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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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4 hours ago, KnightswoodBear said:

I picked up the Batman Vs Superman : Ultimate Edition on blu-ray and I have to say I really enjoyed it.

I've not seen the cut that was released in the cinema, so I'm not sure what has been added.  Certainly, there is some fairly graphic violence in this version that I'm pretty sure wouldn't have been in the cinematic cut, but as for actual plot points I can't say one way or the other if it improves on it.

Sure, it's a bit slow in points and they've tried to shoehorn in the Justice League characters, but there is a lot to like.  I can see where the criticism about it being too "dark" has come from, but I thought there was a fair bit of humour running through it, mostly the interaction between Bruce Wayne and Alfred (Jeremy Irons is excellent in a fairly small role). Ben Affleck is really good as an older, bitter Batman as well.

I actually like Henry Cavill as Superman as well, and really liked Man of Steel, but he almost feels like a supporting character in what really should be his film.

Jesse Eisenberg is utterly horrific as Lex Luthor, though, but I detest him as an actor, so wasn't expecting much anyway.


I thought it was a nice enough film to look at, I quite like Snyders visual style, but the actual story is steaming pile of shite that just discards everything that makes Batman = Batman and Superman = Superman. 


Far too much of the film just felt 'off' and out of character, Batman doesn't kill anyone let alone hundreds of baddies and he's also split second away from killing SM who is saved by having a mother with the same name WTF??

Wonder Woman was great though, sadly Lex Luthor was terrible and I usually quite like Jesse Eisenberg, horribly miscast imo.  


And what the flying f**k was going on with the Batman with guns dream? I'm assuming that was one of the 'extra' scenes as it felt like they'd introduced Batman to an Expendables movie.


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39 minutes ago, Tommy Nooka said:

I thought it was a nice enough film to look at, I quite like Snyders visual style, but the actual story is steaming pile of shite that just discards everything that makes Batman = Batman and Superman = Superman. 

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Far too much of the film just felt 'off' and out of character, Batman doesn't kill anyone let alone hundreds of baddies and he's also split second away from killing SM who is saved by having a mother with the same name WTF??

Wonder Woman was great though, sadly Lex Luthor was terrible and I usually quite like Jesse Eisenberg, horribly miscast imo.  

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And what the flying f**k was going on with the Batman with guns dream? I'm assuming that was one of the 'extra' scenes as it felt like they'd introduced Batman to an Expendables movie.



Yeah, the whole "WTF our mums have the same name??! Let's be friends" bit was cringeworthy

With regards to the dream sequence, I think I'm right in saying that there's a Superman story that involves Lois being killed and Superman goes completely off the rails and ends up carrying out Darksied's (sp) bidding, his symbol was the huge Omega sign in the ground.  The Flash was trying to tell him that "Lois is the key".  Now, I only have a very limited knowledge of that, but someone watching with no knowledge of it would be totally confused by it.  In that respect it was very poorly done.


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Under duress the other night I got forced into watching a film called "The Perfect Guy" which I expected to be a real chick flick.

At the start it gave the warnings of "violence" and "adult themes" so of course I knew it wouldn't be too bad but I was genuinely surprised by how good a film it was. Not great but certainly worth watching and quite short so held the attention well.


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Went to see The Suicide Squad today. Can see why it's divided many people. I didn't really know what was going on for chunks of it. I thought the big baddie was kind of laughable, rather than threatening. Don't know if that was down to campy acting or dodgy CGI. Also, didn't understand why the world was ending but the baddie doing it couldn't beat half a dozen folk armed with a couple of guns, a couple of boomerangs and a baseball bat in a square go. Difficulty suspending the disbelief. 

Also noticed with the last few DC films they don't seem to have a problem with thousands/tens of thousands of innocent people dieing. Whether its buildings falling over when Superman and Zod fight, or the mass destruction during the Doomsday fight, this had more mass meaningless destruction and presumed loss of life on a grand scale.

This is very picky but I got annoyed that once again a lead female character in a superhero ensemble film is the one standing behind the bar serving drinks to the others. And there was no need for those tiny little shorts Harley Quinn was wearing. Come on it's 2016. Robbie was very good but some of her punchlines didn't click, which is a shame. Also at times this came across as a Will Smith movie, which is fine he's a good/great actor. But again, this was supposed to be more of an ensemble film. 

Having said all that I can see why people like it. It turns into a fairly formulaic buddy/action movie. It's just that's not really what it's supposed to be (in my opinion). It had the potential to have been so much more. Parts of it however, were pretty enjoyable and I guess overall it's decent. It's not a huvty but there are worse ways to pass a couple hours. 

For me it's a 6/10

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Under duress the other night I got forced into watching a film called "The Perfect Guy" which I expected to be a real chick flick.

At the start it gave the warnings of "violence" and "adult themes" so of course I knew it wouldn't be too bad but I was genuinely surprised by how good a film it was. Not great but certainly worth watching and quite short so held the attention well.


Did you mean Mr.Right with Sam Rockwell and Tim Roth? I wanted to see it months ago but it totally passed by me at the cinema. Managed to catch it last night on a flight and I thought it was really decent entertainment.

I also watched...Zoolander 2, shit. The Boss, average but pretty funny in places. Keanu, a dead on 5/10 and Sing Street which was absolutely superb, really loved it (despite watching it during a 10 hour flight in the middle of a five film binge.
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4 hours ago, stumigoo said:


Did you mean Mr.Right with Sam Rockwell and Tim Roth? I wanted to see it months ago but it totally passed by me at the cinema. Managed to catch it last night on a flight and I thought it was really decent entertainment.



No mate I mean The Perfect Guy.

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On 11/08/2016 at 13:54, Tommy Nooka said:

I thought it was a nice enough film to look at, I quite like Snyders visual style, but the actual story is steaming pile of shite that just discards everything that makes Batman = Batman and Superman = Superman. 

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Far too much of the film just felt 'off' and out of character, Batman doesn't kill anyone let alone hundreds of baddies and he's also split second away from killing SM who is saved by having a mother with the same name WTF??

Wonder Woman was great though, sadly Lex Luthor was terrible and I usually quite like Jesse Eisenberg, horribly miscast imo.  

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And what the flying f**k was going on with the Batman with guns dream? I'm assuming that was one of the 'extra' scenes as it felt like they'd introduced Batman to an Expendables movie.



On 11/08/2016 at 14:38, KnightswoodBear said:
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Yeah, the whole "WTF our mums have the same name??! Let's be friends" bit was cringeworthy

With regards to the dream sequence, I think I'm right in saying that there's a Superman story that involves Lois being killed and Superman goes completely off the rails and ends up carrying out Darksied's (sp) bidding, his symbol was the huge Omega sign in the ground.  The Flash was trying to tell him that "Lois is the key".  Now, I only have a very limited knowledge of that, but someone watching with no knowledge of it would be totally confused by it.  In that respect it was very poorly done.


The whole film would've been better if they'd done a standalone Batman film before it, I think. Afflecks Batman is meant to a darker, bitter version who's grown tired of fighting villains and is realising the only way to get rid of threats is to kill them, while also feeling inadequate and unneeded due to Supermans appearance. They tried to explain it but they sort of just wedged it in and you skim over it really.

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The White Ribbon (2009)

Watched this on the back of it winning Albino Rover's excellent Euro 2016 Move Edition. It's an excellent piece of storytelling about strange things that happen in a small village in Germany just before World War 1. What does it all mean, is it some sort of ritual punishment and who is responsible?

Very effectively filmed in black and white with no soundtrack and although it's about two and a half hours long I actually wanted it go on longer to try and find some unanswered questions. Lots of different interpretations about what it all means and it's one of those films that you'll want to watch again and again to make more sense of all the sub plots going on.


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1 hour ago, stumigoo said:


Apologies, I skimmed your post and thought it sounded like Mr.Right.


Apology accepted.


What is Mr Right like/about?  Or is it just like the film I described?  (not being a c**t I'm generally interested).


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YouTube were running banner ads for that Shallows film a week or two back; all the clips consisted of panning shots of Ms Lively's body. Been a while since I've seen film advertising that was quite so brazen. Bit surprising that it's apparently quite good.

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14 hours ago, Dindeleux said:

Apology accepted.


What is Mr Right like/about?  Or is it just like the film I described?  (not being a c**t I'm generally interested).


It's a comedy about Sam Rockwell who is an assassin of sorts (he kills the people who hired him to kill other people). He meets Anna Kendrick who is a bit of a mentalist because she has just broken up with someone and they then hit it off. All the while there is some storyline involving Tim Roth's character trying to track down Sam Rockwell and a group of gangsters.

I would recommend it. Rockwell is great (as he is in everything) and it is a pretty funny action comedy. 

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A couple of films with the family..


MIdnight Special

A chase movie with a family protecting their boy from pretty much everyone - a cult, the government. Classy film - same writer as Mud and Take Shelter and he treats the younger audience with the same respect. Probably a bit slow for some. 8/10


Tale of Princess Kaguya

Just superb. 9//10 


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Went to see Jason Bourne yesterday. I was falling asleep before it even started due to jet lag but I was kept entertained for the most part. Same formula, same director so I knew what to expect but it was a good watch. 

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10 Cloverfield Lane - 5.5/10

I really wanted to like this as I loved Cloverfield and always wanted to see a film in the same universe. For me though, that's where lies the problem. If the film were released under a different title and was not marketed under the Cloverfield banner then the suspense could have been more palpable and the mystery greater, however, I spent the entire movie waiting for the reveal which, when it came, was underwhelming.

It would have been nice getting to know Mary Elizabeth Winstead's character a bit more before the bunker as she seemed to go form flakey mess to badass and back quite quickly. There wasn't much in the way of development there. 

John Goodman was absolutely terrific though and this must rank as one of the best performances of his career. I really want to rate it higher as there were some brilliant moments but, on the whole, I think it was just OK.

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