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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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12 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Rewatched ‘Looking For Eric’ for the first time in years.  Funny film.

Yeah, OK, Ken does occasionally do humour (and do it very well), but even then, it comes from a bit of a dark place. The multi-Cantona stuff is quality.

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027 -- The Lost City. Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum embody Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas in a bit of a Romancing the Stone reboot. This film has been made so many times -- Uncharted and Jungle Cruise just in the last few months -- but Bullock and Tatum have incredible chemistry, the script is witty and zippy without being overly self-aware, although could maybe have done with just a few more thrills. Brad Pitt's contribution to the movie was amazing. A bit of a reinvention of the genre and probably the most fun I've had at the cinema this year. 9/10

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9 hours ago, MSU said:

027 -- The Lost City. Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum embody Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas in a bit of a Romancing the Stone reboot. This film has been made so many times -- Uncharted and Jungle Cruise just in the last few months -- but Bullock and Tatum have incredible chemistry, the script is witty and zippy without being overly self-aware, although could maybe have done with just a few more thrills. Brad Pitt's contribution to the movie was amazing. A bit of a reinvention of the genre and probably the most fun I've had at the cinema this year. 9/10

I was pishing myself at the trailer, so I'm looking forward to seeing this at the pictures. Glad to see it lives up to its promise.


Angelina Jolie stars as a CIA spy in a plot about a possible Russian mole in her unit. It's enjoyable with game turns from Liev Shreiber and Chiwetel Ejiofor as fellow agents. Jolie is one of my favourite actors and is probably the most beautifully charismatic women I've ever seen. I'd rate her reading the phonebook as a solid 10/10 so I'm not the most objective critic. You saw the twist coming a mile off but it was a fun journey. Some of the action sequences were daft and required a bit of suspension of disbelief, but others had me on the edge of my seat. Decent effort 7.5/10.

Edited by velo army
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Jean-Luc Godard movie from 1968 about a young couple on a journey through the French countryside, who encounter all kinds of fucked up situations. One minute they're stuck in a traffic jam, the next they're fighting off violent carjackers.

A pretty pointless film TBH. It had some good visuals but the plot was non existent.



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Shooters - Set in Liverpool. It was loosely based on a real story. Liverpool Gangsters turn on each other. No script and it used local criminals. Its actually quite a decent movie though obviously low budget. It fits in to the gritty realism of UK movies like Nil by Mouth.  

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6 minutes ago, BigDoddyKane said:

Shooters - Set in Liverpool. It was loosely based on a real story. Liverpool Gangsters turn on each other. No script and it used local criminals. Its actually quite a decent movie though obviously low budget. It fits in to the gritty realism of UK movies like Nil by Mouth.  

I remember seeing that when it came out but had completely forgotten what it was called. Lots wrong with it but the bits that worked really stuck with me. 

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On 01/04/2022 at 15:13, Arch Stanton said:



Saw that recently on Netflix and immediately thought of that too! Decent film. Knew of the story but read up a little after and it was even more grim than I realised.

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A deeply ridiculous film. One of the most ludicrous pieces of nonsense I've seen in a long time. Patrick Wilson, Halle Berry (still looking very good) and Sam from Game of Thrones all star.

[spoilers]Basically, the moon is a big c**t that is actually a mega structure invented by humanity's ancestors to flee sentient, evil AI. These ancestors seeded the earth, thus humans. The evil AI has been searching the galaxy for the escaped moon. One had found it. Years earlier on a NASA mission, it attacked some fuckers and one astronaut got blamed and it was covered up. Ten years later and the moon is acting up. It's the evil AI making the moon attack the earth. The disgraced astronaut has to go back in to space to fight it.[/spoiler]

I enjoyed it a lot. 7/10.

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The Bubble on netflix

Fucking crap, one of the worst films I have seen, truly dreadful. Can't even say it is mindless fun for two hours, is in so bad it is annoying. 

The plot is, a dreadful fantasy franchise is making another remake but due to covid, they are in a bubble. There are about 30 different sub plots, all are crap and unimportant. a lot of cameos that are dreadful as well. 

Not even in the so bad it's good type way. just really bad.  


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028 -- Compartment No. 6. One of the best things about the pandemic seems to be that foreign-language movies have a far better chance of making it to my wee town in the midwest. I've no idea what the co-relation is but it's definitely a thing. But for every The Worst Person in the World, there's a Compartment No. 6. This Finnish / Russian effort is about a Finnish student living in Moscow who goes on a train trip north 1,200 miles to Murmansk to see some petroglyphs and in doing so has to share a compartment with a gruff Russian miner who tries to sexually assualt her within five minutes of meeting her. Over the course of the journey, they develop an unlikely friendship. I feel like I missed something in this and came out with more questions than answers, and little in the way of enthusiasm to find out. A generous 4/10 because it was interesting, I suppose, seeing parts of Russian life in an unspecified year that I'd never seen before.

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The Bed Sitting Room (1969)
An anti-war comedy based on a play by Spike Milligan and directed by Richard Lester, it's totally bonkers, absurd and surreal in equal measure. A fantastic cast including Spike, Pete and Dudley, Roy Kinnear, Arthur Lowe and Ralph Richardson playing Lord Fortnum who mutates into a bed sitting room, yes I did say that!! Loved this so much and will be watching another of Lester's anti-war comedy films tonight, How I Won The War.

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Not done this in a wee while so bit of a backlog. Three are missing to lump in together. 

40. The Duke (2022)* - Cinema

It's British Old People Cinema - the worst genre itw. If you're the one person in the world who finds the old man at the football's daft asides funny then this might be for you. 

41. The Princess Bride (1987) - DVD

Enjoyable fairytale that most people have probably seen. Never strays too far into self-importance or embarrassment which is important for something like this. 

42. Election (1999)* - BBC Three

Starts out like Rushmore and ends more like American Beauty. The setup is absolutely top notch, entertainingly fleshing out the main players and establishing their conflicts and motivations for what's to come. It also does the Wants v Needs thing set out in this video really well:

The central characters all* have the same basic need but the plot is driven by their wants/desires and the perils of chasing them at all costs. Their needs effectively drive their wants but they just don't know that so constantly strive for superficial, temporary resolutions to solve their dissatisfaction with life. It also goes on for 15 minutes longer than it could have done which is actually good. If it finished 15 minutes earlier then it could have been wrapped up adequately but that extra time ties up the themes and arcs really, really well. 

*bar Paul who provides a kick of empty-headed neutrality which slots in nicely

43. Booksmart (2019) - BBC iPlayer

Perhaps I Treated You Too Harshly | Know Your Meme

The first time I saw this, I just couldn't get over how much of an a-hole Molly was, and her arc didn't manage to resolve that for me. She was still as much of an a-hole second time around but her redemption felt a bit more sincere rather than used as justification. In fact, pretty much all of the film's cast of characters have a nice wee pay-off both narratively and emotionally which makes the world feel more fleshed out. Wilde also uses different genre styles to sort of represent the different factions of high school which is funky. 

44. Clueless (1995)* - Sky Cinema

This was great until it wasn't. They constructed a really funny high school world and dialogue style but just lost their way with what to do with it around halfway through. Sad. 

45. Anastasia (1956)* - Film4

Is People in Fancy Clothes Talk in Big Rooms a genre in and of itself? Yes imo. 

46. Dude Where's My Car? (2000) - Channel 4

I want this remade as an entirely straight paranoid thriller where a hungover teenager tries to piece together their drunken antics from the night before and face up to the personality duality of binge drinking. It would be the greatest film of all time. 

49. Red Rocket (2022)* - Cinema

This is class. Sean Baker creates these simple, everyday stories that place the audience as voyeurs of struggle and it’s fascinating watching the characters adapt to shite circumstances they find themselves in. Red Rocket is interested in webs of exploitation and what that does to people, all from the perspective of one of the biggest a-hole main characters you’ll see on film this year. Watching him wreak havoc on a group of people who have very little anyway is captivating and it runs parallel, almost allegorically, with its political messaging.

The film looks amazing too. It sort of took its cinematography and the connotations of that grainy, chilled look and used that to question depressing reflection and optimistic anticipation.

50. Not Another Teen Movie (2001)* - Sky Cinema

I went down a wee bit of a rabbit hole with teen movies so decided to give the “spoof” a go. There are mostly two things I enjoy about teen movies: 1) the language of them – the dialogue is said sincerely yet can raise a smile effortlessly, and 2) they’re completely inconsequential yet they mean everything for the characters. These mean you can create stupid-ass flicks that are entertaining and have both no stakes and all the stakes in the world. At their best, they’re easy watches without making you feel like you’re wasting your time. However, they’re generally very self-aware and often parodies of themselves which makes a spoof largely pointless. When the thing you’re parodying is already high on the stupid scale, there’s nowhere for you to go beyond more boobs and more “gross out” moments. 

51. Kimi (2022)* - Sky Cinema

Quite an odd one. Very contemporary with its technology and references to COVID but has a tone and music that frame it as Hitchcock-esque. It all felt very self-contained in that there was a wee conspiracy contained to a handful of characters, it may well have been filmed in a couple of days, no one will remember it after a week, and Soderbergh will go out and release another couple of films within the year. If the story was more engaging then it would’ve been a fun caper.

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029 -- A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charles Swan III (#1 in a series of working my way chronologically through movies distributed by A24, just coz) Ooft. One wonders what it was about writer and director Roman Coppola that got producers to greenlight this heap of keech. The influence of Wes Anderson is pretty clear in this tale of a graphic designer, Charlie Sheen, who is dumped by his girlfriend and tailspins into a midlife crisis told through a series of barely related fantasy sequences. The only thing worse than the movie is how it obviously thinks it's great and hilarious and worthy. Actually impressive how Jason Schwartzman, Bill Murray, Patricia Arquette, Aubrey Plaza and Mary Elizabeth Winstead could all be involved in something as bad as this. The first movie since Your Highness that I've wanted to punch. 0.5/10

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030 -- Ginger & Rosa (#2 in the A24 series). Much better than that Charles Swan shite. It's one of those British indie movies that's full of American and Australian actors putting on British accents while Timothy Spall broods in the corner somewhere, pronouncing things properly. Elle Fanning and Alice Englert are the titular friends, born at the same time in neighbouring beds at the end of WWII, who find themselves 17 under the shadow of nuclear destruction. Their friendship is put to the test when Ginger's creepy af dad attracts the attention of Rosa. It's quite interesting from a perspective of kids behaving like adults while their parents behave like kids, and it doesn't resolve everything it sets up, but the central performances are so good, particularly Fanning, it's just about worth a watch. 6/10

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Marilyn Hotchkiss' Ballroom Dancing and Charm School (2005)

This popped up on Prime and I thought, "Oh aye, there's a Robert Carlyle film I've not seen". As the bold Robert doesn't do many poor films, I gave it a go and, tbh, was pretty well blindsided by a great wee romance/flashback/redemption tale. As far from Begbie as you can imagine, his character, a widowed baker, keeps an appointment on behalf of an RTA victim and finds a way to move on with his own life. One scene near the end absolutely yanks the heartstrings.

I must be getting to be an old softie, but an easy 8 out of 10. Recommended.



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