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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Ive seen neither of them but surely in 1974, slow zombies would be shit scary enough? ;)

Terminator 1, 2 and 3

8/10 for the lot.


Terminator 3 - 8/10, have you been drinking propanol?

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Flightplan (2005)

I went in to this with trepidation as I can't stand Jodie Foster, she reminds me of a young Annette Crosbie! A terrible, terrible actress, who makes Schwarzenegger's acting seem a whole lot less wooden.

However, I wasn't seeing the twist as I was going down the whole I hate you, you must be up to something bitch route.

When it happened it, along with a brilliant performance by Sean Bean, made it almost passable.


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Flightplan (2005)

I went in to this with trepidation as I can't stand Jodie Foster, she reminds me of a young Annette Crosbie! A terrible, terrible actress, who makes Schwarzenegger's acting seem a whole lot less wooden.

However, I wasn't seeing the twist as I was going down the whole I hate you, you must be up to something bitch route.

When it happened it, along with a brilliant performance by Sean Bean, made it almost passable.


I think you are being a bit harsh on Jodie Foster - I think her Clarice Starling has a quality which Julianne Moore's didn't.

Apart from the ludicrous

way in which she managed to blow up half the plane

, I thought it was a perfectly engaging 90 minute divertion.


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Flightplan (2005)

I went in to this with trepidation as I can't stand Jodie Foster, she reminds me of a young Annette Crosbie! A terrible, terrible actress, who makes Schwarzenegger's acting seem a whole lot less wooden.

However, I wasn't seeing the twist as I was going down the whole I hate you, you must be up to something bitch route.

When it happened it, along with a brilliant performance by Sean Bean, made it almost passable.


Saw this when it came out. I think 4 is a bit high. It is one of the poorest films I payed to see 2/10

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The Untouchables (1987)

Thoroughly enjoyed this. Sean Connery was great, in fact the whole cast were. But was it necessary to steal the extended pram-careening-down-the-stairs-amid-bullets scene from the old silent classic Battleship Potemkin?


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Night at the museum 2 - I was quite dissapointed in this as I really enjoyed the first one but there was really no point in this film, but still some decent bits in it and is funny in places.


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The Jerk.

A really funny film, pretty much just a constant barrage of hilarious and admittedly quite silly moments.

The fight with the mobsters at the poolside was sheer slapstick brilliance.

I wish Steve Martin still appeared in such films.


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Black Water (2007)

A fairly ridiculous film, which is basically just a rehash of every crocodile movie ever made, just filled with more plot holes than ever before! They build up the suspense quite well, but I'm sorry saying sorry to a torso for going through it's pockets, than use it's arm as crocodile bait is just a tad ridiculous!

For the efforts, despite a terrible cast, to build up suspense and for the most realistic crocodile in any croc film I've ever seen.

3/10 - but it's just not entertaining in the slightest!

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