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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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City of God ( 2002 )

Pretty unsettling and tragic stuff most of the time. Li'l Ze is a vile character for a movie, but to be fair, most of the others aren't that far behind him. That's sort of the point though. They make the slums out to be a place where it's basically survival of the fittest and you have pretty much no hope from day one. In that respect, this movie succeeds big time. It lacks something for me to be able to give it the full marks, but I can't for the life of me put my finger on it. Belting movie.


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Fight Club ( 1999 )

Worthy of the acclaim that it gets. The awesome Tyler Durden character ( obviously ) makes this movie. Thanks to the big twist, you also need about two watches afterwards, because even when the twist happens, there's still things you forget which lead you to ask "so how does THAT make sense ?". Having the great looking Brad Pitt in the Tyler Durden role does seem to be a bit of a weird choice all things considered, but the guy excelled in the role so you can't complain too much. One of the small percentage of madly hyped movies that meets expectations.


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Fight Club ( 1999 )

Worthy of the acclaim that it gets. The awesome Tyler Durden character ( obviously ) makes this movie. Thanks to the big twist, you also need about two watches afterwards, because even when the twist happens, there's still things you forget which lead you to ask "so how does THAT make sense ?". Having the great looking Brad Pitt in the Tyler Durden role does seem to be a bit of a weird choice all things considered, but the guy excelled in the role so you can't complain too much. One of the small percentage of madly hyped movies that meets expectations.


Do you see Brad Pitt flash up 2 or 3 times before you actually see him as Tyler?

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The Reaping

A very poor Exorcist wannabe, satan vs god borefest. It really was like the writers watched The Exorcist and took notes, ticking off all the elements a film like this should have. Unfortunately, they failed spectacularly. And the real failure for a film of this genre was that there were no real scary or disturbing moments. Hilary Swank plays the cliche-ridden ex-priest whos faith has been lost and has turned out to be an incredibly unlikely Professor (yes, a fucking Proffesor) in some mysterious subject which seems to involve running around the world disproving miracles. Of course she's lured to some backwater redneck town full of devil worshippers to stop the rising of the anti-christ. Shite.


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Bit surprised by your assessment about character quality, when it is based on a true story. If it's flawed because it happened, then go and watch Casino, which is basically Goodfellas 2 - but not based on a true story, where the characters are even more unlikebale!

Casino is based on a true story. :huh:

If I want something completely true to life, I'll watch a documentary. Movies should always have the right dramatic touches. Which means there should be some sympathy generated for at least someone, and in all honesty, the plot wouldn't even have had to change in any way. Little changes in dialogue would have done it and nobody would have minded.

Have to applaud Scorsese for being so gritty with it, but it ain't what I look for in a movie, and if a movie IS all b*****ds, it has to be something special. This wasn't.

The problem with making people who are / were not, in fact, pleasant people look like pleasant people is that it runs the risk of appearing to glorify what they were doing. I personally thought that he got the balance right between having and not having sympathy with the characters.

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The problem with making people who are / were not, in fact, pleasant people look like pleasant people is that it runs the risk of appearing to glorify what they were doing. I personally thought that he got the balance right between having and not having sympathy with the characters.

You don't have to be a pleasant person to be a bit more sympathetic.

I didn't think the balance was right because I had absolutely zero sympathy for anything that any of them went through. Every single one of them was a c**t that got what was coming. Why do I care ?

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You don't have to be a pleasant person to be a bit more sympathetic.

I didn't think the balance was right because I had absolutely zero sympathy for anything that any of them went through. Every single one of them was a c**t that got what was coming. Why do I care ?

Is that not the general idea with the Mafia and gangsters in general??

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Is that not the general idea with the Mafia and gangsters in general??

Yes, but I didn't care either way. If you're not going to make me care in a good way about the characters, then at least make me CARE that they're arseholes. Make me WANT to see them dead.

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Cloverfield ( 2008 )

My opinions on this really haven't changed. This movie has some of the best scenes in modern day horror. Some genuinely terrifying stuff, and an absolutely sick death scene near the end, which leaves everything to the imagination with some disgusting sound. Stunning visuals as well. Basically, the disaster movie side of things carries this on it's back and that side of the movie is done incredibly. If you had better characters in the central plot then you'd be talking a potential classic. They're annoying as hell though, so we have to settle for great fun. So much potential wasted.


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Psycho ( 1960 )

It's a movie which relies a great deal on the shocks that come, but they are delivered quite well. This means that the movie still has a certain amount of class to it. Norman Bates is a name in cinema that tends to be remembered because that character is one of the truly great things about this movie, thanks to Anthony Perkins. Certain parts have not aged well though. Some of the downtime between the huge twist in the middle and the next visit to Bates Motel could have been handled better, and there is some downtime all over the last half of the movie. Still a must-see movie from a historical standpoint.


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The Silence of the Lambs ( 1991 )

You are told all through the movie how evil and vile Hannibal Lecter, by anyone and everyone. It's not untill you see it that you get it though. That man is frightening and it's a shame to see what the character became in the two sequels that followed. He was still very much evil, but not quite the black hole he was here. His scenes with Agent Starling are mesmerising, and that's one thing that grabs you about this movie. The eyes simply cannot remove themselves from the screen. This is evidence that horror movies don't need ghosts and monsters to be horrific.


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Is that not the general idea with the Mafia and gangsters in general??

Not really. The Godfather, The Sopranos. Even though almost all the characters were unpleasent, you cared what happens to them and were even on their side a lot of the time.

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I Love You, Man. 7/10

Actually a really enjoyable film. I didn't laugh out too many times but still really enjoyed it. Paul Rudd is really good in these type of films. Jason Segel wass pretty good too. Some good one-liners.

School of Rock 9/10

Watched this on TV on Sunday. Very funny.

"No, it means I was drunk yesterday."

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