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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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A comedy horror with Warwick Davis, it looks terrible! I must see this! :lol:

EDIT: Where did you see it?

Believe it or not I finished off watching Willow last night. 7/10 from me. They lost a mark when I thought of Willow and Kaya having sex to produce the bobbins, another mark for them brownies bugging the f**k out of me. The final mark was lost for the use of the word 'Dikini' which really, really bugged me for some reason.

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Leaving Las Vegas

Watched it on the TV last night, try not to judge it unfairly because I hate adverts during films but there weren't too many.

Nicolas Cage's performance and character is excellent, has a few dull patches but picks itself back up again.

8/10 for me

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while personally i think the bucket list was shite, Both of the actors have been in some spectacular movies in the past.

He can't be serious. Nobody would accuse those actors of being in all shite movies, shite taste or not.

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I absolutely loved this film. Some ace moments. In my opinion it has totally rejuvenated and gave new ideas to the Zombie type films. Although, most zombie pictures have been decent recently this is one of my favorites at the moment.


I'd agree with this.

The Bill Murray cameo was great.

Also, Emma Stone :wub: :wub: :D .

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Turner and Hooch ( 1989 )

I can't believe it has taken me this long to actually watch this movie. If you don't feel something watching this movie then you are probably dead inside. Incredibly enjoyable stuff here which ticks all of the right boxes for the dog movie. It's amazing for as loved by the critics as Tom Hanks would become, this is probably the best performance I've seen from him. Sensational stuff.


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A comedy horror with Warwick Davis, it looks terrible! I must see this! :lol:

EDIT: Where did you see it?

Bought it on eBay. Davis has a bit role in it, he onl appears twice for about 8 minutes in total. I wouldn't waste your time watching it, it was severe mince.

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Paranormal Activity

Over-hyped rubbish and basically what you see in the trailer is the worst it gets. Not frightening in the least just the Blair Witch Projoct filmed in a house IMO.


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Paranormal Activity

Over-hyped rubbish and basically what you see in the trailer is the worst it gets. Not frightening in the least just the Blair Witch Projoct filmed in a house IMO.


The people who advertised it are geniuses though, you've got to give them that... given it took over 2 years from it's first screening to cinematic release you could tell that it wasn't very good!

Horrific mince of a film.

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He can't be serious. Nobody would accuse those actors of being in all shite movies, shite taste or not.

Ok, so this was not the way my post was supposed to come across!

the original post stated 'two of the greatest actors ever, both in the same film, what more could you ask for'

what i meant by saying 'er both of them to be in a decent film' is i meant both of them at the same time in the same film, i.e. you could ask for more, for both actors to be in a good film together rather than the bucket list which is def not '10/10', its movies that we are rating here not movies that are good only because two great actors are in them

i was obviously not suggesting for a second that freeman and nicholson have never appeared in a great film before! :P

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You Don't Mess With The Zohan 7/10

Pretty funny in parts, better than I expected. Really stupid but I can live with that.

Rocky 2 9/10

Not really into these fairytale endings but I can't help but love the Rocky series.

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Moon - 1/10

Utter mince

:lol: I was going to watch that one night, not knowing anything about it......but then i thought i'de watch the trailer on youtube first........and oh my it was awful, and trailers can usually make anything look good.

thank god for Youtube

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:lol: I was going to watch that one night, not knowing anything about it......but then i thought i'de watch the trailer on youtube first........and oh my it was awful, and trailers can usually make anything look good.

thank god for Youtube

i seem to remember that getting like 5 stars in Empire last year.

Anyways Pineapple Express awrite stuff, i think in terms of the apatow movies Knocked Up, Sarah Marshall and 40 year old virgin are still the top 3 for me but this was decent, although it really put mer in the mood to watch The Big Lebowski


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