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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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The BFG - 4/10

Was really looking forward to it after loving the cartoon movie as a kid, but I never really felt any nostalgia during it.

Maybe it's because I was a kid but I always remember being a bit scared of the cartoon, so was hoping it was going to be a little bit darker but it was super kid friendly, which made it all a bit boring.

Thought the CGI was good for the most part and the little girl actress was really good, but that's about it.

I enjoyed Ghostbusters more and I gave that a 5/10 so this sits at at most a 4 for me.

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Purge election year.

Every film they take the death count a wee bit further. This 1 is pretty impressive.

Story is pretty good with our hero with the help of a few supporters protecting the senator who wants to ban Purge night.

Won't ruin any spoilers for you. It's what we've come to expect from the purge franchise.


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Author: The J T Leroy Story - 7.5/10

Absolutely nutty doc about a writer (had anyone else heard of them because it seems like they were pretty well known in the late 90s/early 00s but I hadn't?) who wasn't at all who anyone thought they were. V much recommended.

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It's Such A Beautiful Day - 9/10. Don't know if this can be classed as a film since it only really goes on for an hour, but I watched this on Netflix last night and its amazing. Easy to compare it to Anomalisa because of the subject matter and the fact that its animated, but this is well worth a watch.

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The Falls - unrated


Peter Greenaway mock documentary. Think this is in my favourite 20 or so films but I'm not recommending it as it appeals to a certain kind of pedantic prat (like me). 3 hours long detailing an unexplained event that has affected 19 million people worldwide. The film deals with 92 of them (all the ones whose surname begins FALL) in approximately 2 minute bursts. I just can't think of another film that is remotely like this, nor would I know where to begin rating it

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Suicide Squad - 4/10. Not great. Very, very different to how it was being advertised I thought. Funless, humourless, and the storyline wasn't great in the sense that they just rushed most of the characters introductions. Exceptional performance from Margot Robbie though. Aside from the fact that she's utterly gorgeous, she was fantastic as Harley Quinn. Thought Will Smith was fairly decent as well. Jared Leto is a fucking rubbish Joker. Tried to hard to imitate Heath Ledger's interpretation of him, when he really should have left that and tried to make his own stamp on it.

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Author: The J T Leroy Story - 7.5/10

Absolutely nutty doc about a writer (had anyone else heard of them because it seems like they were pretty well known in the late 90s/early 00s but I hadn't?) who wasn't at all who anyone thought they were. V much recommended.

I read "The Heart is Deceitful Above All Things" in the early 00's. Pretty dark stuff from memory. Only work I read of hers.
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I picked up the Batman Vs Superman : Ultimate Edition on blu-ray and I have to say I really enjoyed it.

I've not seen the cut that was released in the cinema, so I'm not sure what has been added.  Certainly, there is some fairly graphic violence in this version that I'm pretty sure wouldn't have been in the cinematic cut, but as for actual plot points I can't say one way or the other if it improves on it.

Sure, it's a bit slow in points and they've tried to shoehorn in the Justice League characters, but there is a lot to like.  I can see where the criticism about it being too "dark" has come from, but I thought there was a fair bit of humour running through it, mostly the interaction between Bruce Wayne and Alfred (Jeremy Irons is excellent in a fairly small role). Ben Affleck is really good as an older, bitter Batman as well.

I actually like Henry Cavill as Superman as well, and really liked Man of Steel, but he almost feels like a supporting character in what really should be his film.

Jesse Eisenberg is utterly horrific as Lex Luthor, though, but I detest him as an actor, so wasn't expecting much anyway.


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