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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Yeah because putting it in a spoiler tags or not quoting is going to stop people reading the post directly above it. :lol:

I see where your coming from but I'm not that bothered about spoilers (tend to avoid discussions of things I might spoil) it's just a bit much to post the Readers Digest version of the entire movie!

It was hardly 'the Readers Digest version of the entire movie.' It didn't reveal the ending for a start, in fact you revealed more about the ending than I did. Read any review of the same movie at random on Rotten Tomatoes and it will reveal pretty much exactly the same plot details. If you're going to have a movie review thread then you're going to end up with reviews of the movies strangely enough.

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It was hardly 'the Readers Digest version of the entire movie.' It didn't reveal the ending for a start, in fact you revealed more about the ending than I did. Read any review of the same movie at random on Rotten Tomatoes and it will reveal pretty much exactly the same plot details. If you're going to have a movie review thread then you're going to end up with reviews of the movies strangely enough.

The ending is the ONLY thing you didn't spoil! It really is :lol:

If you can show me one professional review with anywhere near the info you've given in your review then I'll show you a very poor professional reviewer.

You do know I used spoiler tags, are you familiar with them?

You spoil Ed Harris driving the train, the protein cubes being made of insects, the structure of the train and the people on it, tbh you describe most of the important scenes in the movie (corporal punishment, uprising etc.)

Just as well the movie's utter crap, it is well made crap tbf!

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Candyman - a student investigating a horrific urban legend is shocked to discover that it may be real.

Hadn't seen this in over twenty years, and it was a pleasant surprise considering that I remembered it as being mediocre, possibly because I'd already read the short story and may have been disappointed. Possible spoilers below, for those who've never even heard of the film.

Enjoyed it quite a bit this time through; it plays like a modern-day Dracula, with the main character being seduced by an utterly epic Tony Todd, who's as magnetic as ever. His character is really well written, and the film's atmosphere is aided greatly by some horribly grungy set design and an interesting score by Philip Glass. Virginia Madsen does a decent job as well.

So, yeah, thumbs up from me. Time has definitely been kind.

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BigFatTabbyDave do you sit and watch movies4men all day?

:lol: Is that a satellite channel? I just have very poor taste in films; I actively seek out almost everything I watch.

Speaking of which...

Proteus - a group of drug smugglers find themselves adrift at sea and take refuge at a mysterious oil platform, only to find a deadly creature has killed most of the workers.

Cheap and nasty rip-off of Alien and The Thing, starring Technique from London's Burning and the evil boss lady from that old kids TV show Spatz. Very slow-moving and dull - pretty obvious that all the effects money went on the final scene, so everyone's left moping around for the rest of the running time waiting for something to happen. Might've been a nice diversion with a bit more cash, or in different hands, but it's a very poor effort with no suspense whatsoever. Better off with some risible (and similar) tosh like Creepozoids, which was hilariously bad and showcased Linnea Quigley's tits :thumsup2

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Papillon 7/10

Prison breakout movie starring Steve Mcqueen and Dustin Hoffman. Was entertaining enough but seemed to drag on a bit. Good but not as good as some of the reviews for it

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The Avengers: Age of Ultron

Can think of worse ways to spend a couple of hours I guess. Some good laughs, some good action and not much more. The timing of a lot of the comedy is atrocious though, especially at points when they're going for drama, and end up completely ruining it with some one liner. Whedon is pretty bad for that, so I'm glad he won't be doing anymore of these movies, and they'll be in capable hands with the Russo brothers.

Got to see a lot more of Hawkeye in this movie too, which is definitely one of the main plus points. Jeremy Renner seems to excel in these sorts of role and he's no different here, giving an entirely human side to the whole thing. Most of the sub-plots weren't engaging enough though. There was far too much going on, and the one constant threat, Ultron, was diluted the minute even THAT started cracking the jokes.

There's a lot to like about this, but there's also a lot to dislike. As a popcorn flick, it ticks the boxes, but this is probably the weakest Marvel movie for a while.


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The Hunt - 9/10.

Really, really hard hitting stuff that was, to be frank, horrible to watch but a really well made film with Mikkelsen standing out.

I just watched it this morning. Pretty harrowing stuff throughout. Its amazing how something like that can spiral out of control in such a small space of time

The Hunt 9/10

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Truth or Die - bunch of horrid tosspot students humiliate another tosser from a wealthy family and are later invited to a birthday party at his country estate. You can probably guess where this is going.

One of those rare movies that doesn't feature a single likeable character, yet seems to assume that we're going to be rooting for someone to survive. Pretty formulaic, not terribly compelling, and performs the singular injustice of having one of the most unpleasant characters remain alive at the end, in a manner that implies the viewer is supposed to be happy about it. An unsatisfying end to an unsatisfying film.

Altar - a family moves into a large country house in order to renovate it for the owner, only to find that ghostly shenanigans OOGA BOOGA SHITEYPANTS!

Formulaic haunted house ghost possession story with no plot surprises whatsoever, and a sum total of zero scares, or even any feeling of dread. You'll have the whole plot outlined in your head within minutes. I've no idea why these identikit haunting films keep being made when there are loads of other things they could do with spooks if they wanted. It's like someone bought a single script for a shiteload of cash, and they have to keep adapting it until the money's recouped.

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Saw it on Netflix. Big name cast. Heather Graham in a bra. ALl round not bad, but wouldn't pay to see it.

I've been meaning to watch Bobby for a while, but you've just sold it to me.

Can never get enough of Heather Graham in a bra.

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Avengers age of ultron.

I've not long left the screening and feel a bit meh, the whole gang where there back to back fighting the unwinnable fight and, oh, didn't they do this in the first one?

New characters thrown in with the flimsiest of back story and things happening then happening another way (trying to avoid spoilers) and nobody bats an eyelid.

Moved the story along and not much else for me.

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Camp X-Ray 9/10

Kirsten Stewart of Twilight fame plays a new recruit working for the US military police at Guantanimo Bay. She meets and befriends an inmate and the two become closer over a period of time. Both Stewart and Peyman Mooadi (the inmate Ali) are truly outstanding. The rights and wrongs of the camp are brutally exposed in this and you cant help but feel deep sympathy for any innocent victims in at all. Not the sort of film i was expecting but im glad i decided to watch it

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Annabelle - a couple of chancers set themselves up as "paranormal investigators" and manage to make a career out of it for decades. After one dies, the other decides to gather a retirement bonanza by selling their made-up tales to Hollywood. Oh aye, and some bullshit about possessed dolls.

Only watched this because the wife was determined to, for some reason. Story reeks of fatigue and the presentation has no entertainment value whatsoever. There's a curious void at the heart of this film, leaving the viewer waiting interminably for something interesting to happen, but it never does (although you may have an occasional weak smile at what the makers thought you'd find scary). Watch Child's Play instead; at least Brad Dourif never pretended that Chucky was real.

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