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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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It took three and a half months to find, but I've just rediscovered the copy of the last Godzilla that I lost around the house :thumsup2

Here's what I'll be watching tonight:


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^^^ watched.

Enjoyable second viewing, though I still don't get why the collapsing buildings stop making noise towards the end. Looking forward to the sequel, which will no doubt have a plethora of monsters using multiple cities as their personal litter tray.

Sadako 3D - astonishingly gash sequel to Ringu, with Sadako terrorising the youth of Japan once again, only this time over the internet. Presumably created by a bunch of cack-handed horror hacks, this is as bad as any straight-to-video fright flick you've ever seen, with non-stop "look, we're using 3D!" objects poking at the camera, and an army of CG Sadakos rampaging around scaring exactly nobody. Sinfully boring too - not even worth checking out for the most ardent fan of the original films.

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Fast and Furious 7

The last installment of the franchise to feature the late Paul Walker. Not having seen the 6th I was a at a bit of a loss early on but soon picked up the jist of what happened between the younger Shaw brother and Hobbs/Toretto. Typical action-packed fun with a lot less focus on cars and more on guns which I thought was a shame as that what it's all about with it.

Decent enough CGI with the Walker scenario and it was easy to spot where they managed to film up to with him and then onto his brothers and his face super-imposed on. His dialogue got a lot less in the last half hour so that must have been where his voice was done with CGI too.

Overall, a harmless bit of fun, with some decent action sequences, was particularly impressed with the fight scene involving Walker on the moving bus. Great visuals.

7 out of 10.

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been meaning to watch this for a long time, always been put off by those CGI enhanced films but enoyed this, Butler was really good in it and the speeches were convincing and done well , 8/10

Watched Olympus has fallen the other day. 7/10. Mental escapism with the classic Big Gerard line....

Mike Banning: [to Kang] Why don't you and I play a game of f**k off. You go first.

Pure Paisley with a hammy American accent.

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Watched Olympus has fallen the other day. 7/10. Mental escapism with the classic Big Gerard line....

Mike Banning: [to Kang] Why don't you and I play a game of f**k off. You go first.

Pure Paisley with a hammy American accent.

Hated that film, but that line is tremendous. Would not be a surprise if that was unscripted.

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Hot Coffee - documentary about the infamous McDonalds coffee scalding lawsuit, framed within the context of the American civil justice system in general.

Not sure why I watch these things; maybe a reminder of why I didn't want to stay in the States? Anyway, it's a well-made statement about the purpose of the court system in the United States, and how the right to justice is being gradually removed by corporate organisations masquerading as civilian protest groups. There are a fair number of P&B posters who like to be outraged about ambulance-chasing lawyers, and they could do worse than watch this to see why they're involved in a large-scale nose/face spite exercise that will likely end with us going down a similar road. The folk who moan about the pointlessness of unions might find food for thought between the lines too; businesses don't feel the same at all. They have their version of unions, and it's the reason why your children will be working in conditions that you'd find outrageous.

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Had a bit of free time recently so decided to go through my favourite comic-book movies.

First time I had watched "Batman Begins" in years and it still holds up. I feel it was overshadowed by the success of "The Dark Knight" and didn't get the long lasting credit it deserves.

Moving on to "The Dark Knight". Great piece of cinema, in my opinion, and is probably one of my all-time favourite movies along with "Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the King". People try to say it wouldn't have got the credit it did if it wasn't for the death of Heath Ledger but his performance is excellent. He really encapsulates the character with adding his own spin on it.

Also re-watched "Captain America: The Winter Soldier". Really enjoyable movie which keeps the faith of a comic-book movie whilst still giving a fresh approach on how to handle these movies.

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Moving on to "The Dark Knight". Great piece of cinema, in my opinion, and is probably one of my all-time favourite movies along with "Empire Strikes Back" and "Return of the King". People try to say it wouldn't have got the credit it did if it wasn't for the death of Heath Ledger but his performance is excellent. He really encapsulates the character with adding his own spin on it.

Folk who say that are revising history quite a bit - there was a lot of excitement for the Dark Knight after the end of Batman Begins, and the credit was because it's an excellent film. Ledger's just the icing on the cake, not the reason for buying the ticket in the first place. There have been a number of different, yet still excellent portrayals of the Joker over the years - he wouldn't have been irreplaceable if he'd died a few years earlier IMO, despite his brilliant performance. The character's the important thing.

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The Swarm - superbly awful disaster movie from the days when Michael Caine was considered one of Britain's best worst actors. Tremendously terrible stuff in which Texas is besieged by African honey bees, with thousands killed in the ensuing chaos. Dreadful dialogue abounds, with the traditional B-movie (arf) battle between scientists and the military bringing out some dire performances. Plenty of nonsensical plot points, like the scientist who experiments on himself with bee venom whilst alone, knowing that he'd most likely be unable to inject himself with an antidote due to muscle cramping, and the film seems more interested in a weird octogenarian love triangle during the first half. Also, the bees are referred to as "The Africans" most of the time, so you could almost think you were watching a bizarre sci-fi Zulu remake if you walked in during the bee-less periods. Really quite majestically silly stuff.

Still better than the Transformers movies, though.

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Watched "Birdman" tonight. Absolutely loved it. Not one bad performance but Michael Keaton, Edward Norton and Zack Galifianakis were the stand-outs, in my opinion. How they shot it was amazing and I've never really seen anything like it. I had heard complaints about the very drum-heavy soundtrack but I thought it added the strangeness of the movie.

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Child 44

Went to the cinema to see this last night. It's an adaptation of the book by Tom Rob Smith.

The film starts with some scenes from the Holodomor, the devastating famine in Ukraine in the 1930s, showing starving children in an orphanage. It then moves to the Second World War and Tom Hardy's character, Leo, is part of the Red Army taking Berlin. He is selected to raise the red flag above the Reichstag and becomes a hero as a result.

The film then moves to the main timeline which has Leo as an MGD (KGB) agent. He tracks down those named as traitors or suspected of being such, interrogates and then executes them. We see that Leo has more of a heart than some of his comrades, as he intervenes to save two children following the extra-judicial execution of their parents. However, he is still a loyal officer and is shown enjoying the relative priviledges of life as an agent, with a relatively plush apartment shared with his wife Raisa (Naoomi Rapace). Leo's faith in the system is tested though by two events. The son of his friend and former comrade Vasilly is found dead next to a railway line - Leo is entrusted with sharing the report with Vassily as his friend is convinced that his son was murdered but the report states it was an accidnt. Leo sees the boys body and knows that the report is false and the death was murder but knowing that crimes like this are seen as being unthinkable in the Soviet Union he persuades his friend to stop protesting.

Following this his superior provides him with a file on his wife, who has been named as a traitor. Leo confides in his parents, who tell him to denounce her to save them all. Raisa subsequently reveals she is pregnant and Leo finds himself unable to denounce her so he writes a report stating her innoence and as a result both are exiled to a remote town, stripped of their prestigious jobs and given squalid accomodation. Faced with this, Raisa reveals that she isn't pregnant, lying to ensure that Leo spared her, and that she only married Leo out of fear of what would happen if she turned down an MGD agent.

Leo's new lowly role in the milita sees him present at the discovery of another childs body, bured in the forest - he tells his superior, Gary Oldman, that he has seen this before and manages to persuade him to investigate. The pair discover that there have been 43 such murders (hence the title) and the rest of the film takes the form of a race to catch the killer.

I kind of enjoyed the film - I'd read the book when it came out so had an idea of the plot (I couldn't remember it all) - but it had big flaws. The Soviet era is something that I find fascinating, I don't really see how people couldn't find it interesting and I found the portrayal of the 'doublethink' and terrifying calculation of the time convincing. Tom Hardy is excellent as Leo, his performance really conveys the conflict that most people must've felt. Rapace is also impressive as her character develops through the film. The problem is the storyline is too

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Child 44

Went to the cinema to see this last night. It's an adaptation of the book by Tom Rob Smith.

The film starts with some scenes from the Holodomor, the devastating famine in Ukraine in the 1930s, showing starving children in an orphanage. It then moves to the Second World War and Tom Hardy's character, Leo, is part of the Red Army taking Berlin. He is selected to raise the red flag above the Reichstag and becomes a hero as a result.

The film then moves to the main timeline which has Leo as an MGD (KGB) agent. He tracks down those named as traitors or suspected of being such, interrogates and then executes them. We see that Leo has more of a heart than some of his comrades, as he intervenes to save two children following the extra-judicial execution of their parents. However, he is still a loyal officer and is shown enjoying the relative priviledges of life as an agent, with a relatively plush apartment shared with his wife Raisa (Naoomi Rapace). Leo's faith in the system is tested though by two events. The son of his friend and former comrade Vasilly is found dead next to a railway line - Leo is entrusted with sharing the report with Vassily as his friend is convinced that his son was murdered but the report states it was an accidnt. Leo sees the boys body and knows that the report is false and the death was murder but knowing that crimes like this are seen as being unthinkable in the Soviet Union he persuades his friend to stop protesting.

Following this his superior provides him with a file on his wife, who has been named as a traitor. Leo confides in his parents, who tell him to denounce her to save them all. Raisa subsequently reveals she is pregnant and Leo finds himself unable to denounce her so he writes a report stating her innoence and as a result both are exiled to a remote town, stripped of their prestigious jobs and given squalid accomodation. Faced with this, Raisa reveals that she isn't pregnant, lying to ensure that Leo spared her, and that she only married Leo out of fear of what would happen if she turned down an MGD agent.

Leo's new lowly role in the milita sees him present at the discovery of another childs body, bured in the forest - he tells his superior, Gary Oldman, that he has seen this before and manages to persuade him to investigate. The pair discover that there have been 43 such murders (hence the title) and the rest of the film takes the form of a race to catch the killer.

I kind of enjoyed the film - I'd read the book when it came out so had an idea of the plot (I couldn't remember it all) - but it had big flaws. The Soviet era is something that I find fascinating, I don't really see how people couldn't find it interesting and I found the portrayal of the 'doublethink' and terrifying calculation of the time convincing. Tom Hardy is excellent as Leo, his performance really conveys the conflict that most people must've felt. Rapace is also impressive as her character develops through the film. The problem is the storyline is too[/quote

Going to see this today, I haven't read the book so I'm going in not knowing much. My fiancé on the other hand absolutely loves the book so she has high hopes.

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Left Behind - millions of people disappear simultaneously, leaving only their clothes behind.

Risible evangelical w**k-fantasy in which society instantly falls apart to a ludicrous degree as soon as the members of a bizarre Christian sect are removed from the populous. The ego-stroking central conceit is bad enough, but the film itself feels very much like a TV movie, with some dire acting from all concerned. Always fun to see Nicolas Cage having his ego p***ked by one of these dreadful shitefests that he regularly finds himself in, but unfortunately this doesn't quite manage to cross the line into so-bad-it's-good territory. At least it adheres to the old showbiz mantra about finishing on a song; an appalling and vainglorious song, but a song nonetheless.

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Robocop - the remake. Enjoyed it a bit more on the second viewing, probably as a result of not comparing it to the original so much. Yon Kinnaman laddie actually does a good job of straddling the line between machine and man, and the morality of using robots as military peacekeepers is a nice additional plot element. The performances are universally good, actually, and spending more time exploring Murphy's relationship with his family from the other viewpoint was a smart move. Including Sam Jackson as a Fox News-style neocon anchor is a stroke of demented genius, and his final meltdown is glorious to behold.

So, a good film, taken on its own. Shame it didn't perform better at the box office, but on the plus side, it spares us any inevitably poor sequels.

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