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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


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Just watched Hot Tub Time Machine

Really enjoyed it, basic enough premise, and I suppose more could have been done about life in the 80's as opposed to now, but a couple of belly laughs and no real misses in the jokes department, make it for me this years Hangover


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Just watched Hot Tub Time Machine

Really enjoyed it, basic enough premise, and I suppose more could have been done about life in the 80's as opposed to now, but a couple of belly laughs and no real misses in the jokes department, make it for me this years Hangover


In fact 8.5 thanks to the cameo from one of the kings of comedy in the 80's :)

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Misery - One of the better Stephen King adaptions I guess, if you look past the glaringly obvious flaws in the plot. Kathy Bates is great though it has to be said. 6.5/10.

This is easily an 8/10 film. The story might be a bit over the top but so what. Great entertainment and two great actors.

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Rec 78%

Really enjoyable film, dialogue wasnt brilliant, story wasnt compelling, but it it had me on the edge of my seat from the moment they walked into the building. It was short and sweet, pace of the movie was good, and shaky-cam effect worked brilliantly in terms of urgency.

Looking forward to the sequel anyway... 8)

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Star Trek - Passable. No idea what the younger generation would make of it though. At least I remember the original characters and the way they interacted with each other. Seeing them 20 years beforehand was the most interesting aspect of the film for me. The plot was plausible and, more importantly, understandable as well which helped. 6/10

Except that

The bad guys chase Spock into the past and capture the black hole machine, but rather than use it to save their now still existing planet they fanny about destroying other ones...

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Ichi the Killer, Horribly graphic and weird, at times the gore and blood spray are comical but then the next scene is genuinely difficult to watch.


Ichi The Killer is a classic, I loved the guy's open knife wounds on his coupon when he was smoking!

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Watched American Beauty and 2 Fast 2 Furious on Saturday night. American Beauty is one of my favourite films. Its genius.

Rented Edge of Darkness last night. It was alright but I was finding it hard to keep up with most of what was going on. I was getting the general plot of the story but the little nuances of the film passed me by, maybe it was the accents I dunno. But this hindered my view on the film. It was alright but nothing brilliant. 6/10.

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American Beauty (1999)

Kevin Spacey plays a man who is suffering a midlife crisis. He hates his job and is rebelling against his wife and teenage daughter. The film follows his attempts at changing his life and impact these changes have on those around him.

The acting in this film is outstanding. Spacey is great, as is Anette Benning, who plays his wife. Not a bad performance by anyone in this film.

Beautiful and thought provoking.


Couldn't have put it better myself Patrick, it is quite simply a masterpiece. Best scene is where Lester is dreaming about Angela on the ceiling followed closely by the paperbag scene. I came nowhere close to crying at the The Titanic but the paperbag scene really does move you (with the music contributing to that particular part).

Edited by The Hero of the Day
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Saw Brooklyn's Finest last night. Excellent gritty New York cop drama. Violent. Very well acted. Don Cheadle, Ethan Hawke and Richard Gere all superb. Wesley Snipes looking as cool as only he can.


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Some films I've caught in the Edinburgh International Film Festival

Evil In The Time of Heroes

Greek zombie film which plays for a lot of laughs. Some OK ideas but really badly edited and badly put together in general.


Two Eyes Staring

Dutch psychological thriller or horror film depending on how you look at it. Quite well made, inventive in bits and good tension in moments. Spoiled for me at the end because I felt the audience had been cheated by the director.


The Runaways

Biopic of the rocking all-girl band that released a few albums in the seventies. Nothing special and got a bit boring after a while but I was surprised by how good Kristen Stewart was as Joan Jett.


Edited by Satans_Husband
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Another film from the film festival

HIGH School

A basic stoner comedy in which a student tries to eliminate the impact of his certain failure of a random drug test by getting the whole school stoned so they fail it as well. While it followed an obvious path, it was executed really well and is very funny in bits. Reminded me more of the late seventies style of this genre (especially since one of the leads was basically being a 'John Belushi type'). It should do OK when it's released but the real money will be on DVD etc. 15 year old boys will love this and quote it for years.


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Up 71%


Harry Brown 68%

I thought the script could have been better and caine did his best to get what he could out of it. That said his character i thought was spot on, and brought a good portrayl of someone who had just plain simply had enough of watching from his window.

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13 game sayawng / 13 Beloved

13: Game of Death as it's known here, is a brilliant Thai crime thriller. Pusit has lost his job, his girlfriend and his car, when he gets a phone call offering him 100 million baht to complete 13 challenges.

Little does he know that he's being screened around the world, very similar, but greatly superior, to Slashers or the internet segment in Cradle of Fear.

If I say much more it'll spoil it, so go out and buy this, it's probably the best Asian film I've ever seen and I include Oldboy, My Name is Khan and Battle Royale in that.


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13 Beloved ( 2006 )

Mental. Fucking mental. It's an amazing story of desperation buried inside gore and horror. Brilliantly acted, even better directed, and astonishing on almost every level. And when you think it can't possibly get anymore crazy, the climax comes and leaves your jaw on the floor. I can't agree with Salty enough when he says you have to see this movie. If it was a studio movie, people would be talking about it as one of the greatest ever. As it is, I suppose we can only hope it gets watched on word of mouth alone.


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