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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The revenant - not my kind of film, great acting though.

Spectre - decent enough watch

Sicario - confusing awful film, very disappointed. Trailer looked insane

Legend - again great acting from hardy on Ron Kray but found it a bit boring

The next three days - the best of the lot I thought ( on Netflix )

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Spotlight was excellent, All The Presidents Men II, but better. Didn't pull any punches but didn't over sentimentalise either. Half expected a BBC style statement at the end.."Other religions, schisms and sects are also guilty of abuse."

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Triple 9

Thumbs down on this one from me. Some decent moments in there, but ultimately, it was filled with shit characters that I didn't care about. Everything was hollow and now that I think back, I can barely remember anything that happened. That's not a good sign for any movie.


Not sure I'd say Spotlight is QUITE as good as All the President's Men, but it does deserve the comparisons, and it's not that far off. It's a near classic, and one of the best movies of the century so far.

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Not long back from seeing Deadpool. 9/10

I thought it was brilliant, laughed nearly the whole way through. Ryan Reynolds was superb and Morena Baccarin is an absolute wid.

I agree with what someone else said in this thread, could have easily watched for another 30 mins. Looking forward to the next one already.

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Watched the remake of Robocop on C4 the other night against my better judgement. It was as pish as I thought it would be, totally lacking in the dark humour and violence of the original. I kind of got the impression that there was a slightly better film lying on the cutting room floor after they tried to get that all important PG13 rating in the States.


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No idea. Had been out for my birthday lunch and didn't even make it through the credits before having a lager-induced Sunday nap.

You should try and watch it again sometime. The opening alone is amazing although the rest is just as good.
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The opening montage of Up is fucking scarring. I leave the room for a few minutes any time the wean puts it on.

Anyway, Shandon might be referring to Russ Meyer's Up! for all we know. If so, he missed an even bigger treat.

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No idea. Had been out for my birthday lunch and didn't even make it through the credits before having a lager-induced Sunday nap.

I came on to comment on this but a few others have said what I was going to say about the opening 15 minutes or so. Pixar are truly the masters at getting grown men to greet.
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Winter In Wartime

Pretty good Dutch film set near the end of WW2 in a German occupied small town in Holland. Seen very much through the eyes of a fourteen year old boy who wants to do his bit for the Resistance by helping an RAF pilot who has crash landed in the woods. Some pretty good and emotional scenes in the snow covered landscape with a good twist near the end.


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Perfect Stranger - After her childhood friend is murdered, Halle Berry's investigative journalist stalks high-powered ad exec Bruce Willis, with whom her friend had been having an affair.

Odd thriller than never quite involves, mainly due to having a p***kly and unsympathetic heroine. Not sure if the wife and I were tired, but it doesn't seem to do a very good job of connecting events, so there was a fair bit of "why is this happening?" going back and forth between us. Also feels way too self-aware in a post-Shyamalan way, constantly dangling red herrings and the promise of a big twist/twists. Not sure if something went awry between script and screen, but it feels a bit unsatisfying.

Also, Halle Berry clearly took this role for the wardrobe, as her character literally changes clothes in every scene, and it's usually into something slinky, figure-hugging, and expensive-looking. Poor Phoebe's brother looks like shit by comparison. 'Cause, y'know, he usually looks better than Halle Berry...good one, Dave :rolleyes:

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I came on to comment on this but a few others have said what I was going to say about the opening 15 minutes or so. Pixar are truly the masters at getting grown men to greet.

(See also Wall-E and Inside Out - the best Pixar films outside of Toy Story)


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