at a SciFi story, complete with strange and unnatural dialogue. It feels very familiar throughout and, indeed, has a resolution that you'll have seen in many other films. Quite smugly pleased with myself that I managed to pull a plot twist out of my arse within minutes of the film starting, however :lol:

The patriarch turns out not to be the insufferably wanky son's biological father, for all the difference that makes.

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Taxi Driver

The visuals were sublime. The score was phenomenal too (bit ott at times though). My jaw dropped during that last wee bit. A young and fantastic Robert de Niro as Travis Bickle is the epitome of loneliness in a busy New York.


One of my favourite films.

Banana - I thought Llewyn Davis was good.

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Focus - Will Smith and Margot Robbie ( :wub: ) star as hustlers doing what they do. Entertaining enough and the twist at the end I didn't expect but it worked out well. Funny one liners at times too.


On a side note there was a fella sitting 3 seats along from me who spent the whole film on his phone sending Facebook messages. Bloody annoying as hell!

Edited by The Minertaur
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On a side note there was a fella sitting 3 seats along from me who spent the whole film on his phone sending Facebook messages. Bloody annoying as hell!

I'll be honest I have stopped going to the cinema for a while as this is rife. Past twice I have nearly been scrapping for telling folk to turn their phones off.

A severe pet hate of mine. Fair enough before the film starts but during is just totally unacceptable.

Took my niece to see Divergent and a group of young girls about 14-16 yrs old spent the full film text each other, Facebooking, whatsapping or whatever.

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The girlfriend and I have picked up our Sunday (pick a year) movie thing again;

(1989) Turner & Hooch - 8/10. Standard Sunday viewing. Essential 80s family movie

(1989) Stephen King's Pet Sematary - 4/10. Cult film but I couldn't really be arsed with it being honest.

(1987) Predator - 9/10. Absolute classic Arnie, could watch this over and over.

(1987) Robocop - 7/10. A favorite of mine when growing up, but never realised how f*cking brutal it is at times. A bit hammy but a classic nonetheless

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The English Patient

Ralph Fiennes is an Hungarian cartographer who is shot down by some anti-aircraft weapons, but rescued by the allies and transported to Italy. He's nursed back to health, and re-counts the events that led up to being shot (his love romance with Kristin Scott Thomas, being let down and escaping from the allies, negotiating with the Germans to return back to KST). Saeed from Lost is in this in a similar role.

Beautifully shot, tragic ending. My lady partner was bawling. Long. Very long. Very deserving of the Oscar nominations. 7/10

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