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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Episode 1: the phantom menace

I hope Disney have picked up the rights to rewrite the original trilogy, no horde of orphans laughing at Anakins pod racer, no jar jar, more Darth Maul & less fucking politics. It's a movie not an hour and a half of BBC parliament.

5/10 because I'm feeling generous

As much as I can see it pissing off the purists I'm really hoping they do a remake of the first 3.

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As much as I can see it pissing off the purists I'm really hoping they do a remake of the first 3.

When you say, "first three", do you mean the original Seventies/Eighties films? Remakes of everything are inevitable, but why on Earth would you actively be hoping they'd remake those? I can't really think of how they could be done much better. It'd be like remaking Jaws (which is overdue, no matter how terrible an idea it is).

If you mean the prequels, I can't imagine anyone being pissed off; maybe just a bit bored by the idea. Even the twentysomethings who saw them first surely don't think of those films as being untouchable classics.

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The three prequels with Jar Jar Binks et al.

But as shite as they were, how can you just redo them and pretend the originals didn't exist?

It would be like remaking the first Lord of the rings movie but with a different story. It wouldn't make sense.

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The three prequels with Jar Jar Binks et al.

But as shite as they were, how can you just redo them and pretend the originals didn't exist?

It would be like remaking the first Lord of the rings movie but with a different story. It wouldn't make sense.

It would be remarkably easy, considering that George Lucas made up the prequels from scratch and fitted them around the older films he made. And I think there'd be a lot of folk who grew up with the older films who'd be very happy to click their fingers and declare "that never happened!" as far as the prequels go :lol:

As pointless as it would be, it would be quite nice to go back to thinking of young Darth Vader as anything other than a whiny, selfish little bitch :unsure:

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It'd be like remaking Jaws (which is overdue, no matter how terrible an idea it is).

I never got why Jaws was associated with just sharks, I've got jaws & I'm not a shark, so they might as well call the remake Teeth?

Imagine being at that film title meeting, I wonder how many titles they came up with before settling on Jaws?

If it was a pointless audience question & they were asked things you'd find on a shark I'm sure teeth & fins would be more point worthy than jaws?


Edited by Grim O'Grady
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Loved it - was sweating like a (insert crude metaphor here) watching it. So claustrophobic and tense. I know it has been mentioned a few times on here and it's a gem. A young army recruit just arrived in NI finds himself alone on the wrong side of town, with a car load of murderers out to get him. It's really a horror film, with the locals playing the role of the monsters.


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I never got why Jaws was associated with just sharks, I've got jaws & I'm not a shark, so they might as well call the remake Teeth?

Imagine being at that film title meeting, I wonder how many titles they came up with before settling on Jaws?

If it was a pointless audience question & they were asked things you'd find on a shark I'm sure teeth & fins would be more point worthy than jaws?


There's already a film called Teeth, Grimbo.

*crosses legs*

Plus, I'm sure Universal wanted to cash in on the title of the bestselling book it was based on. It probably would've been called Teeth otherwise :P

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There's already a film called Teeth, Grimbo.

*crosses legs*

Plus, I'm sure Universal wanted to cash in on the title of the bestselling book it was based on. It probably would've been called Teeth otherwise :P

Well that's broken that one, thanks BFTDavey. You're the type who lets facts get in the way of a good story eh?

I'm sticking to the wireless.


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I never got why Jaws was associated with just sharks, I've got jaws & I'm not a shark, so they might as well call the remake Teeth?

Imagine being at that film title meeting, I wonder how many titles they came up with before settling on Jaws?

If it was a pointless audience question & they were asked things you'd find on a shark I'm sure teeth & fins would be more point worthy than jaws?


If it makes you feel better, it was called "les dents de la mer" in France, literally the teeth of the sea.

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I'm not a huge Star Wars fan, but it's amazing.

9/10. Won't say anything, other than the casting is excellent and it sets up the new trilogy brilliantly.

Agree with all of this. I'm certainly not a Star Wars fanboy, but I walked out of the screening tonight feeling as good about a movie as I have in a very long time. It was a terrific cinematic experience.

Having only seen it once, obviously can't be definitive, but I think it might just be objectively the best of all seven. Take away the history and nostalgia of the original trilogy, which I re-watched last week, this is a better film than most of them, and is at worst in contention with The Empire Strikes Back in terms of drama and substance. The characters are far more engaging, with Daisy Ridley, John Boyega and Adam Driver (in particular) absolutely outstanding. The new cast had to work for the film to be successful, and they were.

Kylo Ren is tremendously interesting, and that comes from both the performance and script. Although the Force Awakens certainly borrows much from the old movies, it does so with a great deal of depth. Harrison Ford is also THE MAN. Brings all of that history he possesses as an actor to effortlessly command attention on screen.

One of my long-standing criticisms of the older movies (especially the prequels that resembled video games) is that there wasn't much threat or urgency to the action. It was almost cartoonish. In this, however, there is an edge to the fighting and a subtle brutality that is more authentic and involving.

I think a couple of scenes don't quite work, and it sags a little bit in the middle, but this is a great movie. There are many unanswered questions, which is fun, as we have to remember that this is the first of three parts. But what a start to this new story.

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Star Wars the force awakens:

8:5/10 it certainly gave me hope that the franchise was no longer a failure. I cannot wait to see how they proceed.

Now I get to rematch the original trilogy this weekend after watching the prequels the last few nights.

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