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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Windtalkers (Netflix)

Nic Cage WW2  flick . It's central story is the Navajo Indians who spoke in their native tounge as radio code to confuse the Japanese which lead to successful missions and many marines lives saved, sadly this isn't given enough promanance in the film and instead it's too much of a Cage on edge breakdown movie , action scenes are good but a bit disappointing in the end 5/10


Shot Caller(SKY)

the guy who plays Jamie Lannister in Game of Thrones leads in a prison drama , pretty good 7/10


Edited by Co.Down Hibee
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Yellow Submarine

Went to Glasgow Film Theatre yesterday to see the 50th anniversary screening. Absolutely fantastic experience, no adverts or trailers straight in to the film. a near packed house of all ages and then a glorious hour and a half of pop art, psychedelia and surrealism all mixed together with so many great songs. The Eleanor Rigby sequence in particular is just stunning. Perfect end to the film too when The Beatles themselves appear and as the credits rolled there was spontaneous applause, first time I've experienced that at the pictures.

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16 hours ago, tongue_tied_danny said:

I'm on a bit of a Bond thing at the moment so far today I've watched...

A View To A Kill

Typical Bond fare.




A View To A Kill is possibly my favourite (replacing The Man With The Golden Gun). Saw it a the cinema with my grandpa. He fell asleep early on and it started again right after the first showing so I got to see it twice. 

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Odeon Luxe, Wester Hailes

I don't think a film could be much further up my street than this. Homages galore to other horror films but done respectfully and reverentially. A bit of The Shining, a dash of The Ring, a healthy dose of Wicker Man and plenty of the nastiness of the video nasty era. The viewer is way ahead of the characters. There's nothing subtle or left to interpretation. You can see what's happening and the delight comes from it dawning on them. It's OTT to full-blown bonkers but is full of little moments of comedy (providing your humour is pretty macabre). My favourite horror since (and polar opposite of) Under The Skin. There's an early scene that passes briefly where the dad of the family takes a phonecall and you can just about hear that it's the funeral home saying granny's grave has been desecrated. The pay-off is one of the most memorable/horrifying things I've seen. Told the missus it was a rom-com but the helpful usher on the way in said "ooh, I'm still terrified after seeing it". She stuck it out though. 


Kermode and Mayo roped in super stand-in Robbie Collin to debate it on Friday. Robbie loves it, Kermode hates it (and completely misses the humour in it). 


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23 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Kermode is a bit of a dick though who long ago became a parody of himself 

I much prefer his stand-ins. Could listen to Robbie Collin all day. He must have been a couple of years below me at Uni but I don't remember him. 

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5 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

I much prefer his stand-ins. Could listen to Robbie Collin all day. He must have been a couple of years below me at Uni but I don't remember him. 

I like Robbie Collin a lot too and I find he's a decent gauge for what's good or bad. I lost a lot of respect for Kermode with his trenchant opinion that the Twilight movies were anything other than utter tosh. Also, The Exorcist is a dreadful pick for favourite movie, but I say that as someone who, at a conservative estimate, has seen Jaws 2 over 120 times. Despite this, I agree with Kermode more often than I disagree with him.

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Oceans 8 - 6/10.

There was just something about this film that I didn't enjoy as much as the previous films.  It was too fast and there really wasn't any tension.  At no point were you thinking that they might not manage to complete the heist. 

The acting is good though but you don't really get to learn anything about each character.  In Oceans 11 I loved the majority of the cast - they all had their own personalities and they interlinked to create some fine dialogue.  Here though you barely get to know half the people other than the fact that they have a certain talent that helps with the heist.

It could have been so much better.

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Well, this movie is great fun. Pretty much every character that even has a slightly prominent role is brilliant. The plot is pretty much what you'd expect, but despite there being no real shocks along the way, it's still fucking hilarious.



A pretty good and tense movie about two mates who go for a hunting trip and things take a turn for the worse. A movie more interested in ratcheting up the tension than going for the juggular and for the most part it pays off, but the big flaw is that there's a few secondary characters in there, and outside of one, none of them are much more than one dimensional nobodies. Still though, minor gripe. It's a fun ride.


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Game Night...4/10
Only watched this as I liked Jason Bateman in Ozark. Utterly dreadful with just a handful of funny moments and after an hour I couldn't wait for it to just end.

I really liked it - pushing myself at some points.

A bit of flying recently so saw a few films.

Greatest Showman - loved it, I “think” I might really like musicals 8.5/10

The Prestige - 8/10 - loved the period magic stuff.

Made In America - was a night flight so pretty tired but fairly sure I enjoyed it 7/10
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Never Say Never Again

Sean Connery places a dodgy syrup on top of his napper and stars as James Bond in this spy thriller.  Now this is an "unofficial" Bond movie. It was not made by EON and it shows. It has the feel of a bad 80s B movie with terrible special effects and ropey incidental music. Rowan Atkinson, Pat Roach and Derek Deadman all make cameo apearrances.  Kim Basinger is the obligatory eye candy but somehow doesn't match up to the usual Bond girls.

All in all this was pretty terrible.


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Death Wish (2018)

Was in two minds whether to bother with this but actually quite enjoyed it. Predictable but enjoyable performance by Bruce Willis. Might need to rewatch the original as I recall enjoying it at the time.


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