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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Watched a couple of films over the weekend.

Die Hard 4.0

Good, solid action movie, which pushed all the right buttons. I felt it was a bit detached from the others in the series, and played out more like an episode of '24' than a Die Hard film. Good stuff though, a classic 'switch the brain off' movie.


Hostel Part II

I really enjoyed the first one, and was looking forward to seeing this, and for the first 3/4 of the film, it was rolling along, every bit as good, if not better than the first one. Certainly seemed to have a bit more depth. Then it all got really silly really quickly, and completely ruined what could have been a decent 'horror' flick. Awful, awful ending


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The Mummy 3 : Tomb Of The Dragon Emporer

Didn't think this film would be good as The Mummy 2 was pretty woeful, but was surprised when I watched it. There is a different mummy to deal with, not Imhotep and the storyline is better. Some very good action scenes in the film and the battle scene in the end is brilliant graphically and is exciting.

9/10 :D Overall, a good watch

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Watched The Dark Knight yesterday. I thought it was fantastic, great performances from all of the leads. I know everyone's slevering over Heath Ledger, but he really was brilliant in it. The pace of the film is excellent, for a two and a half hour flick I never really felt a lull.


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Over the past couple of weeks ive watched:

The Shining 10/10

Absolutely fantastic, one of my favourite films of all time.

Vantage Point 8/10

Great story line and a great conclusion

Golden Compass 8/10

Great film. Ending was not like the book though...only complaint.

Love Guru 7/10

Good jokes, very like Austin Powers but a let down when compared to it. Pretty funny in many places.

Halloween (Original) 6/10

Wasnt impressed by it at all, maybe its because it is an older film, very predictable in places.

28 Weeks Later 8/10

Good sequel after a fantastic first film, Caryle's performance and the ending was brilliant!

Flood 5/10

Average good special effects though.

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Watched a few films over the last few weeks

Scarface - 8.5/10

Just finished watching it for the 1st time, a very good film. Al Pacino is shit hot in it. Hides its age well considering its 25 years old.

Heat - 8.5/10

Another good film with Al Pacino, except this time he's the good guy, De Niro is also superb in it.

Blood Diamond - 8/10

Good film, enjoyed it alot. Djimin Houson (guy from Gladiator) is very good in it.

Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanemo Bay - 3/10

I wish they hadn't escaped going by what I watched of this film. Quite enjoyed the 1st one but switched this off after bout 45mins, A bit pish.

Flags of Our Fathers -7/10

Wasnt what I was expecting really, I thought it was going to be a typical war film ala Private Ryan, but its more to do with the story of the guys after they return back to America, with flashbacks to when they were fighting. Not a bad film by any means, just not what I was expecting.

The Freightners - 6.5/10

Comedy / Horro with Michael J Fox, only picked it up because it was cheap on HD-DVD, nothing perticulary special about it but worth the watching.

This Is England - 9/10

Another tremendous film by Shane Meadows, equally as good as Dead Mans Shoes although not quite as action packed. Alot of good performances considering alot of the cast arent professional actors/actresses.

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The Dark Knight

Went to see it at the cinema last night, and I was just mesmerised. I needed a piss after about 45 minutes but I just couldn't leave, it was stunning. The story was excellent, the direction quite superb (

the bit where they cut between the Judge, Dent and the Commisioner had me on the edge of my seat

), and the acting by all characters was great.

But Heath Ledger, wow. I went in quite sceptical after all the praise, but it deserves more. He is fantastic, and I'd say that it will go down as one of the best performances in history, not just of recent times. He should win the Oscar, and it will not be because he's brown bread.

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Because you didn't get it. :P


I'm not sure what there was to 'get'. I understand why

the replicant didn't kill Deckard at the end and how Deckard learns what it is to be human almost, but apart from that I have no idea what you're talking about!

I did start watching it at half past 1 in the morning though, so I probably did miss a few things!

Edited by Seanaldinho
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Me and Jr have recently been to see Wall-E and The Dark Knight

Wall-E gets a solid 7/10. A lovely film with beautiful animation. The "message" isn't too preachy and the robots are well characterised. Fades a wee bit with the introduction of the humans but good fun nonetheless. Jr watched the start and the end but fell asleep in the middle - at least he saw the important parts.

The Dark Knight - 9/10. Given how much I disliked Batman Begins, this rectified pretty much everything I thought was wrong with it (rubbish villains, too dark, Katie Holmes, dull story). The 2 1/2 hours really flew in this time. Bale, Ledger, Eckhardt and Oldman were all tremendous and it really had me gripped. Ledger was pretty good as the Joker if a wee bit "Psycho by numbers". Jr only slept for about 20 minutes and got very animated towards the end whenever the Joker or Two Face were on screen so a big thumbs up from him too.

One question -

Right at the end, when Batman has the Joker dangling from the building and just before he heads off to sort out Two Face, did he just leave the Joker hanging for someone to come and arrest him? I think I looked away at that point due to baby.

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One question -

Right at the end, when Batman has the Joker dangling from the building and just before he heads off to sort out Two Face, did he just leave the Joker hanging for someone to come and arrest him? I think I looked away at that point due to baby.

Yes, The Joker is just laughing manically as the SWAT teams come to get him. In most Batman canon he is carted off to Arkham, where he eventually escapes as Bane breaks the prison walls.

Edited by Gaz
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One question -

Right at the end, when Batman has the Joker dangling from the building and just before he heads off to sort out Two Face, did he just leave the Joker hanging for someone to come and arrest him? I think I looked away at that point due to baby.

On top of Gaz's reply, I presume it was also intended to be left open for the Joker to return in a sequel if they wanted. Obviously they couldn't do that with Ledger but I guess it's a part that several others could play.

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My barside acquaintance Joe and I got talking the other night about his homeland, Ireland. As a result he lent me two DVD's so, as TV was shite last night, after the Kaunas v Rangers game (*snigger*) I watch the film Michael Collins starring Liam Neeson.

Fan-bloody-tastic, if on a tragic theme. I must have a follow up chat with Joe regarding Eamon DeValera's role in the uprising - he came across as a manipulative, opportunistic, back-stabbing wee shite in the film! :huh:

Edit: Forgot to add, the other DVD is The Wind That Shook The Barley - hopefully just as good!

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Yes, The Joker is just laughing manically as the SWAT teams come to get him. In most Batman canon he is carted off to Arkham, where he eventually escapes as Bane breaks the prison walls.

On top of Gaz's reply, I presume it was also intended to be left open for the Joker to return in a sequel if they wanted. Obviously they couldn't do that with Ledger but I guess it's a part that several others could play.

Cheers - I thought that was what happened - just didn't quite catch it!

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My barside acquaintance Joe and I got talking the other night about his homeland, Ireland. As a result he lent me two DVD's so, as TV was shite last night, after the Kaunas v Rangers game (*snigger*) I watch the film Michael Collins starring Liam Neeson.

Fan-bloody-tastic, if on a tragic theme. I must have a follow up chat with Joe regarding Eamon DeValera's role in the uprising - he came across as a manipulative, opportunistic, back-stabbing wee shite in the film! :huh:

Edit: Forgot to add, the other DVD is The Wind That Shook The Barley - hopefully just as good!

My good lady is on at me to watch both of them.

In return I'll make her watch Eraserhead :P

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