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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Sin City - 8/10

Missing something, not sure what.  Maybe too samey throughout? Good to have a movie where almost anyone can be killed though!


Thought it was probably 8.5 or 9 out of 10. Just as well it was in black and white for me as I'd have probably seen my lunch again had it been in colour :unsure:

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I saw saw at the weekend and it was good. 6/10

i also watched a film called forrest gump, which I had never seen before. Pile of pish. 2/10


Do you know you can change your username ? Contact Div

Also 'traytoring', what does that mean ?? Better using 'treacherous' perhaps ? :smartass

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Closer. Apart from Clive Owen being in it, it told none of the usual lies about love.



:o i take it that its a really girly movie then? since all the reviews from men say its worse than titanic :lol:

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Guest Raul Duke
Watched Napoleon Dynamite on friday. Funny as f'ck! 9 out of 10. Watch it!


it looks hilarious!

might give it a whirl.

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Watched Napoleon Dynamite on friday. Funny as f'ck! 9 out of 10. Watch it!


Great film, funny as hell. You need to have a certain sense of humor to find it funny, the comedy isnt blatent comedy. A few people i watched it with didnt laugh once throughout and they didnt really get the idea of the film at all.

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Great film, funny as hell. You need to have a certain sense of humor to find it funny, the comedy isnt blatent comedy. A few people i watched it with didnt laugh once throughout and they didnt really get the idea of the film at all.


from the clips i've seen it looks quite funny. I can only vaguely remember laughing at him saying something about a liger and about 'doing some neat jumps'.

reckon it will appeal to my sense of humour - as it is pretty warped at times! :lol:

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:o i take it that its a really girly movie then? since all the reviews from men say its worse than titanic :lol:


Natalie Portman, Clive Owen, Julia Roberts and Jude Law all just f**k around in that little foresome (at seperate points) and hurt each other. It's quite cruel :o

There is some great eye candy.

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Guest thebullywee
I have just watched terminal. I didn't think i'd like it as i dont like Kathryn Zeta Jones. But i was surprised it was realy good. :thumsup2


Yeah i thought the terminal was great as well. I watched it FOR Kathryn Zeta Jones :P:lol:

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Yeah i thought the terminal was great as well. I watched it FOR Kathryn Zeta Jones :P  :lol:


:lol: I just dont like her acting,it wasn't too bad as she wasn't in this film a lot of the time. B)

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it looks hilarious!

might give it a whirl.


I actually think it looks shite :o

Natalie Portman, Clive Owen, Julia Roberts and Jude Law all just f**k around in that little foresome (at seperate points) and hurt each other. It's quite cruel  :o

There is some great eye candy.


So its just like this years love then......

ill give it a miss :lol::lol:

as for the terminal (forgot to quote someone), i enjoyed it too. Dont mind Mrs douglas that much, certainly not the worst actress in the world. Quite like Tom Hanks actually :o

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I actually think it looks shite  :o

So its just like this years love then......

ill give it a miss  :lol:  :lol:

as for the terminal (forgot to quote someone), i enjoyed it too. Dont mind Mrs douglas that much, certainly not the worst actress in the world. Quite like Tom Hanks actually  :o


Tom Hanks is good in this film,i didn't like the look of castaway.

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